
Reincarnated with a broken system!?

John Willow is suddenly sent to a dark place while playing on his zbox. While he is reincarnating he is fused with his zbox after touching it. Unfortunately for John because the zbox he had was broken, the system and body he got from it was also broken! Learn about John’s adventure in this fantasy world as he tries to learn about this new place he has arrived in while also having a system which glitches very inconveniently. Sometimes for the better, but mostly to his dismay. =================================== When new chapters go live is completely random because I have a lot of things going on between writing this and it is also only a hobby of mine. P.S. I am an amateur author and this is my first time writing.

TheBookReader_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Trial and Error

Author note: look at the auxiliary chapter for needed information about the book. Also if there is anything wrong I will try to fix it but I am only writing this book as a hobby so don't expect me to fix it immediately.


John quickly snapped out of his reverie and became very excited.


John thought as he decided to check the state of his status.

<User: John Willow

Lv: 0

Race: 10% human / 80% console / 10% ???

HP: 17/20

HP regeneration: 1HP/3 minutes

MP: 20/20

MP regeneration: 1MP/5V

Abilities/skills: Overheat, Digital World.

Resistances and immunities: Electricity immunity.

Body conditions: Broken fan. Please find replacement immediately.

Volts: 5

Coolant: 100%>

Seeing that the skills were there, John decided to see how they worked.

"So how do I activate it? Do I just say it?"

John became cautious as he wanted to use his new skill Overheat but knew that it could take all of his coolant if he wasn't careful.

'It was the sea water that became my coolant right? I'll lie down next to the ocean then.'

John thought as he walked closer to the coast. As he lay down with his head near the tide he tried to activate his new skill.


After screaming the word he waited until he realised something.

"I probably need to say the name of the skill to activate it. Okay then, Overhe-"

But before he could say the name of his new skill, he felt the energy in his body drain at a rapid rate as the calm tide caressed his scalp.


John slurred as he fell unconscious.

-30 minutes later-

John woke up in shock as he suddenly jumped to a sitting position before feeling slightly tired. Remembering what had happened, John asked the system.

"What happened? Why did I pass out?"

Once John had asked, the system replied.

<Due to the host coming into contact with water with a part of the body that is neither human nor [Redacted], the special electricity that has replaced the hosts stamina went through the hosts body and was released into the water>

"Special electricity? What does that mean?"

<It is unimportant as it will only leave your body when in contact with unfiltered water as it is one of the elements and electricity can pass through it>

"Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Does that mean that if I get rain on me I'll just flop on the floor?"

<No, because rainwater is pure, distilled water evaporated from the sun and nothing else>

'Okay, I guess that makes sense. Anyway, let's get back to activating my new ability!'


John heard his stomach growl as he realised that he hadn't eaten for an entire day. He began to look around as he began to feel his hunger overwhelm him. But, he then looked at the ocean. The tide was bringing him around 10 fried fish that he guessed had died due to his electricity.

"That'll do"


As John finished eating the fractal-fried fish, he decided to try out his new skill again.

"Here goes nothing"

John said as he neared the beach. This time though, he was far enough away from the ocean so that it wouldn't hit him this time.

'Wait, I still don't know how to activate it. I just should just have to say overheat sho-"

But before he could finish his sentence, a loud and uncomfortable sound erupted around John.

Before John's eyes, the strange azure sand transformed into a liquid, molten glass the likes of which, he had never seen before. The nearby tide evaporated in an instant, the sand underneath quickly following suit and becoming molten glass.

An approximately ten meter area around John had gone from a calm beach where you may find people relaxing on their days off, to a scorching desert where no living thing would dare go.

And at the centre of this catastrophe, was John.

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