
Record Of Evolution

============== Mysterious energy called mana has come to the world. Causing the world grown in size and creating big earthquake that destroy a lot of contry in process. Because of it the old law no longer followed, the world became complete chaos But world not the only thing change. After succeed withstand and absorbing mana that flowing in the atmosphere all living being has evolve. Human has become stronger and awakaned ability to gain skill. Animal has become a vicous beast that much more stronger and more intellegent then before. Plant has gain self awarness and become bigger and terrfying. Harold Frandes is a 25 year old normal office worker. The day the world change he was going camping with his 2 litte brother in forest that have a lot animal and plant. Can he and his brother survive in forest full with evolve animal and plant and get out ?. ================ Earth in this novel not the same with the real one. ================ Cover is not mine. If the artist want me to take it out, u can tell me :) ================

ChrisTheSlacker_ · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 11 : Unknown Weird Plant

[Item Name : Ring of Fire.

Grade : Very Rare.

Item Type : Magic Ring

Durability : 7.000/000.

Attribute : Fire.

Description : A magic ring that created with a Magic Iron and Fire Attribute stone, giving it an ability to increase fire type magic power. Mana +25 Magic +20.

Effect : Increase 30% user magic power when using fire type skill. Reduced 5% fire type skill cooldown. Reduced 5% fire type skill mana cost.

Restriction : Level 1 Or Above]

After reading the whole item information, give Harold a shock and at the same time make him feeling delight about it . first of all Its their first time get a accesoris type item from the treasure orb.

Once the ring used the user status will increase, Its increase his mana and magic status point. With more mana and magic status point he now can use more numbers of fireball, and stronger fireball because his.

The item first effect is really great. Increase 30% magic power of all fire type skill that user use. With that when he use his fireball, the power it carry is not 120% any longer but 150%.Even though The 2nd and 3rd effect is bit really effecting him too much for now, in future its might different.

"Its really a great stuff" Harold said as he looked at the ring with delight face.

"I know right, with that ring your fireball offense power is will increase again. You should use it" Alex said as he put the sword in his hand back to white scabbard.


Harold quickly use the ring in his index finger. When he use it he immediatly feel his mana inside his body increasing. its really comfortable feeling.

After putting the ring in his index finger. Harold looked at Alex that still looking at him.

"Lets check what Roy doing now" Alex said.

Hearing what Alex said, Harold start looking at where Roy standing and start walking to him.

"Roy how about the skill you got ? is it a defensive skill just like what we think it before ?" Harold asked while walking.

"Yeah just like we think before, its a defense type skill" Roy said as he looking at something in front of him with a bit serious expresion.

"So is it good ? how about you tell use the skill information" Alex said walking behind Harold.

"Ok i telk you" Roy said as he noded at Harold and Alex direction.

While looking at the information, Roy start telling them about the defensive skill that he just get.

[Skill Name : Rock Skin.

Tier : 0.

Level : 1.

Skill Description : A skill that grant user and ability to increase user defense by stenghting their skin as tough of a solid rock bolder

(First Ability (Passive) : Grant user a more hard, tough and durable skin as strong as boulder without any using of mana.

Range : None.

Attribute : Earth.

Mana Cost : None.

Cooldown : None.]

"Its say gonna make user skin as though as rock bolder. But how strong its exacly ?" Alex asked while looking at Roy direction.

"I dont know, there no information about rhe skill more that" Roy shruged.

"Well we now sooner or later when we fighting the horned rabbit" Harold said.

"By the way, Are you guys already reached level 2 ?"

"I already reached level 2 after killing the 3 rabbit" Alex replies.

"Me too. I already reach it after previous hunt" Roy said.

"I see, you guys git a undistributed status point too right ?" Harold lokking at bot his brother for confirmation.

"Yeah i think i get it" Alex said.

"Same here." Roy said.

"Why do yo ask ?" Alex asked looking at Harold curios.

"For now just save it. I think its better if we only use it when we realy need it" Harold replies looking at both his brother.

"Why we should do that ? is't it better id we use it now to make our hunt easier ?" Roy asked while looking at Harold confused.

"What you say is not wrong, but i want us to save it as just when we need it. If there one day we got into situation where we need a specifik status to survive and we lacking that. We can just use the undistributed status point that we save in that time to survive." Harold replies casually.

"I see, i think that a good idea" Alex noded agreeing at what Harold said.

"Ahmm, can you explain it more specific and give me an example for me to understand ? i still a bit confused about what you just say" Roy asked while scraching his head.

"Well here an example. In the forest we suddenly cross a really strong monster that has far superior status than us when we moving to our destination, and make us forced to fight it.

At time like this we can use the undistributed status point to increase our change of survival, If the monster powerfull but lacking speed, we can use the undistributed status point to increase agility so we can dodge and attack the monster more easier than before increasing our winning chances, in worse scenarion we can use the added agility to run away" Harold said casually.

"Ahhh, i understand it now" Roy said.

"Well we, should start hunt again before the sun get down" Harold start moving to where their scouting place previously while followed by both his brothers.

After opening all their rewards, Harold and his brothers is start their hunt again using the same strategy that they used before. They even level up reaching level 3 after hunting 3 group of rabbit.

After leveling up, they continue their hunt few time again before stop and start searching for a place to set a wooden shelter in evening when sun start to go down.

Moving 4 kilometer to the north from the brown grass field, There Harold and his brother found a nice 50 meter a bit flat land with less tree then other forest area.

Not only that place have good place to set a simple wooden shelter, in that area there they found found a small creek with a clear water too.

With that creek Harold and his brother can take the water for them to drink or use them to wash their self tomorrow.

But there a problem with that location. Harold found a big weird plant in in the middle of the location, its has a blue star like shaped flower, spike in its trunk, and its has a long vine around it.

When Harold, and his brother inspecting the plant, They cant help but notice that the weird plant long vine is moving around wiggling not like a normal plant should be doing.

"What should we do now ? should we find another place ?" Roy asked looking at boh his brother.

"We already moving around the area quite a while now. After searching around i think this is the best place to set our shelter. But of course if that unknown weird plant is out of the picture, after all we dont know if that plant harmless to us or not." Harold replies.

"So What so we do now ? should we approch the plant and check if it dangerous for us or should we leave and find another location to ste our shelter ?" Alex asked while looking at Harold.

Hearing what Alex said. He silently start thinking about what they should they do. Should he leave and find another place ? or in the other hand should he approch the plant and find out is it save or dangerous ?.