
Record Of Evolution

============== Mysterious energy called mana has come to the world. Causing the world grown in size and creating big earthquake that destroy a lot of contry in process. Because of it the old law no longer followed, the world became complete chaos But world not the only thing change. After succeed withstand and absorbing mana that flowing in the atmosphere all living being has evolve. Human has become stronger and awakaned ability to gain skill. Animal has become a vicous beast that much more stronger and more intellegent then before. Plant has gain self awarness and become bigger and terrfying. Harold Frandes is a 25 year old normal office worker. The day the world change he was going camping with his 2 litte brother in forest that have a lot animal and plant. Can he and his brother survive in forest full with evolve animal and plant and get out ?. ================ Earth in this novel not the same with the real one. ================ Cover is not mine. If the artist want me to take it out, u can tell me :) ================

ChrisTheSlacker_ · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 10 : Opening Another Rewards

After Alex finish picking up their loot after the fight, Harold decided to stop their hunt so they can take a break while checking out their loot.

"Here" Alex give the storage box back to Harold.

"Did we got some rewards after killing the rabbit ?" Harold looked at the box and change it to Alex.

"Yeah i think we got 2 Green light Treasure orb and 1 skill stone." Alex replies.

"Hmmm .... we get less rewards than before, well whatever" Harold muttured.

"Lets open the our rewards" Roy said as he got up from the ground.

"Alright" Harold said and start taking out their rewards from the storage box to the grasses.

There 2 green orb and 1 white stone with light green line appears. After taking the rewards out, he immediatly pick the stone to check the description to see what inside it. After all its different and not random like the treasure orb. Just as he touch the stone, the infromation about the stone is came out.

[Skill stone (Tier 0) : A special stone that have an ability to store one of the user skill inside the stone.

Anyone who crush it will gain skill < Rock Skin > (Tier 0) Level 1 from it.

(Only Level 1 or Above can use it)]

From the skill name, Hwrold speculate its some defensif type skill, its really suitable for Roy that having a fighting style that got higher chance to get hit by the enemy.

"Roy you should use the skill stone its suitable to you?" Harold said looked at Roy.

"Eh for real ? Alex how about you ? are you not want the skill ? " Roy looking at Harold suprised and to Alex after that.

"Alex what you think ?" Harold asked looking at Alex.

"Sure i already looking at the skill, From the skill its might reslly suitable for him. Specially that he the only one that have no skill" Alex said as he looked at the skill stone and to Roy after that.

"You hear the guy, so quickly take the stone" Harold throw the skill stone to Roy.

"Let pick up the treasure orb" Alex suggested.

"Alright" Harold noded before start take the treasure orb from the ground and open the description.

[Random Green Treasure Orb (Tier 0) : A special orb that Record Of Evolution make to give a rewards to anyone who accomplish something.

(Only Level 1 or Above can use it). ]

Just like he though, its no different than treasure orb from before.

"Is this skill some passive defense skill ?" Roy asked after looking the skill description.

"Maybe ? i dont know. At least from the name its sound like its" Harold replies casually.

"Well you can know what the skill effect after using it" Alex said.

"I guess you right." Roy said as he start walking closer to them.

"Alright stop chatting lets start opening the rewards we got" Harold said as he prepare to crush the treasure orb.

Hearing what his said, Both of Alex and Roy noded.

"Alright. Crush it" Harold said and start crushing the stone.

The same time he crushed the stone, there a blinding light came out for few second before it vanish. After the light gone a familiar messege is appears.

[You have used the Treasure Orb]

[You have acquire Wind Fang]

[Item Name : Wind Fang.

Grade : Rare.

Sword Type : Katana.

Durability : 4.000/4.000.

Description : a really light sword with an exccelent sharpness, with fast and agile slash user can cut through anything below Tier 0. Strengh +10 Agility +20.

Effect : Increase Sword slash speed 25%, Increase user sword slash 20% power stronger than normal.

Restriction : Level 1 or Above.]

After finish reading the description Harold quickly take a look at the item he just got. Its a katana with a white scabbard on. The scabbard have a green pattern that looks like a wind.

After looking the scabberd for a while, he pull the sword out from the scabbard, its has white handle with a golden tip below. a squre golden sword guard, and a green wind wave pattern in the its body. Harold cant help but in awe after looking at the sword, its just to cool looking sword.

"Woah, What a really cool katana"

Just as he admiring the sword that he just got, Harold hear a voice from his left side. Harold immediatly turn his head to where the sound came from.

After he turn his head, he found Alex looking at katana sword in his hand with sparkling eyes.

"Damn Alex you dont pop out outta nowhere like that" Harold said as he suprised by Alex pressece.

"Ah, sorry about that. I just suprised you just got a katana. its one of the badass sword that i know and its my personal favorite too" Alex said while screcthing his head.

"Are you want it ?" Harold asked.

"Are you gonna give it to me ?" Alex asked with a suprised and excited face.

"Well why not ? i already have Xir Black Sword with me and Roy already have Berseker Gauntlet, while you in the other side have no weapon at all. So are you want it ?"Harold said casually.

"Of course i want it" Alex said as he take the sword and immediatly inspecting it.

Looking at excited brother of his, Harold cant help but shaking his hand. Normally Alex is always calm and calculate, but if that something about sword, all his calmness and calculating thinking is thrown away. He will act just like a child playing with his favorite toys.

"By the way. What you got from the treasure orb ?" Harold asked after get out from his mind.

"I almost forgot about it" Alex said stop looking at the sword in his hand as he remembered something and start taking out something from his pocket and put it in Harold hand.

Looking at what Alex just give to him. Harold found a dark grey ring with a squre dark orange crystal on it. after looking at it for a while, he immediatly open the infromation panel.

[Item Name : Ring of Fire.

Grade : Very Rare.

Item Type : Magic Ring

Durability : 7.000/000.

Attribute : Fire.

Description : A magic ring that created with a Magic Iron and Fire Attribute stone, giving it an ability to increase fire type magic power. Mana +25 Magic +20.

Effect : Increase 30% Fire type magic power. Reduced 5% fire type cooldown. Reduced 5% fire type magic consumsed.

Restriction : Level 1 Or Above]