
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 27: What a bad luck!

Chapter 27: What a bad luck!

[Magic Power until next evolution: 4500/5000]

After a period of absorption, Yaming finally let go, reluctantly. If he had enough time, he would have to absorb all the magic power. Unlike the goblin warrior, he could increase his body's magic storage through evolution once he absorbed all the magic power, preventing an explosion.

Moreover, the renewal this time is enough. Yaming originally split his magic power into two, effectively halving it. In his parasitic state, he can absorb less magic than expected. Also, under Linsha's normal conditions, he would have to be careful not to absorb too much so as not to be discovered.

This time, while she was in a severe coma, Yaming happily sucked her neck to absorb a lot of magic power, while his clone bit Linsha's arm and absorbed about 3,500 magic powers. It appears there is more from the neck!

"It's almost over there, so let's do this today."

After taking a look at Chris, almost all the goblins were killed, and the split anaconda corpse beside him moved into the ground and escaped. Yaming had just released his split body into the wild, controlling it to prey on goblins from time to time. Maybe this thing will be able to evolve ahead of him in a while...

Now my level is only 10, which is still pretty low, to be honest. If someone had LV20, he might be able to kill Chris... No, the magic engine seemed more powerful than he imagined, and an LV15 loser could kill everyone after wearing it!

This aspect is reflected in the weakness of reincarnation into a plant to participate in the competition, and although Yaming also has a magic engine, he cannot prepare it as a plant.

"But if Linsha is considered my equipment, it is much more powerful than a magic engine."

Thinking of this, Yaming carefully muttered, "And if things go well, maybe she can even prepare the magic engine."

Yaming's analysis is baseless, but he just received a message stating that the regional mission was completed! Originally, he was a little sorry that, in order to train Linsha, he let her have too much fun, so the head was not given to him. But in the end, was the kill still attributed to him?

In other words, the last time Linsha became a level two adventurer and the reward went to him, it wasn't a mistake, but as long as the person he was parasitizing completed the task, the reward would go to him. So, thinking about it equally, can a being that has been parasitized also use the magic engine?


With a flash of sword light, Chris killed the last few goblins, and he couldn't help but breathe heavily. I don't know why those goblins suddenly seemed crazy... Is that possible?

Chris looked at the pollen on his body and thought, Well, those goblins had gone crazy and only attacked him after the scorpion sprayed pollen on him! Although I do not know the reason, this suffering is undoubtedly the fault of that smelly scorpion!

But he correctly guessed that this pollen ball was actually the Orchid Scorpion's physical ability. The scorpion orchid itself is a plant that emits gas to attract male tops for pollination. Among predatory plants, the scorpion orchid has a similar ability; that is, it can exhale a special powder.

This kind of powder can make low-level monsters feel extremely violent after smelling it, and then they will madly attack the special objects contaminated with the powder. This is also a skill that the liberated split body practices in the wild.

"Damn, I'm really unlucky today!"

After removing the shield, Chris put the magic engine away. Only then did he remember Linsha's situation. But at this time, he no longer had any feelings for Linsha. Originally, he still had some male love feelings for beautiful girls. Now he only had the annoyance that if Linsha died, it would cause a lot of trouble.

"There are such idiots in this world!"

Thinking of Linsha's treatment that did not distinguish between friend and enemy, Chris still couldn't help but grit his teeth! Originally, he did not have a direct and intuitive understanding of Linsha's heart and was even relying on promoting her heart to increase his chances with Linsha. But being alone with Linsha today allowed Chris to intuitively understand how terrifying Linsha was!

At this moment, Chris recoiled in his heart. No matter how strong Linsha's life magic was, no matter how strong she was, she would heal her teammates and enemies together. Would anyone want such a stupid treatment?

But at this moment, Chris was shocked to see the body of the goblin warrior not far away. The state of his death made Chris seem incomprehensible, as he saw that the goblin warrior's left hand and legs were cut off, and a large wound was cut in his neck, judging from the way he used the knife with his right hand. Did the goblin warrior really commit suicide?!!

This goblin warrior is very powerful, with a level of LV20 that can give him the feeling of being at LV30, and he also has an intelligence that ordinary monsters don't have. He clearly has the advantage, but where does he have the motivation and reason to commit suicide?

"It's definitely not suicide in the personal sense. Could it be some kind of skill? But I've never heard of such a skill."

Suddenly, Chris became excited! Because he was shocked to find that the regional task in the system actually showed that it had been completed!


For a moment, Chris looked around with an alert expression! At the same time, he primed the magic engine, which he lowered again, then stood there and waited for ten minutes without daring to breathe. and did not see any contestants rushing towards him to fight to the death.

"By the way, if this person wanted to kill me, he would have succeeded long ago when I was unconscious in the wall or fighting with the goblins."

He finally realized it after ten minutes, and Chris felt stupid. He was so nervous! He could only put away the magic engine in embarrassment, then looked at Linsha, who had fallen to the ground.

"By the way, can't I just ask her what happened? Miss Linsha!!!"

Thinking of this, Chris shouted and ran towards Linsha. At this moment, Linsha's body moved first, and then she slowly sat down.

"Miss Linsha, are you alive?"

Stop, Chris secretly gritted his teeth. In fact, deep in his heart, he had hoped that Linsha would die, but thinking of the unknown contestant, he turned to ask in a gentle tone, "It's great that you didn't die! I thought you had already suffered unexpectedly—by the way, what happened to that goblin warrior?"

Listening to Chris's hasty question, Linsha's eyelashes twitched slightly...

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