
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 26: [Fallen Elf Transformation: 15%]

Chapter 26: [Fallen Elf Transformation: 15%]

For the tormented goblin warrior, he is willing to do anything as long as he can suppress the pain a little at this moment, not to mention that the pain when his hands and feet are cut off is not as bad as the pain in his body.

After all, it doesn't hurt if you cut off your hands and feet. What could be more terrifying? As long as he wanted to obtain the magical power of life, he would do anything.

Then, after being tortured for some time, the goblin warrior finally heard the command to commit suicide, so he wiped his neck with the scythe without hesitation, because his first reaction after hearing the command was that the pain of suicide would not hurt him anyway. As long as you do this, you can relieve the pain in your body, so why hesitate?

So in the end, the goblin warrior was still imagining that he would be free from pain immediately after executing the order. but, to some extent, it was true. After he died, there would be no pain to bother him. It was really gratifying!


Looking at the goblin, who had completely calmed down on the ground, Linsha's expression was stunned for a moment, and then she actually broke out with a cruel smile that was completely inconsistent with her cute face!

"With a little tinkering, you can make him commit suicide... You can let this monster torture himself to death. This feeling of controlling life at will... It's addictive!"

Grabbing her face with both hands, Little Linsha's face flushed red, intoxicated by this strange feeling of dominance.

At the same time, Yaming received a mail...

[Fallen Elf Transformation: 15%]

Hmm? Does the system automatically provide this type of progress? It is really convenient to be able to see the data directly. Is it possible that since Fallen Elf Seeds are sold in the system store, providing numerical values is considered an after-sales service?

The fact that it was not displayed before should mean that the progress was 0, but now the progress bar is directly advanced by 15%, which is very good!

As a bonus, let me think about it. I'll give you the feeling of abstinence for two days, and then you'll explode. I'm afraid it's too intense, and Linsha can't stand it because this girl has no resistance to pleasure, so let's do this first.

"Yeahhh. I was rewarded... hehe."

For a moment, Linsha felt a sense of pleasure rush straight into her mind! Coupled with the fact that the fallen elf part of her body was also feeling pleasure from killing the goblin warrior, she passed out from the pleasure...

Yaming: "..."

It was just the fun after only two days of abstinence... Can't you take it anymore? I remember that I did not pass out like this after two weeks of abstinence. Is Linsha's mental state so fragile in this regard?

"Forget it; the progress you made today is enough. Let's do this now..."

Yaming said helplessly, then used his perception ability and clearly felt that the goblins in the cave were slowly approaching Linsha.

Because of Linsha's fall, the goblins, who were gathering in the cave and trembling, were about to move. Torturing people is their instinct, so how can they bear it when they see the girl unconscious? If it weren't for the fear of Linsha suddenly rising up, those goblins would have swarmed her!

The goblins moved cautiously forward now. As they get closer, they soon realize that Linsha has already fainted. If they get too close, it can turn into a frustrating plot where the protagonist is killed by minions after defeating the boss. Yaming doesn't like this outcome very much.

Fortunately, he was ready.


Just when the goblins were about to approach Linsha, a large black scorpion came from behind and chased several goblins away at once.



At this time, the goblins discovered that a large black scorpion had appeared behind them!

When Yaming gained control of the Goblin Warrior Site, he proactively assumed command of his previously split version. Through transformation, the clone now appears as a seemingly harmless flytrap nearby, ready to prevent any unexpected incidents.

But now Yaming directly transforms a flytrap into a scorpion orchid and then starts killing.

"Damn Scorpio, I've been looking for you for a long time!!!"

However, suddenly there was a loud roaring sound, and a black figure rushed out of the cave. Chris was wearing magic armor!

This guy has been knocked unconscious by the goblin scythe by now. You've been unconscious for a long time; why don't you stay unconscious for a while longer?

Originally, Yaming planned to trick Linsha into killing Chris, but now Linsha collapsed and Chris woke up. With self-awareness and the protection of the magic shield, I probably wouldn't be able to kill him today. Unfortunately...

Well, adding a few obstacles is something I can handle.

Thinking of this, Yaming controlled the orchid scorpion outside to open its mouth and spit out a large amount of pollen at Chris.

"What is this?"

Since it rushed so fast, Chris was surprised and covered in pollen. Then he noticed that the goblins surrounding them were looking at him in unison, and they all looked like their eyes were bloodshot, gritting their teeth.


In the next second, all the goblins rushed towards Chris! They roared fiercely, raised their sticks in their hands, and attacked Chris fiercely.

"What the hell!"

Although Chris did not take the goblins seriously, he was frightened by their desperate momentum for a while! He quickly pressed the button and focused the energy on his left foot...


A dark light flashed, and Chris kicked five goblins! However, upon seeing the tragic situation of their kind, these goblins not only didn't run away but continued to roar and rush towards Chris.

"Are you giving up your life?!"

Chris couldn't understand the situation; all he knew was that he was busy killing that hideous scorpion, but these goblins stopped him severely. Normally, they should have run away. Have they gone crazy?

And only when Chris was blocked by such a group of goblins did the orchid scorpion take the opportunity to transform into an anaconda and move to Linsha's side. At the same time, a mouth protruded from the side of Linsha's neck, and then the two mouths bit her body at the same time!

Because Linsha had fallen into a deep coma, she didn't even feel if she was bitten, and she didn't even frown. At this moment, Yaming finally did what he wanted to do after seeing Lincha, which was to bite her neck and eat the magic power in big mouthfuls!

Very delicious! This feeling is so exciting!

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