
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Memory Review

"Aww...Rura… come on!! Don't cry!!"



"But! But! Her mother!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"

Sakura was the one who watched through the chapters the fastest since everyone else was spending time admiring the world inside the genjutsu at times.

It was the middle of the night right now and after crying for the first few times almost everyone fell asleep after finishing the seventh episode when Violet begins to regret her actions during the war, after she realizes how much the daughter who died meant to her father and the promises she made to him to cross the lake by walking on water. Everyone had stopped for the day lost in their own thoughts about their own actions during the war as they fell asleep watching the night take over.

Not even me fooling around with Naruto and him faceplanting himself after trying to chase me brought up their moods.

In the meanwhile as the others were lost in thoughts, Sakura kept on reading ahead as she cried, but she still, while consoling herself with a tub of ice cream which she realized she could summon inside the genjutsu, found herself going through the remaining chapters.

She soon reached the chapter with the mother writing letters for her daughter to read after the disease she was inflicted with caused her death for each year of the daughter's life for the next fifty years and couldn't read any further because she started to cry as if she was the one who experienced such an event.

The second fastest to read was Fugaku who surprised everyone when he simply got up and left the wagon before it even stopped, after which was Kakashi who just broke down and began to sob and had to be consoled by Kushina.

Surprisingly the other person Kushina had to console wasn't Naruto since he was relatively calm but he was also crying a lot as everyone could see snot and tears flowing down his face, but Minato who sobbing as quietly as he could since he was still the Hokage and had to maintain an image in front of the other ninja's of the village.

Tsuna-nee couldn't read any further after learning that Violet's Major Gilbert was dead. Although the story made it plenty clear before then, she had an inkling of hope that if Violet found out something about it, maybe he'd be found alive.

I had to suffer a few bumps on my head because of Tsuna-nee hitting me after that.

And here I was inside my mindscape, consoling Sakura who was bawling her eyes out while clutching the book in her hands and hitting my chest with it.


'Oh! God. The second stage of grief is here.' I thought as I watched Sakura try and pummel me to force me to change what was written in the book.

"Please Megi!!! Please!!!" 

'Oh! The third stage!'

"Come on Rura, it's alright, come on! You can do it. You can move on."

I said while patting Sakura's back and feeding her a little chocolate flavor ice cream.

Mum, dad and the rest of the ninja hadn't read the book yet after looking at the condition of the remaining people who were all glaring at Tsuna-nee who was the supposed writer of the book.

Shikaku was the one who tried to calm everyone down, in spite of constantly saying that it was a drag. He also was part of the group who seemed to be angry at Tsuna-nee for a while until he realized he was being angry over a book and tried mediating the grievances of the other adults.

"It's soo saddd..." Sakura whined.

"I know. I know…. But look on the bright side, even though the little girl lost her mother, she could still make new memories with her."

"...yes, you're right….. I guess?"

"Yes, yes. Now come, sleep inside your comfortable blanket, see your kitty cat is waiting for you all curled up in here." I said pointing at the black ball of fur that was comfortably sleeping inside the warmth of the futon.

Sakura looked up at me for a second and tried to say something as she tightened her grip on my shirt but then shook her head and soon let go and went to sleep with her kitty and the Sasuke body pillow after drinking a little water to clean her mouth.

I tried to get up and leave but soon found myself held back by a tug from Sakura as she held onto my sleeve.

"Stay for a little while, till I fall asleep…." I heard Rura whisper from underneath the covers.

'I guess emotional stories from other worlds are a little too much for people for her.... hehe so sweet she looks like a tortoise that's shy to come out of it's shell. Is it because I saw her cry?'


As both of us stared into the garden outside that was dimly lit with fireflies, a comfortable atmosphere enveloped the silence between the two of us.

".....Is it really possible?"

"The prosthetic? A fully functional one instead of just a puppet?"


"It should be, why? You want to make it?"

I saw Rura nod her head slowly. "... yes, I just hoped if I made it possible then I might be able to help someone else, even if only a little."

"Why don't you first begin with the puppet arms you were going to make for your swordfights before? And then move onto making those arms fully functional using sealing perhaps?"

"But how would you sol-"

"Shhh!!!!" I placed a finger over her lips to silence her while she tried to uncover herself to begin the discussion regarding the entire construction of the prosthetics when she had to sleep instead.

"Where's the fun if you ask me for all the solutions? You've already got a problem; now why don't you figure out how to get over the blockade yourself?"

"But that would take a lot of time!"

"And? What else have you got to do here?"

"...I guess I could, do it then."

"Yes you can."

"You really think I can?"

"Why not? I'm sure you'll be able to fully do whatever you want to do as long as you try to do it. Because isn't that what you have to do-"

"Chop, chop and then chop some more."

"Haha, you catch on quick. Who knows maybe I'll ne-"

Sakura covered my mouth this time to stop me from speaking any further.

"You said raising flags was a bad idea."

"True, true, good catch, almost got into trouble there."

I saw Sakura yawn a little and then slowly turn around and cover herself inside the blanket once again.

Once I was sure she wouldn't wake up any longer after I felt her loosen her hold on my sleeves, I left my mindscape and was back into the depths of the cold night assaulted by the fresh life filled breeze that filled my nose and lungs as I stared at the stars slowly shifting across the dark sky.

I watched the horses that were drawing our new wagon, or the one that was being used to transport the weapons crates earlier, sleep while they stood with their reins tied to a log with extra rope.

'Hehe, so cute asking your friend to help you sleep. Isn't that like a cat that suddenly jumps onto your chest in the middle of the night to curl up and sleep on top of you?'

**Sakura POV**

I opened my eyes after Megumi left and made sure there was no connection in between our minds and then uncovered myself and looked right at the Sasuke full body pillow that was in front of me.


I turned the pillow around so that it faced away from me and then fell asleep hugging my kitty cat in my arms.

'I guess, cat's are better? Megumi feels better though, I think? Is it because he's real?'

'...probably... *yawn* *yawn*'



**Megumi POV**

"Mom! Dad! It's just a book! Stop bothering Tsuna-nee about it!"

After mom and dad had read the book the next day while sitting in the wagon, they kept passing snide remarks at the writer, which was me, which they knew, but since they wanted to keep it a secret from everyone, kept telling it to Tsuna-nee while it was actually meant for me or rather me that hadn't changed the plot after copying it from my world.

In fact after everyone reached chapter ten, everyone was super angry at Tsuna-nee, since they felt she was doing it on purpose.

Fugaku had lost his cool for a moment and actually spoke more than a few words, which in Uchiha language meant he shouted at Tsuna-nee which she shut down by punching him in the head since she was quite emotional about all of it herself since she was actually reading the book for the first time.

Kushina wouldn't leave Naruto after the tenth chapter with the mother's letters for her daughter and both Mother and Son kept crying in each other's arms telling each other how much they loved the other.

It was a mess.

I just hope the daimyo doesn't get me executed for introducing something like this. It was a good idea to have Tsuna-nee be the face of the book.

To divert people's attention I pointed out the bicycle that I had drawn into the manga with rubber tires and saying how nice it would be to be able to ride such a thing which got the Hokage and a few of the clan members talking amongst themselves about the viability of such a thing for the civilians, since most ninja could outrun it by miles but if a ninja used it they debated if they would be able to get even farther while expending less stamina, which might be useful for long form missions like escorting and the like.

With everyone either busy discussing the book or the things inside the book, I thought about something I could do, since Naruto was sleeping after having cried for so long and there was another days journey left to the capital.

'You got something else to do Megi?'

Sakura asked me just as I had decided what to do for today.

'Well, yes, but I don't think it's something you'd want to do.'

'What is it?'

'I was going to review the incident that happened a few days ago.'

'What? Why?'

'I don't know. At the moment that voice shook our body, mind and chakra. I thought I felt something strange at that time. So I thought I should look at it, you want to join?'

'No, I don't think I want to look at it again, but do let me know if you find something interesting.'

'Alright..I could play you other songs that I remember listening to, would that be alright for you?'

'Other songs!? Like the one I heard earlier?'


'I'll take that then. I thought about doing the puppetry hands thing, but I decided I'll do it after we return back to Konoha.'

'Makes sense I guess. Wait a second.'

I quickly teleported into my mindscape and created a tablet with nothing but a list of songs, connected to noise cancelling headphones and knocked on Sakura's room.


"Rura? Open the door!"

"Yes, gimme! Oh? What's this?"

"Put it over your ears like a hair band, yeah, just like that." I said as I handed the tablet to her as she looked at the list of songs with their thumbnails while scrolling through them.

"Oh? Blue bird? Why does it have me and Naruto in it?"

'Oh! That's a good song, it's an opening music from the Naruto anime.' I spoke in Sakura's mind since she couldn't listen to me with the Noise cancellation headphones on.

'I see.'

'Oh an by the way if you've got nothing else to do while you listen to music, why don't you just go around memorizing anything random from the fortress in particular? Or perhaps just begin by memorizing the fortress layout on your own so that you can work on that memory enhancement thing?'

"Alright. I'll see, now shoo, shoo, the song's starting!" Sakura said as she went back inside her room and closed the door in my face.

I quickly teleported outside and brought Kaguya into my mindscape and began to re-watch the entire event along with her, she was there to comfort me incase I felt uneasy after watching everything.

Kaguya laid in my arms and quickly fell asleep since she seemed to still be tired and affected from all the damage to her body from few days earlier.

I watched the memory slowly for the first time and then replayed it once again and kept watching the entire process and the duration of the entity we were confronted while slowly, trying to feel things in as much detail as possible, trying to tune out the pain I got from stabbing my own hands and trying to focus on the feeling I had right when I felt I was on the point of breaking through my thoughts.

I couldn't understand what had happened but it felt very much as if there was a sound echoing off of the three things around me, my chakra, my body and my mindscape which under a specific reverberating sound from the eldritch horror broke me out of the control of the three.

But no matter how hard I tried to get back the same feeling and bring myself back to the same state I just couldn't, something felt like it was missing, as if the energy that kickstarted this resonant reaction by setting everything off like a firecracker was missing.

'What's this about. What is exactly missing?'


**Sakura POV**

I lay down in my room and watched the Sakura petals fall from the tree in the garden outside it while the music in the strange device Megumi handed over to me kept playing.

I didn't want to memorize the castle since I knew I would end up missing it by a lot if Megumi wasn't around me to show me the castle after we each got our own bodies because I was sure I couldn't memorize it in its entirety by the time I was out.

'Will things between us change if we get new bodies?'

'Naruto seems so different from what he used to be before. He seems a lot more calm, maybe he was like this earlier and became a prankster later on?'

'Would Sasuke have changed from what I remember him to be?'

A pink petal, floated in front of my eyes and landed on my palm, that I pinched in between my fingers and brought closer for inspection.

'Instead of memorizing the whole castle, why not just memorize this petal instead, isn't the exercise about just memorizing as much as you can?'

And so I began staring at the petal, trying to find more than I had already noticed, more scratches on it, more tiny bumps that had naturally formed and gave the petal it's soft texture, it's color, how it reflected light, how heavy it felt, and everything else about it.

I tied everything that I felt to the details I remembered, everything about how the tree that this petal had come from was there to support my back at my worsts.


**Megumi POV**

After spending quite a bit of time trying to imitate the conditions that I remembered I stopped since I wasn't getting anywhere and it felt like I was missing a part of the piece, so I shifted my attention to the ordeal itself.

Throughout the entire ordeal it felt as if the enemy was present all around us and looked like was using some kind of sound based attack?

Maybe it was a attack that was based on the 'space' element instead of sound, since even Sakura was affected by it in spite of being inside my head.

Then does that mean in either of the cases, that the mindscape has a physical manifestation in some way?

Or did the attack have a spiritual component attached to it?

'What is spiritual energy in the first place?'

If the soul exists separately from the body and the physical energy is of the planet what exactly does the spiritual energy do?

I haven't seen it increase in quantity in any way since the time I've been here and neither Tsuna-nee nor Sakura has ever told me something about increasing the amount of Spiritual Energy in my head to increase the total amount of chakra in my body.

But wasn't the mood of the chakra controlled by what you thought at the time of creation of chakra? And your imaginations can be pushed into chakra in the form of genjutsu, so what exactly is spiritual energy? Is it some sort of memory bank? But then the soul? Too many questions from too little information.... this world is quite interesting.


A/N : Please donate to the link in the creator's thoughts if you can to help me turn this into my main focus, every little bit you can spare is much appreciated.

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