
Reincarnated as a Rock?! Boring Life

“Out of all the things you could have reincarnated me as, why did it have to be a stupid rock!” Kesseki was always born on the unlucky side of life, living with Schleroderma throughout his life, Kesseki was always isolated and bullied from a young age and only had a couple of people which he could put his trust in. - - - - - - He eventually died protecting someone that he deeply cared about, from then on soemthing awoke Kesseki with two choices from which started his life’s or current life’s biggest mistake. - - - - - Disclaimer: I am not the creator of the cover, if you wish to claim this art and have me take it down then message me at FestiveMakee#7570

MasterKingLord · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Traveling The Forest

As Kesseki traveled the forest, he came across many animals that he hasn't seen before when he was originally a rock, such as deer's that have four horns instead of one and a frog that has shards all over its body? he started to wonder if these animals are actually the monster's of this world or if their just mini monster's. He decided to test his skill on the animals after analyzing them for a bit which the skill didn't manage to level up again, he tested the boredom skill on the crystal frog which in turn the frog started to lay down and have a very bored expression on its face 'I see, so its exactly as I expected, the frog turned bored and didn't see the fun in doing anything anymore, this skill should be pretty useful for the future.

<Skill "Boredom" has leveled up to Lv.2>

'Oh it leveled up, lets try and level this up to max, I feel like this would be my only combat helpful skill other then magic absorption which I can't even figure out how to use right now'

Soon after Kesseki said that, he began to use boredom on every forest animal he came across until eventually he stopped in his tracks when he saw a robed figure above him sitting on a tree branch.

"May I ask why your destroying all of our forest life?! Golem" The figure had a angry tone as it shouted out to Kesseki.

'A human? well its about time, maybe they can show me the way out of this forest'

As Kesseki was just about to speak to the figure, the figure jumped off the tree and charged straight at Kesseki, pulling out their dagger and aiming it at Kesseki's chest. Kesseki didn't have any fighting experience so he was lost on what to do but he knew that sitting there would only lead up to his death so he protected his chest which then the dagger was blocked and it made figure recoiled back, curious.

"Hm? aren't all golems supposed to be stupid brutes? why is this golem different?" The figure said with curiosity written on her face.

"I am sorry for hurting your forest animals but they're not actually hurt, they are more not in the mood to do anything, I was trying to test out my skills on them to see how long it can last and what it does, it will only last for 6 hours so do not worry" Kesseki said to the figure

The figure laid puzzled for a minute, before taking off her cape to reveal her ears and golden hair which was kesseki immediately knew that she was an elf, The elf steadily pointed her finger at the golem.

"EHHHHHH?! YOU CAN SPEAK? That's definitely not supposed to happen . . .' She said with great amazement

Kesseki didn't even know that golems couldn't speak but he does now, Kesseki Wondered 'Wait, if this lady is a elf then maybe she can help me find a way out of here'

"Excuse me miss, but do you perhaps know how to get out of this forest? I have been stuck here for the last couple of days" Kesseki told the elf, he didn't feel the need of adding in that he has been a rock sitting here for the past hundred years. The elf looked at kesseki with a devious smile before saying to him.

"Yeah sure I can show you but I have one condition" She put her hand in the air as her hand had one finger raised.

"What is that condition?" Kesseki asked her.

"You have to stay an entire week at my village! The chief would be so interested in seeing you!" The elf said with excitement about showing off her new discovery to the village.

Kesseki didn't show it on his face but he was extremely annoyed, he just wanted to get out of the forest to begin his quest to find Mizuki but if this was the only way to get out of the forest then he would have to deal with it for now.

"Fine, but can we at least exchange names so I don't have to call you elf from now on" Kesseki said

"Yeah sure, my name is Tiara, Nice to meet you!" Tiara said with passion

"Hm, you can call me Kesseki" Kesseki said back with a non passionate tone

"kesseki huh? isn't that ironic because it mean's stone" Tiara smirked

"Don't make it weird . . . Anyway let's just head over to your village to get this over with" Kesseki said in a annoyed tone

"Alright, and once we're there, I'll teach you all about our elf's culture so you never want to leave!' Tiara told kesseki

"Yeah we'll see . . " Kesseki felt happy on the inside, it felt really nice to see another person face and speak to them but he was also annoyed becasue depsite this girl looking like an adult, it felt like she had the brain of a child.

Kesseki and Tiara then began walking to Tiara's village where her elf tribe was located, Tiara wanted to teach Kesseki how to fight and survive once they were there because it seemed to her that Kesseki didn't know how to fight at all, Tiara didn't realize it but she was slowly developing a great curiosity for Kesseki like she wanted to shelter and teach him to see how he could develop. Kesseki on the other hand wasn't currently interested in what other people were focused on like getting stronger and becoming famous, all he wanted to do was find his loved one and live out peaceful days.

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let this be known, I will average 900 words a chapter, and make two chapters a day.

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