
Reincarnated as a Rock?! Boring Life

“Out of all the things you could have reincarnated me as, why did it have to be a stupid rock!” Kesseki was always born on the unlucky side of life, living with Schleroderma throughout his life, Kesseki was always isolated and bullied from a young age and only had a couple of people which he could put his trust in. - - - - - - He eventually died protecting someone that he deeply cared about, from then on soemthing awoke Kesseki with two choices from which started his life’s or current life’s biggest mistake. - - - - - Disclaimer: I am not the creator of the cover, if you wish to claim this art and have me take it down then message me at FestiveMakee#7570

MasterKingLord · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning Of The End

A young teenager was walking out of the school from Hirola Academy wearing his uniform. His gelled black hair, and very rough slightly gray skin which almost looked like stone from far away 'Oh, maybe I should tell Mizuki to come with me to the train station, we both walk the same direction home anyways' Mizuki was Kesseki's childhood bestfriend and was the only female friend that he had besides his mother, she had a strange color of red hair which always helped kesseki find her easily.

Kesseki pulled out a comb from his bookbag and combed his hair backwards, attempting to fix his already fixed hair. Kesseki wanted to look nice for Mizuki as he slowly walked up to her near the school gate and tapped on her shoulder. Kesseki was always nervous to talk to female's due to them possibly calling Kesseki ugly but he didn't feel that around Mizuki and always felt calm around her.

"Hey Mizuki! Want to walk with me to the train station? We live in the same direction I think"

Mizuki was startled when Kesseki touched her shoulder and quickly turned around but had a sigh of relief when it turned out to be Kesseki.

"Oh it's you kesseki, I thought you were another boy trying to hit on me but what did you say again . . . oh yeah! of course we can walk home together Kesseki"

She smiled at Kesseki as Kesseki smiled back with a nervous feeling in his eyes, despite never showing it to mizuki, Kesseki had a crush on Mizuki. They both walked on the sidewalk alongside each other, they seem too close to just be normal friends but Kesseki tried his best to not mind them being so close too each other and they talked about trivial things on the way to the train station such as food, school and home life.

'This feels nice . . . Talking to a girl like this, sometimes I wish I had Mizuki as my girlfriend, oh man! i love her to death' Kesseki thought to himself.

Eventually the two arrived at the street right in front of the train station, they were on the sidewalk as they waited until the signal would tell them that they can go. Scared of being alone forever Kesseki gather enough courage and begin to try and take the first step towards a possible happy future, he was tired of being by himself at home because his mom would always work overseas and his dad abandoned Kesseki when he was a baby due to his skin disease. Kesseki grabbed Mizuki's hand which made Mizuki startled as she turned back to him.

"E-eh? are you okay Kesseki?" Said Mizuki with a hint of curiosity

Kesseki took a deep breath as he stuttered his first words.

"Mi-Mizuki would you be my girlfriend?" Kesseki said with a nervous tone in his voice.

Mizuki stood their shocked for a minute, until her eyes started to glitter and tears started to form down her eyes.

"I- I thought you would never ask. . . Of course I would be your girlfriend, I've been waiting ten years for you to say that!" Mizuki said with a smile on her face, she also had a crush on Kesseki since childhood

Kesseki face turned from nervous and worried to the brightest smile he ever had in his life, but in the end . . .For The Unfortunate, happiness never truly exist. In the unseen distance, a drunk driver was going haywire on the road, eventually he hit a pole and his car spiraled, seemingly heading towards Kesseki and Mizuki. For them, it was too late to get out of the way, so using his hardened skin Kesseki tried to shield Mizuki but it was to no avail as they both still went flying into the air

. Kesseki lied on the ground, he couldn't hear anything as blood poured out of his ears, he could barely see as blood rushed down from his head to his eyes, and he could barely move as his bones were mutilated from taking the crash head on.

Their was one thing that Kesseki could see though and that was the body of his childhood friend or "Girlfriend", Kesseki cried blood tears as he attempted to move towards her.

"M-Mizuki" Kesseki said in a muffled and stifled voice.

'Am I . . dying? no . . . I don't want to die, I'm scared, please god don't let me die' Kesseki thought as he feared the end of his life. Eventually blood loss came to Kesseki as he slowly took his last breath and perished.

Kesseki awoke to a vast plane of darkness, he couldn't even see or feel himself. He couldn't speak nor smell or do anything that a basic human could do but as he walked around for what seemed like a couple day, A large bright green screen caught Kesseki's Attention.

The bright screen had large text written over it and the text said

"No. 98,362,281,613 You have acclimated over 1,000 karma points during your life, you have gained the privilege's to choose between two of the options listed below"




Kesseki thought to himself for a minute, Reincarnation does sounds nice but realistically he could reincarnated into anything like a animal or even a clam but if he went to heaven then he may have the chance to be with Mizuki there but Kesseki finally made a decision and thought that if Mizuki also reached 1,000 Karma Points then she would pick Reincarnation and so Kesseki mouthed out the word "Reincarnation" and a bright white flash was seen filling up the vast pit of darkness, eventually reaching Kesseki as he slowly opened up his 'eyes'.

I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

and for those currently reading this at the same time i posted it, do not worry I am currently making the second chapter about after his reincarntion, the first chapter was just for Kesseki's before Reincarnation

And warn me if theirs any grammer mistakes, this is my first time making a book.

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