
Record Of Evolution

============== Mysterious energy called mana has come to the world. Causing the world grown in size and creating big earthquake that destroy a lot of contry in process. Because of it the old law no longer followed, the world became complete chaos But world not the only thing change. After succeed withstand and absorbing mana that flowing in the atmosphere all living being has evolve. Human has become stronger and awakaned ability to gain skill. Animal has become a vicous beast that much more stronger and more intellegent then before. Plant has gain self awarness and become bigger and terrfying. Harold Frandes is a 25 year old normal office worker. The day the world change he was going camping with his 2 litte brother in forest that have a lot animal and plant. Can he and his brother survive in forest full with evolve animal and plant and get out ?. ================ Earth in this novel not the same with the real one. ================ Cover is not mine. If the artist want me to take it out, u can tell me :) ================

ChrisTheSlacker_ · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 12 : Another Night In The Forest

After thinking about it for a while, Harold stop his thinking prosess, decided what they will do.

"Lets just ignore the blue star looking plan for now. After all we had no information about the plant too get close to checking it out, the plant might be a dangerous thing that can kill us with its vine when get close or be poisenous when we touch it touch." Harold said looking at both his brothers.

Hearing what he said, both of his brothers noded their head agreeing.

"Alright then, lets go to other side of creek too put their shelter, even though its have more tree there, its still better then the other places" Harold said as he start to moving to other side of the creek followed by both Alex and Roy.

After crossing the creek and 5 minute of searching Harold and his brothers finally find a good place to set their shelter a bit far from the creek.

Harold immediatly taking out wooden block that they use previously to create a shelter, and some sleeping bag from the storage box and put it on the ground and immediatly start to set their shelter up like before.

When Harold and Roy is setting their shelter, Alex is going around the area to pick some tree trunk and branch so he will use it too start a fire so he can cooking their dinner.

After 20 minute of working, Harold and Roy finally done with their shelter and start taking a break lie down in the ground.

They really exshausted today. After fighting and running all day, they really just want a good dinner and nice sleep tonight. And nothing more than that.

"Alex are the food already done ? please say it done" Roy said as he looked at Alex back while lie down in the ground.

"Nope, its still not cook enough, wait for a litte bit more" Alex said casually while looking at the meat he cooking in the pan.

"F*ck me man." Roy said dissapointed and start looking at the sky that start getting dark.

After 3 minute passes, Alex finally done cooking the rabbit meat and start to put it on 3 thin round wooden that he can use as plate equally, after done divide the meat he wuickly bring it to Harold and Roy.

Both Harold and Roy happily reiceve the meat and start to eat it eith the wooden branch as chopstick.

After eating all the meat in theit plate, they tak a wooden cup they make and start drink water from it.

"Pwuaah, that hit the spot" Roy said satisfy.

"I know right, its really good even without any seasoning" Harold said as he touch full stomach.

After eating their dinner, Harold start thingking about their hunt this day. They killed a total of 31 horned rabbit. He even reached level 4 after today hunt, make him mire stronger than before.

"What level you guys are now ?" Harold asked as he looking both Alex and Roy.

"I Already level 4" Alex replies after sipping water drom his cup.

"Same here. I too already reach level 4" Roy said.

"I guess we all reached level 4 after the hunt. Alex said putting his cup down.

"With all our status point increasing thanks to leveling up and from status increase bonus after killing the rabbit, i think tomorrow hunt will easier than today." Roy said.

"Well i guess so. Of course it if we not meet a Earth horned rabbit or another being that more stronger than the one we kill today." Harold said.

"Are we gonna go hunt in that grass field again ?" Alex asked.

"Well tomorrow i planning that we go explore around the area first before go to the grass field to hunt some rabbit" Harold replies as he touch his chin while thinking about what to do tomorrow.

"Explore the area ?" Roy asked from his left sitting in the ground with his back in the falling big tree in the ground.

"Why so ?" Alex asked from his right side while sitting on a big tree that they cut priviously.

"Well we already got a lot of food resorce, first i think we need to do explore the area so we can make this area marked as explored in the magic map. with thay we can see more detail in that area, and make us easier to understand surounding more. Second, if we explore the surrounding area we might find something useful or we might find another animal that turned to a beast to hunt" Harold explained.

"I see. Well that i guess that we just do that tomorrow" Alex said.

"I hope we not find anything that far more stronger than us tomorrow." Roy said as he start to stand up.

"I hoping that will happen. If not thing will be more complicated and hard, or we even might not survive." Haorld said as he start to stand up too.

"By the way, how gonna guarding first tonight ?" Alex said as he stack all the wooden plate.

"I can go first, you guys go sleep first. after that Roy will do the guarding and you after that, previously me and Roy is the one that go to sleep first." Harold said as he taking his sword out from the storage box.

"Alright than" Alex said as he stand up from the tree and start walking to the wooden shelter with Roy followed him.

Just as both his brother preparing their sleeping bag in the shelter. Harold suddenly hearing a step from behind him.

He quickly turn his whole body to the stepping sound direction with his sword in his hand. When we looking at the where stepping sound are, he found a weird Deer with a light green skin, fur, and horn.

Looking at light green dear that standing a bit far from him, Harold getting more catious and start rise his guard. Previously, something like this happen, and ended him with a hole in his hand.

"Alex ! Roy !. Come out we got intruder" Harold said as he looking at the shelter for a few moment before continoue watching dear catiously.

He start thinking about what he should do now. Should he attack the dear with both his brothers ? or should he wait the dear go away ?. Just when he still thinking, the deer suddenly making a move.