
Reincarnated with a broken system!?

John Willow is suddenly sent to a dark place while playing on his zbox. While he is reincarnating he is fused with his zbox after touching it. Unfortunately for John because the zbox he had was broken, the system and body he got from it was also broken! Learn about John’s adventure in this fantasy world as he tries to learn about this new place he has arrived in while also having a system which glitches very inconveniently. Sometimes for the better, but mostly to his dismay. =================================== When new chapters go live is completely random because I have a lot of things going on between writing this and it is also only a hobby of mine. P.S. I am an amateur author and this is my first time writing.

TheBookReader_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Author note: look at the auxiliary chapter for needed information about the book. Also if there is anything wrong I will try to fix it but I am only writing this book as a hobby so don't expect me to fix it immediately.


John was gobsmacked by this information. He could gain skills just by doing random actions for a while. He also realised that the world that he was in must be pretty old for all this stuff to have been made or discovered. He seemed to have forgotten to check the "Fixing broken parts" tab as the system continued.

<Also, due to the hosts new understanding of the world he has entered, the following rewards have been given to the host and tailored to his current situation.


Skill: Overheat (Rank C ) (Upgradable) (Proficiency 0%)

Hosts hotheadedness and stupidity has resulted in a skill to reflect it.>


John roared as he heard this system of his slander his perfect name.

The system continued.


-A 5 to 10 meter radius sideways of the host and two meters below the host will be subjected to 100 to 1750 degrees Celsius depending on amount of coolant used. Host will not be hurt during this. The host will not be hurt by any of the side effects of this skill for fifteen seconds and a meter and a half around the host will also be unaffected by the skill for the same amount of time. Other than the ones below.

-Host will be able to control where the skill "Overheat" activates in a 100 meter radius of the host. But the skill will use more mana and become less effective the farther it is from the host. It will also have a lower radius as it gets farther away from the host. At 100 meters away from the host, the skill will only have a one meter by one meter radius.(Locked)


-Must use a minimum of 20% of coolant to activate skill.

Side effects:

-Thirst due to the heat.


-20% to 100% of coolant.

Unlock conditions:

-Become proficient in the skill "Overheat" and gain 150 overall mana reserve.


Unique multiple skill: Digital World (Rank S (Currently Rank C+)) (Upgradable) (Proficiency 0%)

Host is the only thing on any of the compatible planet of this specific species. Due to this, he is able to tap into some of the previous traits of this technology and manifest them as a mixed skill.


Host will be able to:

-Digitise one appendage or organ making it invincible. The appendage will also become semi-transparent. Anything that comes into contact with said appendage/organ will phase through it without any damage being done to the user or the one who phased through the user. (Rank B)

-Become invisible by letting light pass through your new body. Host's hands will not become invisible as they are neither part of your new body or old body. (Locked) (Rank B)

-??? (Locked) (Rank A)

-??? (Locked) (Rank A)


-Cool-down of 5 seconds between deactivating the skill and reactivating the skill.

Side effects:

-Host cannot use said appendage for manual tasks. If an organ such as the heart is selected then it will continue its functions for the body. But if an arm is selected the host will still be able to move it around but it will not be able to interact with anything.

Cost per each skill:

-4 mana per second.

-2 mana per second. (locked ability)

-??? (Locked ability)

-??? (Locked ability)

Unlock conditions:

-Host must become proficient in hiding his hands.




The system hopes that the user will become stronger in his future endeavours with these abilities>

John seemed to not be able to process the information that was put before him and forcefully put into his mind.


This was the only word that John could use to summarise the situation he was in. He seemingly had forgotten his previous disdain for the system.

John quickly snapped out of his reverie and became very excited.


(Sorry for the short chapter and info dump but it was needed to fully explain the main characters starter abilities. I'm trying to make him strong but not op. He will gain two more abilities before reaching a town because 1. he doesn't have a proper attacking ability and 2. he's gonna need something to get him out of a pickle. Btw I will be posting sporadically but you shouldn't have to wait more than a week for a new chapter.)