
Reincarnated as a Lizard

A soul has been reincarnated into a world full of magical races, from elves to dwarfs and beastmen to powerful dragons. Sadly, the soul did not even have enough karma for the cheapest humanoid race, humans. So, the soul decides to become a lizard for some extra karma. Follow Scaly, a weird lizard in some god forsaken dungeon. Hoping to evolve enough to one day become a dragon! ~ Follow the adventures of the small lizard Scaly on her path towards becoming a great dragon in the future!

PurpleSpring · Fantasy
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122 Chs

Second Evolution

Spending the next few hours running around the cave searching for somewhere safe enough for her to hide inside for what might be a day or longer, Scaly soon found the perfect location, a small crack in the cave wall just big enough for her to enter with a large empty space that had yet to be occupied inside.

After ensuring that the place was indeed safe, Scaly wasted no time in finding a way to block the entrance to ensure no other monster ended up entering while she went through her evolution. Following which she found a delicious cave salamander to eat before finding another unlucky cave salamander to store away for when she woke up after her evolution and felt hungry.

For one last time before her evolution, Scaly decided to find a nice place to lay down during her evolution, as she decided to check out her status so she could compare it to after she finished her evolution.

Name: Scaly 

Race: Ancient Water Lizard 

Level: 15/15

STR: 35 |VIT: 65 | DEX: 25 | M: 55 

Skills: [Dragon Bloodline lvl 2], [Flight lvl 1], [Water Magic lvl 6], [Poison Resistance lvl 2], [Claw Strike lvl 1] 

Compared to the last time she had looked through it, not much changed. At the same time, she began to look forward to just how much stronger she would become after she finished her evolution…

It's time!

Only after all of this was done, did Scaly feel fully prepared to go through her second evolution, as she wasted no time in pulling up the floating text that had alerted her about being able to evolve just a few hours earlier.

[Evolution available, choose evolution now?]: [Y/N]


Screaming loudly in her mind, Scaly watched excitedly as the interface in front of her disappeared before a new interface appeared in its place.

✧ Evolutions Available ✧

[Adult Big Lizard]

[Requirements: None]

[Descriptions: The adult version of the Big Lizard, a lizard that is far larger than most other lizards, reaching the size of an ordinary dog, though some can grow far larger than that under special circumstances. Nothing special other than its size and increased strength compared to other lizards. Across the world, it can be considered one of the most common evolutions among lizards that can be found almost everywhere.]

[Elemental Lizard]

[Requirements: Magic 30, Elemental Type Magic level 3]

[Description: A small lizard possessing the gift of elemental magic, the elemental lizard is considered exceptionally rare and hard to find due to only living in areas with abundant elemental magic. Other than that, the elemental lizard can be considered one of the strongest lizards with its ability to manipulate the four main elements of wind, earth, fire, and water, though, it's common for them to specialize in a single element depending on where they live.]


[Requirements: Dexterity 25]

[Description: Although the sheltopusik is a legless lizard and might look like a snake to the untrained eye, it is a true lizard. Not only that, but it can grow over a meter in length and can be easily found in certain regions, while it's far nimbler compared to other common lizards, it might lose out in terms of strength compared to the adult big lizard. Although sometimes a pair of rear legs no larger than a few millimeters are visible near its cloaca at the base of the tail.]

Reading through the first three evolutions like she had done during her first evolution, Scaly could not help but focus on the last one with a hint of surprise present in her small face, Sheltopusiks… No matter how she looked at it, it looked like the path towards becoming a snake had appeared. No matter how much she wanted to become stronger, there was no way she planned on becoming a snake and move away from her path towards becoming a dragon…

Shaking her small head as she thought about this, Scaly continued to look through the list of available evolutions, compared to her first evolution, there were far more available this time around. Giving her more choices, but at the same time also making it harder for her to decide on which of them would get her closer to becoming a dragon.

Huh? T-this is-!?

[Ancient Water Dragon Lizard]

That was until she spotted an evolution with the name dragon directly in the name, to be more specific, it looked to be the evolution of her current race.

[Ancient Water Dragon Lizard]

[Requirements: Water Magic lvl 5, Dragon Bloodline lvl 2, Magic 50]

[Description: It's said that in the ancient past when the world was still young and the environment full of magic, a lizard evolved into the first dragon. The Ancient Water Lizard is said to be the progenitor of the first water dragon and is known to have long since gone extinct after the magic density of the world decreased. The Ancient Water Dragon Lizard can be considered its first true step towards becoming a dragon.]

Swish~ Swish~

Like the time she had first seen the ancient water lizard appearing during her first evolution, Scaly's tail began swaying excitedly from side to side as she read through the familiar yet unfamiliar description that appeared in front of her.

[Do you want to evolve into an Ancient Water Dragon Lizard?]: [Y/N]


Not bothering to think about any of the other choices available to her, Scaly almost instantly chose the ancient water dragon lizard evolution.


This ag-

Like what had happened during her first evolution, a weird blue spark suddenly appeared and soon engulfed her entire body. Soon enough, a wave of pain suddenly started to spread through her entire body. Almost instantly knocking her unconscious in the process, as she barely had time to move into a comfortable position before the sweet embrace of darkness spared her from having to be conscious and experience the soul tearing pain that was currently wrecking through her entire body. Slowly changing it from inside out once again…