
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 29: There is no going back...

Chapter 29: There is no going back...

Hearing this familiar voice, Linsha couldn't help but shudder. She subconsciously wanted to hypnotize herself, but it was an illusion. Unfortunately, the real voice in her mind made it difficult for her to deceive herself anymore.

This female voice was exactly the same as her own, and it was exactly the same as the voice she heard when she tortured the goblin, which meant that what happened before wasn't actually a dream.

Thinking of this, Linsha's eyes became dim. I can't lie to myself anymore; I really did this cruel thing! That goblin must be hurting, right? It was so wonderful to subject him to torture like this myself. No, it was so pathetic!

Linsha patted her cheek hard and tried hard to shed some tears to express her sadness, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shed real tears for these demons like before!

In fact, Linsha couldn't go back in this regard, and now, even if Yaming didn't intervene, Linsha wouldn't be able to go back as before. After all, her body had turned 15% into a fallen elf, causing her soul to be slightly tainted. Yaming's workspace will also become larger in the future.

"I can't be like this. I can't be like this!"

Screaming madly in her heart, Linsha angrily asked the voice in her head, "It has nothing to do with me... You did all this, right? Who are you?"

[Why does it have nothing to do with you? I am another you]

However, Linsha heard this answer:

[I am another character created because of the extra pressure you accumulate every day]

Yaming just made this up. However, under the influence of common sense, Linsha would think that what he said was her own idea. Even if he were faked as her second personality, she wouldn't be suspicious. This is the second character. The second stage.

As for the third stage, when Yaming is able to control Linsha's body and confirms that she can no longer go to the doctor (the magical doctor) to remove him, her transformation will enter a new stage.

There's all kinds of exciting stuff, so let's talk about it!


At this time, Linsha heard the voice in her head and couldn't help but frown and say in her heart, "But, even if I'm nervous, it's not to the level of schizophrenia!"

Linsha had only heard about schizophrenia in rumors. But she never dreamed that one day something like this would happen to her, or a second personality or something like that.

etc! In other words, what happened now was already done by this second character and has nothing to do with her.

[I started fooling myself again]

But as soon as Linsha came up with this idea, the voice in her head mercilessly interrupted her: [I just added a few words to add fuel to the fire. You are the only one immersed in the pleasure of torture, and in the end, you fainted from pleasure]

"I was not!!!"

Hearing this, Linsha blushed unconsciously! At this moment, she only felt that her innocence was tarnished! When have I been so immersed in pleasure that I've passed out? How could I be so unwise?

"You weren't what?"

Because Linsha did not hold back this time, she directly shouted what she was saying in her heart. Chris, who was scanning the ground for any traces of the other contestants, raised his head and asked skeptically.

"No, nothing..."

Linsha waved her hands, feeling a lot of sweat seeping down her back, making her priest robe sticky.


Fortunately, Chris did not pay much attention and continued to lower his head and search for the tracks of the contestants on the ground like a dog. It's a pity that the other contestants were just a smoke bomb created by Yaming. Chris never thought that the real contestant was actually inside Linsha.

Speaking of which, the black scorpion comes to ruin my work again and again. Isn't it a monster raised by the contestant?

With the guesswork in his mind, Chris felt more and more like his idea was making sense. After all, he is the eldest son of the Earl family, and he has read a lot of encyclopedias about monsters, but he has never seen a monster as strange as the Black Scorpion!

Of course, Chris doesn't know that the predatory plant race actually exists in this world, but the original predatory plants all grow in the abyss, and most of them won't think of leaving the soil due to the influence of plant habits, so even if they can evolve, even though they have become extremely powerful, However, they still like to be buried in the dirt of the abyss and be salted fish. Therefore, they cannot be seen in the outside world at all.

But Yaming was different because he was reincarnated as a plant; he wanted to walk from the first second after he became a plant. That's why he tried his best to develop like crazy, and he quickly left the soil and created most of these things. Things that even plants can't do!

"Does this mean that as long as you have points, you can have a chance to obtain this kind of heaven-defying monster?"

Due to a misunderstanding, Chris begins to believe that predatory plants are monsters that do not exist in this world. Therefore, it could only be redeemed from the system store, and the contestant who did not know where it came from was very lucky!

Chris gritted his teeth, feeling jealous. He clenched his fists and secretly swore that he would trade the points for the powerful beasts and trample this hideous contestant who had stolen his prey under his feet!


At this moment, Chris suddenly thought that he had not completed any tasks, and there was a powerful contestant hiding in the same area. Although he didn't know why he didn't kill him this time, but he decided to return home during this time. Be a coward!

"Miss Linsha… I have something to do recently, and I may have to go home."

As soon as he enters Kisu City, Chris couldn't wait to say, "I can't accompany you on adventures during this period of time; please forgive me!"

To be honest, not only was he trying to avoid that contestant, but Chris was also annoyed with Linsha! His mentality now is different from when he first came to this world, and he became unable to walk because of Linsha's beauty.

On the contrary, Chris would have high blood pressure now when he saw Linsha, and when he thought that if only Linsha had treated him at that time, instead of being so brainless as to treat the Goblin Warrior, he would have won the regional quest!

Chris's teeth felt a little itchy when he thought about that. He was afraid he would be cursed if he stayed a second longer, so he left immediately. He couldn't wait to hide in the Earl's courtyard... As for what he should do if he couldn't complete the mission by hiding at home, there was always a way!

"Eh? Mr. Chris?"

Looking at Chris leaving hurriedly, Linsha subconsciously wanted to remind him that it was time to go to the Adventurers Guild to exchange the collected jade for points. He had always wanted to become a second-level adventurer, but at this moment, the voice inside her mind rang out again.

[He hates you so much; why do you want to keep him?]

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