
Reincarnated as a Lizard

A soul has been reincarnated into a world full of magical races, from elves to dwarfs and beastmen to powerful dragons. Sadly, the soul did not even have enough karma for the cheapest humanoid race, humans. So, the soul decides to become a lizard for some extra karma. Follow Scaly, a weird lizard in some god forsaken dungeon. Hoping to evolve enough to one day become a dragon! ~ Follow the adventures of the small lizard Scaly on her path towards becoming a great dragon in the future!

PurpleSpring · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
124 Chs

Berserk Cave Troll



Just as the cave troll looked like it was going to die, a thick red aura covered its entire body as it exploded with newfound power and directly killed off a dozen of the stronger monsters attacking it without missing a beat.

From Scaly's point of view, it looked like the cave troll had managed to fully recover its strength- No, it looked like its strength had experienced a qualitative transformation. Reaching a brand-new level far beyond what it had been on in the past!

Although it looked like she would no longer have to worry about the cave troll dying before she could reach it, she also understood that killing the cave troll had just become far harder to accomplish.


Among the stronger monsters attacking the cave troll, some of them also realized this and decided to retreat from the battle. Understanding that the risk to their lives had increased with the sudden explosive power unleashed by the cave troll.

What happened!? How did it suddenly become so strong and what is that red energy covering its body?

Filled with confusion at the sudden transformation that the cave troll had experienced, Scaly decided to try and use her inspection skill to see if there would be any helpful information that could help her understand what had happened to the cave troll.

[Berserk Cave Troll, lvl ??]

[Description: A cave troll that has been pushed to the limit, awakening its hidden potential as a berserk cave troll. A cave troll cannot evolve into a berserk cave troll and can only awaken as one through special means. Be aware, berserk cave trolls are far more powerful than cave trolls and have the ability to manipulate blood energy to enhance their strength and healing abilities far beyond that of a cave troll. 

Given your current strength, even a half-dead berserk cave troll would be able to easily kill you. Don't try to be greedy and get yourself killed. Stay away and find a safe place to go through your second evolution like a good little lizard.]

A berserk cave troll that is strong enough that even the description- Huh? What is- HOW DARE THIS WALL OF TEXT CALL ME A LIZARD!?

Feeling a sense of profound anger that she hadn't felt in a long time while reading the last part of the description, Scaly did her best to calm down as she went over the warning inside the description.

Even though it didn't look like the cave troll- now berserk cave troll, had much more energy left to continue fighting against the monsters who continued attacking it with all of their might even after it was covered by the weird red energy that the description of the berserk cave troll called blood energy, Scaly had a feeling that it would be best to not rush towards the berserk cave troll for now and instead observe the situation from a distance for now.


With this thought in mind, Scaly stopped rushing towards the place where the battle was taking place and instead found some rubble close to where the battle was taking place and decided to hide there for now.

If it turned out that the berserk cave troll wouldn't be able to resist against the large number of monsters, she should still have time to reach it in time to land a killing blow and if it turned out that the berserk cave troll was indeed as powerful as the description suggested, she should be able to keep herself safe.

Even if she didn't fight the berserk troll for now, she felt that it would be fine for her to do so in the future after she finished her second evolution…


At the same time that Scaly found a nice hiding spot to settle down in and observe the battle between the berserk cave troll and the swarm of monsters, the berserk cave troll exploded with even more power than before, as the blood red energy covering its body shone even more brightly-



And before the attacking monster had time to react and run away, the berserk cave troll turned around and jumped straight into the mass of monsters chasing it from behind.



Wasting no time as it used its newfound strength to rip apart a massive spider monster before making use of its large body to crush dozens of monsters in an instant.


By the time the monsters who had been chasing after the berserk cave troll realized what was happening, close to a hundred monsters had already perished to berserk cave troll increasingly brutal attacks. The ones suffering the most being the different powerful monsters who had jumped at what they thought was an opportunity to land a killing blow on the berserk cave troll. 

None of them expecting that their pressure would allow it to break through some kind of limit and reach a brand-new realm of strength.


Watching the entire thing play out from her relatively safe hiding spot amidst the rubble left behind by the battle that had passed through the place not too long ago, Scaly felt a shiver run down her spine observing the one-sided massacre taking place not too far away.

The current cave troll who had managed to become a berserk cave troll was not just a little bit stronger, its strength had reached a level that Scaly had never seen before, a level that she aspired to reach in the near future herself!

Maybe it's time to find somewhere safe to go through my second evolution…

Thinking this to herself as she watched the weaker monsters all starting to scatter and run away, Scaly felt a sense of anticipation build up inside of her when thinking about her second evolution, would she be able to become as strong as the berserk cave troll, or would she be able to become even stronger than that after going through her second evolution?

No matter what it was, Scaly couldn't wait any longer for her evolution.


Soon turning around to leave in search of a safe place to go through her evolution. No longer caring about the massacre of the berserk cave troll…