
Reincarnated as a Rock?! Boring Life

“Out of all the things you could have reincarnated me as, why did it have to be a stupid rock!” Kesseki was always born on the unlucky side of life, living with Schleroderma throughout his life, Kesseki was always isolated and bullied from a young age and only had a couple of people which he could put his trust in. - - - - - - He eventually died protecting someone that he deeply cared about, from then on soemthing awoke Kesseki with two choices from which started his life’s or current life’s biggest mistake. - - - - - Disclaimer: I am not the creator of the cover, if you wish to claim this art and have me take it down then message me at FestiveMakee#7570

MasterKingLord · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The End Of The Beginning?!

As Kesseki opened his 'eyes' , he awoke to a vast forest around him, birds were chirping and he could even see a squirrel on the left side of him. 'Wow, is this really the world i used to be in? this looks really different compared to that!' he thought to himself, Kesseki then tried to take a step forward but he couldn't, he tried again but he . . . couldn't move. 'What the hell? why cant I move!'

He was still attempting to move until a giant red bear with one horn in its head appeared out of the bushes in front of Kesseki, the bear drunk from the river that was located on the right side of Kesseki. Kesseki had a extremely confused look on his face as he had over three questions 'Why is the bear red? why does it have a horn on its head and why THE HELL does it have a horn on its head' he repeated that question twice to express just how confused he is that their is a red bear with a horn on its head.

After what seemed to be like an hour, Kesseki came to one conclusion 'I-is this an isekai? am I in a fantasy world . . . HOLY HELL IM IN A ANIME WORLD' He was excited but then he wasn't as he realized what this could mean 'but what if Mizuki didn't travel here with me . . . oh god I hope shes also here' considering that this was a fantasy land, Kesseki came to the conclusion to do a couple of test which most of them resulted from him watching anime.


A bright green screen appeared in front of Kesseki

[ Name: Kesseki

[ Race: Rock

[ Gender: Male

[ Skills: Mana Absorption | Passive | Lv.1 ]

Kesseki stood there puzzled for a couple minutes as his eyes stared at one thing '𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤' . . . 'Hey hey hey, this has to be a joke . . . COME ON ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I'M A DAMN ROCK? NO WONDER I COULDN'T MOVE!'

As Kesseki lied there frustrated, he eventually started to look at the other things located on his status and his eyes eventually landed on Mana Absorption which seemed to be the best thing on here so far 'Ah is this my only skill? I wonder how it works' he couldn't actually activate it due to it being a passive skill but he already had an idea on how it might work, But for now their wasn't much to do other then observe his surrounding. Kesseki did this for five hours straight, seeing many different animals and eventually another bright green screen appeared except it was different from the other one. instead of displaying his status, this bright screen said "After Observing for a very long time, you have gained the skill [ Analysis Lv.1 ].

'Eh? Analysis?'

Kasseki already knew what analysis meant but he was more surprised that he suddenly gained the skill, he thought that if he kept doing actions that belonged to a certain element then he may be able to get a new skill. 'Maybe I should use Analysis on myself to see what it does' kasseki said as he tried to figure out how to use skills before figuring it out by saying "Analysis!" he used it on himself which a familiar bright green screen appeared in front of him with the text saying

[ Rock { Abiotic Species }

[ A solid mineral formed from the earth

[ Evolution Path: Rock, Golem, Golem King, ???, ????

Kesseki brightened with joy inside of his mind, he was happy that he wasn't going to sit around and be a rock for the rest of his life 'Thank god, I thought I was going to sit around for ages . . .' but even if he knew that he could evolve, Kasseki didn't know how to and eventually settled upon leveling up his Analysis Skill.


Kesseki has seen many things, many animal and he actually saw his first human! or at least he thought it was a human on first appearance but it actually turned out to be a elf and he could tell it was a elf due to its bizarre ear structure, he couldn't understand what it was saying but he could tell that it definitely spoke a different language then him. He leveled up his Analysis to Lv.5 and Magic Absorption randomly leveled up to Lv.2.

'Finally I'm getting somewhere! Golem evolution, here I come!'

but as time went on, Kesseki slowly started to get more and more bored. his joy from leveling up eventually disappeared and he slowly and slowly started to lose his hope for evolution . . .


Kesseki awoke from a deep and seemingly endless slumber, his body of a rock covered in lots of moss and mushrooms. A bright green screen appeared in front of Kesseki that said

[ Evolution Golem Accomplished ]

[ Requirements: Mana Absorption Lv.MAX

[ Do you wish to evolve: Yes or no?

Normally after sitting around for 100 years, one would be happy for the chance to finally evolve but Kesseki couldn't even feel the excitement for it but rather he felt curiosity. It seems that after sitting around for 100 year's, being alone without anybody to talk to has affected Kesseki mentally and turned him into a 𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, expressionless person.


The bright screen disappeared as a white flash covered Kesseki's Vision, he felt himself finally moving as the moss on him broke into pieces as he transformed into a humanoid golem. Kesseki now looked like a human, with stone as his skin, he was pretty shorter then what Kesseki originally thought he would be in fact his entire appearance was different then what he expected! he had very short hair that only went down to his chin, having a slim body, his height appeared to be 4,9?! and to add on to that he was basically naked . . .

'Why am I so short? this is not what I expected at all' Kesseki said with a disappointed feeling as this was not what he expected at all.

he moved his legs but quickly fell forwards afterwards, it seems that not walking for a long time has basically made him forget how to walk but after 5 minutes, Kesseki quickly got the hand of walking again and began to travel around the forest from which he lied dormant for over a 100 years. But before any further travel, Kesseki checked his status to see where he stands at the current moment.

"Status" Kesseki spoke for the first time instead of thinking, he also wanted to test this out while saying status but when he spoke, it came out as a rough and horrid tone but it was still understandable

[ Name: Kesseki

[ Race: Rare Breed - Humanoid Golem

[ Gender: Male

[ Skills: Mana Absorption Lv.MAX |Analysis Lv.30 |Boredom Lv.10

"Hm? Boredom? I wonder what that does, well anyways lets try and find a way out of this forest

And so Kesseki went on to find a way out of the forest while also exploring it at the same time, hoping to experiment his skills on animals directly.

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my second chapter, excuse me for any grammer mistakes. poor kesseki, I also know i wouldnt be able to sit in the same spot for a 100 years and maintain my sanity or emotions

MasterKingLordcreators' thoughts