
Reincarnated with a broken system!?

John Willow is suddenly sent to a dark place while playing on his zbox. While he is reincarnating he is fused with his zbox after touching it. Unfortunately for John because the zbox he had was broken, the system and body he got from it was also broken! Learn about John’s adventure in this fantasy world as he tries to learn about this new place he has arrived in while also having a system which glitches very inconveniently. Sometimes for the better, but mostly to his dismay. =================================== When new chapters go live is completely random because I have a lot of things going on between writing this and it is also only a hobby of mine. P.S. I am an amateur author and this is my first time writing.

TheBookReader_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Getting to know the system.

Author note: look at the auxiliary chapter for needed information about the book. Also if there is anything wrong I will try to fix it but I am only writing this book as a hobby so don't expect me to fix it immediately.


The screen filled with millions of subsections listed that could help John. Unfortunately for John, the vast majority of them were greyed out. (Greyed out meaning that the function is unavailable at the given time.) Although on the plus side, he could filter these out by selecting the button saying <hide all unusable help sections>. As John clicked it, all of the grey options disappeared with only. Coolant, MP, HP, abilities, fixing damaged components and levelling left over.

John knew what HP and MP were and although having a perfect representation of how close he was to death scared him a little he knew what they meant. He first decided to check out what coolant meant. And a screen popped up detailing what coolant did and meant.

<Coolant is used to cool down the user from extensive use of the system. It can also be used as a fuel for abilities. Coolant has different tiers with water being at the bottom, a tier 3 coolant and REDACTED is a great tier 1 coolant. Tier 2 coolants is the system recommends for everyday use. An example being chilled and filtered water. Tier 3 coolants are not recommended as almost all of them have side effects>

This extremely helpful information cleared most of Johns questions on the coolant part of his new life. He now knew that the salt in the ocean had gone into his cooling department and made him thirsty.

Although he believed that he knew them, after seeing the detailed description provided by the system. He decided to check out HP and MP.

<HP: HP also known as Health Points is a representation of how much more damage you can take before you perish. This number can increase through training, upgrading/adding parts or from equipment>

<MP: MP also known as Magic Points is a representation of how much mana your body can store before adverse effects take place. This number can increase through using magic, upgrading/adding parts, meditation or equipment>

John was shocked by the ways that he could upgrade his HP and MP.

"Holy shit!, this system might not be as bad as I thought!."

Quickly, after the system gave it's explanation on MP John decided to click the abilities section.

<Abilities: Abilities are the manifestation of thoughts, actions, knowledge and desires and can only be gained in one of four ways:

-After becoming decently proficient in an action. The person practicing it will gain it as an active or passive ability.

-Abilities can be gained through genetics. If blood is taken from a person with a genetic ability it cannot be replicated. It also cannot be sealed as it was gained during birth and is a part of the person who has it.

-Abilities may be given using an inheritance orb. This is rare as the person giving the abilities must first find, buy or craft an inheritance orb and most do it close to their death and immediately give it to close friends or family. Although there are no side effects of using an inheritance orb except the being who used it losing all of their ability, most people may only see 1 and if they're lucky, two in their lifetime.

-Abilities can be gained from the system by completing quests. They can also be gained as gifts from the system for certain milestones and achievements. (This is only applicable to the user)>

And then it continued.

<Due to the hosts understanding of the system, the host has been rewarded with 500 volts>


(There won't be much dialogue or character development until he reaches a town. Or if and when I do a flashback)