
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 25: Suicide, you goblin!

Chapter 25: Suicide, you goblin!

It feels... very comfortable...

For a moment, Linsha was in a daze. Obviously, no matter what she had seen before, as long as life showed pain, she would feel great sympathy. But now it was clear that the goblins in front of her were screaming, and not only did she feel pity, she felt extremely happy.

This feeling was stronger than what she had felt in the cave before, as was the vague feeling of joy she had felt while she was sleeping! As I said before, Linsha had no resistance to this kind of feeling, so she became addicted to it all at once.

Why is my body behaving like this? Obviously, I shouldn't be happy...

Trapped deep in the swamp of joy, Linsha tried hard to make herself feel the sadness she deserved. Unfortunately, not only did it have no effect at all, but her voice also sounded in her mind...

[Because your current emotions are your nature! So there is no need to deceive and suppress yourself anymore; just follow your nature! This way, your body will respond with more pleasure!]

[This can be considered a reward for your honesty]


Hearing these two words, Linsha's eyes went straight. Can you get rewards just by following your nature? In essence, does that mean something you can't do but want to do now?

She licked her lips; a cruel smile appeared on Linsha's lips; then she walked towards the goblin warrior from afar...


"What happened..."

On this side, the goblin warrior who had fallen to the ground felt itching and pain all over his body! He subconsciously used his nails to tear and scratch the skin, and then tragically discovered that these sensations were all inside the body, and scratching the surface of the body had no effect other than causing pain outside the body!


Immediately afterward, the goblin warrior felt an empty feeling, as if a large hole had opened up in his chest. As the feeling of the hole deepened, the pain and itching in his body intensified as well. Now it was not just the internal organs, but also the bones. He felt like he was being eaten!

While screaming, the goblin warrior scratched himself hard, but to no avail. At this time, he also felt that if the body was not filled with something to stop this empty feeling, the pain would continue to increase! But what can be done to compensate for this?

"Life... Magic?"

In the midst of intense pain, the goblin warrior thought about everything clearly, as if he had flashbacks! Since he had been inculcated with life magic for so long, his body had become completely dependent on this feeling of vitality! But now all the life magic power was suddenly withdrawn, making the body unable to accept this feeling of a gaping hole and needing to regain the life magic power again!

But the goblin warrior understands this too! Not to mention the body; even his heart loves the feeling of being filled with life magic! Who doesn't like that feeling of strength and bloating that won't kill you, even if it cuts off your head? Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so excited before he went berserk!

Of course, the premise is that you don't realize you're about to be stuffed to death.

"I will be strangled to death... If I accept this kind of magic again, I will undoubtedly be strangled to death... This demon will definitely do that…"

The goblin warrior no longer wants to experience the feeling of magical power blasting him, but the itchy feeling caused by the ants biting all over his body is undoubtedly a kind of suffering. Obviously, as long as he takes a little life magic power, this pain can be alleviated…

"What happened?"

The beautiful voice rang in his ears, frightening the goblin warrior so much that goosebumps ran down his back! He looked at Linsha in front of him in horror, never dreaming that this innocent little girl, whom he had mocked in every possible way not long ago, would now turn into a unique demon in his heart!

"Ah - you demon! Get away from me!!"

Sobbing, the goblin warrior wanted to get up and run away, but the constant pain and itching in his body made him unable to control his body properly, and as soon as he got up, he fell to the ground in pain...


What followed was Linsha's sarcastic voice, and even if the goblin warrior knew that Linsha was laughing at him, there was nothing he could do. He then heard Linsha laugh and say, "Even though I am just an innocent little girl, being called a demon by terrifying goblins like you is really unfair."

"Ah!!! Kill me! Kill me quickly!!"

Finally, the goblin warrior couldn't bear the torture of constant pain in his body! He never wants to experience this feeling that life is worse than death, so he'd better die! He continued to hit his forehead on the ground, but at this time he could no longer use his strength.

"Kill you? I won't do that. I can't do anything that cruel."

Seeing the miserable appearance of the monster that had tormented her for so long, butting its head in front of her, Linsha felt that her body and mind were satisfied like never before! As a reward, she condensed a small amount of life magic, rolled it into a small ball, and threw it into the goblin warrior's body...


At this moment, the goblin warrior, who was hitting his head, felt like the hole in his heart had been filled up! Then what followed was the disappearance of pain and itching and a feeling of indescribable comfort throughout the body.

It's just that this feeling only lasted for a second. It was as if the goblin warrior had just gone to heaven and then returned to hell.

"Ah!! Life Magic - Give it to me! Give it to me!!"

Suddenly, the goblin warrior let out a heartbreaking sound of pain! How could he bear such a strong feeling of emptiness? The pain after experiencing happiness was even more cruel than the pure pain before, and in the end, the goblin warrior was completely tortured and went crazy!

Now, as long as he was free of his current pain, he would do anything!

"Obviously, it was you who rejected my magic power before. You really broke your promise."

In response, Linsha laughed and said, "If you want my magic power, do you see that knife over there?"

Linsha pointed to the scythe that the Goblin Warrior dropped in the distance, and the Goblin Warrior immediately replied in a hoarse voice that he could see it.


"Go over there, pick up that knife, and cut your arm off."

After giving the order, Linsha used a little magic power to relieve the goblin warrior's pain, giving him the strength to stand up and get the knife.

"Yes! I'm going now!!"

Just like that, the goblin warrior stepped forward, picked up his scythe, and cut off his left hand without hesitation!


the next…

"Cut off your left leg."


"Cut off your right leg again for fun!"



As for the ending...

"Kill yourself, goblin!"

Read 20 chapters ahead on patreon:


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