
"Buy this." "What are you selling?" "Buy this." "...Alright."

'Isn't it all very busy?'

'Really? This is busy for you?'

'Well compared to the village.'

'Well…then yeah, but it isn't so busy here. Its just people running around to get to their places for working during the day. We're here too early in the morning after all.'

'I guess… I wonder what the daimyo will do with your books once he sees them.'

'Who know?'

'What if he orders it to be removed?'

'I'll let Tsuna-nee handle that.'


'What do you think I should do while we wait here in the capital?'

'You could go around the gardens or the art display if that's going on. There's usually some or the other event that always happens at the capital since a lot of people come over here for trading.'

'So it's a good spot to show off your products so that other people also want to by things from you and take part in your trade and you can expand the business?'

'Pretty much, which is why there are so many events happening all year round. It was done by the daimyo's court to stop the rush of people who wanted to travel to the capital just to show off their businesses, so they grouped everything into categories. I don't know if it is the same schedule right now or not but if it is then right now should be the cultural festival.'

'Oh! Then it should be a fun trip with lots to explore and look at. I wonder what the rest of the people will do, what did you do on your missions as a ninja when you had a lot of free time?'

'Nope, we aren't supposed to anything during our missions except focusing on the mission and in case we have extra time we either buy souvenirs for family and friends back home or just spend time trying to get some news about things going on in the rest of the world and by the time we finish that, it's all done and time to go pack up to go back to the village.'

'Hmm…. I see. Oh! By the way I forgot since you were crying so much.' I revealed as I started to fiddle with my chakra and a seal drawn with invisible ink on the back of my right hand.

'Forgot what?'

'Open the book and go to the last page.'

'The snowflake page?'

'Yep, yep that one.' I said as I poured in chakra into the seal on my right hand and activated it.

'What's this?'

'Why don't you think of the number one and try push your chakra into the snowflake.'

'Hmm? The snowflake is a seal? How did you get it to be so pretty?'

'It's just a little bit of math, something called fractals, but nevermind that try donig what I told you just now, I want to see if it works for you.'


A few seconds later as I was walking, with a spring to my steps, holding mum's hand in the street, I heard a secondary connection for inside my head as a ringing sound played along with it which I quickly stopped and connected to by passing chakra into the seal drawn on the back of my palm with lemon water.

'Hello Rura! Can you hear me alright?'

'Hmm? HMM? HMMMMMMM!? What! How!?'

'Genius right?'

'What do you mean genius!? This is insane! I didn't think you'd really get this done!'

'Hehe! So? What do you think about it?'

'You're going to give this to everyone!?? It'll completely overhaul everything and if you don't show other people how it's made they'll come after you no matter how hard Tsunade-sensei tries and works hard to keep you safe, it would completely change the tide of battles if everyone could just communicate like this without the yamanaka clan.'

'Yep, yep I know, so for now it's only going to work in the books that I'm going to be giving you guys, you know, friends and family so we can always remain in touch no matter how far away we are. But the rest of the people will have to wait for a while before I let them use it, I want to normalize other simpler things first before I reveal this.'

'.....That's why you added it at the end of the book, I thought it was just an image to mark your business.'

'Yep, so that I don't have to do anything new about it later and can just reveal to the public that they've been holding gold in their hands the entire time.'

'Wouldn't anyone find out?'

'No, for now all the connections are held down by a pin that does not allow anything to pass through, only once I give out a command by connecting to the seal will it activate and be usable inside the network.'

'Hmm… so everyone has the ability to connect with each other then?'

'Yep! As long as they know the other number they'll be able to connect with that person, if that person chooses to accept the connection.'

'That's nice….. I wish there was something like this to help those people in the genin corps when they were fighting in the wars in those journals.'

'Don't worry my first 'technological' product here will be the typewriter in the book that Violet uses to write her letters and then after a couple of years or so after that I'll release the seal that will allow communication between everyone.'

'I look forward to such a day!'

'Don't get excited about just these little things, you'll have a lot more to look forward to, I'll make sure to at least bring in something even better and more popular before you join the academy to go be with Sasuke so that you can talk to each other the rest of the time even when you're away, hahaha!'

'....I see.' Sakura said in a somewhat mixed voice with an unusually mature but a very calm and tone.

'Hmm….?' I questioned surprised as I felt the connection between us snap, much quickly and urgently, but I thought Sakura had just stopped the call but it seemed like she didn't want to connect back as she would immediately push away any attempts I made to connect to her.

'Weird? Did she start taking an early shower or something?? .....Probably?'

I began to immerse myself into the surroundings of the capital as Mum, Dad and I moved through the streets of the capital to Tsuna-nee's house where she asked us to wait for the procedure that she'll do on me and Sakura to separate us from each other.

'Such a feeling of excitement!! Perhaps Sakura was feeling excited about being able to come to the real world once again as well.'

'Hmm… maybe I should just call her once more to check if she's alright.'


'Stop calling me so many times over would you? It's getting annoying!'

'What happened!? You were just so happy and then-'

'-Nothing, just don't talk and leave me alone for now.'

'.....? Alright?'


*confused noises*



Mum shot a glare at me as if she realized I was thinking something wrong, so I just *gulped* and pretended nothing had happened and kept walking, this time holding dad's hand instead who gladly shielded me from a suspicious looking mum.


**Sakura POV**

'Arggg! Sakura why did you just do that!!?? The past is the past and is untrue for everyone here! So why does it matter so much to me what I do!? Why does he care about what I do!?'

I looked at the Sakura petal in front of my eyes and then at the large tree it had fallen from.

I could instinctually feel it crawling under my skin that I had a fear of separating from the tree that had been around me all this time. It was only now that I was getting closer and closer to separating from it that everything felt like it had been rushed.

Although it was something I initially wanted, it wasn't something I wanted now, or rather I did want it but definitely not for the same reasons.

'Why does it have to be now!? Am I so annoying to be around that everyone likes to leave me!?'

'Ha! Sakura stop thinking yourself into a ditch! Calm down!'

*deep breath* *deep exhale* *deep breath* *deep exhale*

'Stupid Megumi!'

**Third Person POV**


Sakura jumped onto her futon and started wildly swinging her legs making muffled shouts into the pillow her face was buried in.


**Megumi POV**

Mum, dad and I had arrived at Tsuna-nee's house, that was more like a mansion, and were waiting inside a few rooms we chose for ourselves to stay in for the duration of our stay.

'Hmm... I hope Sakura feels better after we get our new bodies soon. I wonder what my body looks like though, will I have cool colored eyes? Pale skin like a vampire? Will my handsomeness be able to topple all the Jade like beauties?'

'I hope Tsuna-nee arrives sooner! I can't wait!'

I sat down as I started to experiment with elemental nature transformation by trying to crumple a leaf in between my palms.

**Flashback Begins**

"If my mastery of this process increases, can I increase it further-"

"-by trying to crumple harder and harder objects?" Tsuna-nee said interrupting me to complete my sentence.

"...is that not how this works?"

"No. You elemental nature transformation isn't something where you are trying to 'improve' your skill at something. You are trying to let yourself become more open to allowing nature chakra to interfere with your chakra and allowing it to change its nature."



"Do you know that other-"

"-living organisms apart from humans have chakra present in them?" I interrupted Tsuna-nee this time just to annoy her but she calmly moved on without even a twitch on her face, strange.

Then she continued to talk… except there wasn't any sound coming out of her mouth, she just mimed by moving her lips without making a sound.

"Arghh! Fine! Fine! I won't interrupt you while you're speaking." I said raising my hands in mock surrender.

"Good. So as I was saying, you know how jutsus work right?"

"Yep, you make a conduit for the nature energy to take control off and perform what ever it can with the limitations you set within the framework."

"Yes, nature energy is like a puppet that controls the strings of the puppet you design. Like the clone jutsu is nothing but you giving out a diagram of what you expect to happen after you perform the jutsu while the nature chakra makes the thing happen."

"Why is that so important?"

"Because that is what holds the key difference between genin, chunin, and jounin ninja. It all just depends on your efficiency, or in simpler words how much chakra do you need to inform the world of your instructions which you expect it to follow."

"I see, but what does that have to do with elemental nature transformation?"

"Watch." Tsuna-nee said as she made a hand sign causing a clone to pop up beside her.

The clone slowly walked upto me and then-


"Arghh! Why hit my head! Are you jealous of this young masters intelligence!?"

"So did you notice the difference?"

"-Wait a minute! That was supposed to be a clone!"

I looked back up to see that the Tsuna-nee who had punched me was still standing in front of me, looking exactly the same.

"Oh? Elemental clone?"


"But… How does that work?" I asked as I poked my finger into Tsuna-nee's clone's arms to check if it felt like flesh and to my surprise it did. It felt just as life like as if I was touching the real thing.

In spite of how much force I put into my finger the clone just dented a little until I was able to feel what felt like it was the bone inside the clone.

Tsuna-nee then walked over to me and then held my other hand and I instantly felt the exact difference between the two.

"You're much warmer, the clone is a wind or a water clone?"

"Yes, this one is a water clone." Tsuna'nee said as the clone suddenly collapsed into itself for a second and then burst out with water and drenched me in it while Tsuna-nee was left completely dry.


"Your own chakra can not harm you. So if you create an explosion using a fire clone, you might affect the entire squad it was inside off, but it won't harm you, even if you were right by its side during the explosion, the shrapnel though would definitely pierce through you."

"So why doesn't everyone just go around spamming these explosions in war?"

"It's not that they don't, it's just that there are better ways to go about doing the same thing with little cost and that there are plenty of ways to destroy an elemental clone before it explodes, since there is plenty of time between its explosion and the command to explode. A single kunai thrown to the legs of the clone would pop it, stopping the explosion."

"I still don't get what you're trying to explain to me though….. Oh! Are you telling me that there is no way to improve the time it takes to explode the clone? Is it an external factor that controls the time for the explosion?"

"Exactly, like this." Tsuna-nee said as she formed another clone just like the one she had and then sent it off a little far away from us into a few leaves that had gathered inside the Senju compound and then forced it to explode.

A bright flash of light burnt my vision white for a few seconds after which I found that the small pile of leaves was on fire.

"...?" Why do that?

"Did you understand?"

I looked at my clothes that were still wet and then at the fire leaves, was Tsuna-nee telling me to dry myself? No, that shouldn't be the case….Hmm…. what does this have to do with chakra? Chakra..? Tsuna-nee's chakra?

"Why can I no longer feel your chakra in the wet water in my clothes and how are they still wet, and how are those leave still burning if the elemental chakra has escaped into the air?"

I watched as Tsuna-nee smiled and then explained. "Yes, their after effects still remain which is the key to explaining why it takes so long for the clones to explode. The nature chakra does not allow any information regarding its functions to remain, everything about it is impossible to achieve since it converts all of the spiritual phenomenon into real physical manifestations and phenomenon that no longer contain a trace of chakra."

".....? The Nature chakra is hiding itself from us and becoming a physical reality? Why?"

"There are many theories, some of which point out that all other lives in the world have nature chakra and are a part of it by default, but humans look like they are not. So there is something special about being human that causes us to have to work back toward the same state of being filled with nature chakra to improve our connectivity with the world."

"You mean Sage mode?"

"Sage mode is just a small part of it. In sage mode, you allow nature chakra to reside inside your body to shorten the time spent to create jutsus, for example an elemental clone created when you are inside of sage mode will explode in quarter of a second instead of the standard full second."

"You mean to say there's something beyond that?"

"Yes, it is to be able to directly work with nature chakra, instead of having to create our own chakra, at least in theory."

"So what about elemental nature transformation then?"

"You remember about how you add properties to your own chakra to make a jutsu happen?"

"Yes… so elemental nature transformation is nature chakra adding properties to my chakra?"

"That is the best explanation we have found till now since after we compare the feeling of using it with each other we find that none of us actually ever 'learn' to do nature transformation, we just learn to not get in the way while nature chakra does its work and gives us elemental nature transformation. It is our constant need to interfere into the process that stops it from happening."

"'Compare the feeling'?"

"Well.. as I told you earlier, each person's way to utilize chakra is unique to the individual themselves, so the most anyone can ever teach another person is about their tenketsu and the properties that seem to be common in everyone, the rest depends on their own experiences."

"....I see. Can't you just show me how to do it by somehow you know like putting me in a genjutsu or something?"

"Already been done and tried several times, but as it turns out by doing it for a person who hasn't even understood the basics of elemental nature transformation, it just becomes an obstacle for them since they try to imitate the feeling, which is still them doing something. And after you learn how to do it on your own, it just becomes meaningless to attempt to do such a thing since each person has a unique feeling while their chakra is converted into the element they have an affinity with."

*sigh* "So what do I do now? Just sit and pass chakra from my hands into the leaf and wait for it to crumple?"

"Essentially, but you aren't waiting for it to crumple, you are just waiting. Even your though about doing something will cause your spiritual energy that you use to make the chakra to become 'impure' or unfit for causing elemental transformation."

"How is it used in battle then?"


"But you just said you can't train it."

"Yes but you can train yourself after you're there and know exactly how you feel about it. So the first step is to reach a stage where you can pull off elemental nature transformation consistently and burn that feeling of transformation into your brain to the point that it becomes a reflex. Then after you can do that, you can train yourself to attempt it in other forms and try controlling it to perform elemental jutsus. Why do you think Chunin and Jounin are so rare?"

"...that just sounds… I don't know..... if I didn't trust you I'd just think you were trying to fool me you know. You sound like a snake oil sales man that is trying to get me to buy their fake product just to waste my time and take my money."

"..." I watched as veins popped on her forehead.


'Alright, I definitely deserved that.'

"By the way Tsuna-nee do you know why the lightning element is the lightning element and not perhaps another element like the space element or something?"


'That's weird....?'

**Flashback Ends**


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