
Reborn as Ares

Warning: I'm not good at Synopsis and as someone already made the synopsis like this, I thought it was cool to do the same -- As if disappearing, but not disappearing. dying, but very much alive. falling, but still standing. this was the feeling I had to see everything nearby burning in a magnificent destruction and from the destruction something new being created I've never seen anything this beautiful except in the movies, comics, and manga I read during my adolescence and adulthood. At that time, I had a big imagination and I wanted something brilliant in my life. "it's beautiful, is not it?" A voice spoke beside me "Yes… it's… wonderful" I commented in a crying voice… not caring who was next to me… I couldn't take my eyes off that beautiful sight "I understand you… although my cry was from pain… giving birth to the big bang was not easy… having you here with me helped me a lot" The voice commented with a slight squeak. "I see…" I said understandingly… I had no way of knowing how painful it was to give birth, but I had an idea of ​​how painful it was to be kicked in the balls. "wait… big bang" I asked confused and for the first time since I got to this I don't know how long and realized who was next to me was someone I recognized from the movies and comics I watched and read Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch "You're…" "No… she's just someone who received part of the power of another self in another universe, similar to the phoenix force" - - "Tell me, as a reward for being with me at the most difficult time of my existence, would you like to return to the world?" -- The real Synopsis, The MC died, went to the void where he went on his way to reincarnate, he became Ares in DXD -- DXD: Doesn't belong to me Lost canvas: does not belong to me Riordan's verse: does not belong to me DC: Doesn't belong to me Any other anime or fandom present: also does not belong to me -- English is not my native language, so there will be grammar mistakes, be patient -- the chapters will have an average of 1500 to 2000 words

Lord_Demon_3092 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

predestined encounters? (Edited)

Here's the chapter, I'm in multiengine and I could have done more than one chapter, but, as my internet is horrible today, it's just going to be this one.

Comment what you think of the story, if you do, please do a review



I opened my eyes with two hot weights on top of me. Seeing what the weight was, I sighed discovering the two titans employed.

I will not comment on the matter. Because I know they were under threat from Zeus. I don't know what the point of him trying to make them, have sex with me.

But what if Hera said I could take their game or let them go back to Tartarus. In other words, they had no choice.

Having sex with someone who doesn't feel like having sex at the moment is disgusting and just to think that my first time was like this


I carefully pushed them away from me and headed towards the cave exit. When I got to the mouth of the tunnel where the light entered, I found Hera leaning against the tunnel wall.

"So how was your first time… with someone who was forced to?" Hera asked

"disgusting" I replied

There were no other words to express what I felt when having sex with the two of them. I will say that they are beautiful and tight to the extreme.

I would love to have any of them as my wife. They took care of me and helped me through my entire childhood.

Even if they have to

"Did you find it disgusting because they were Titans or because it was forced?" Hera asked tilting her head

I have nothing against the titans. Unlike my mother, I didn't fight the war and I wasn't even born into this world when the war happened.

All I know about the war is that the Olympians won. Zeus and the Olympic Council punished them all by throwing them into Tartarus. even the peaceful titans were thrown into prison. what is a dumb thing?

Titans, even if peaceful they were Titans! They are powerful beings who were able to go toe-to-toe with gods far stronger than themselves just using physical strength and their monstrous stamina.

They could be our greatest allies in this world. But now, thanks to Zeus, there isn't even a chance of the Titans being our allies.

Peace may be something Zeus achieved by trapping the titans. but, it's a silly solution with an expiration date.

Even though Zeus arrested many titans, he sure as hell couldn't arrest them all. There's always some left, you can never count on the possibility of arresting or killing them all.

Surely at least one single Titan managed to escape Zeus' clutches and is out there. This titan has a hatred for us and may be able to spawn 2nd generation demigods or deities.

If he/she thinks of a plan right. A new pantheon of gods could develop in Hellas and end up driving us from our lands. Like I said, arresting all the Titans was a dumb idea.

"Forced sex, I feel like… like… Zeus" I said, swallowing hard.

Yes, even though they started with the act of asking me to have sex. They were still obligated to that fact. I'm not a rapist because they started the act begging me to do it

It was Zeus' fault for somehow forcing them to try so desperately to have sex with me.

"I understand… I'm proud of you" Hera spoke proudly.

She knelt in front of me and hugged me tightly and started stroking my head.

I started to shake and tears started to fall from my eyes? I don't know why I was crying. No! I know! The thought of becoming like Zeus is purely nerve-racking.

"Gyyaaaaa" I screamed crying

I lost control of myself… that's the truth. It may seem weak and a failure of God, but still, I lost control. I don't think I'm less of a man or a god for that, but I know that in the future I won't be able to cry like this

"It's okay, my beloved son… you did well, you will not be my husband… you have a conscience… you are a good boy… now, you have accepted the two titans, saved them from returning to the Tartarus. take responsibility and make them yours, protect them from Zeus… become strong" My mother spoke firmly

It wasn't a lie what she said… I saved the two titans and accepted them. I kept them from being thrown into Tartarus again, giving them hope. It is my responsibility to take care of them.

I'm not alone anymore and I can't be lazy anymore, I have to become strong!

"mom, I want to get strong," I said firmly

"You know Zeus will try to kill you if you start to get stronger don't you?" Hera asked looking me in the eyes

"Yes, he is afraid of me" I replied

"exactly, Zeus is afraid of you… he destroys the things he is afraid of," Hera said seriously

"Ma, he's going to kill me eventually, isn't he? He's just waiting for my domain to become complete to devour me and steal my domain" I stated what I thought.

Hera didn't respond and just hugged me tightly as if she didn't have the strength to speak and just made non-verbal words confirming my suspicions

"Sorry my son, I can't protect you… I'm too scared to face Zeus… I'm a failure as a mother" Hera cried

"It's okay… you protected me more than anyone… I love you mom"

3rd Person

"Very well Hera, you are preparing him to be a spoiled brat… it's going to be good… when I take his hold and he can't even defend himself" Zeus said shuddering, as he looked at an energy screen that showed Hera and Ares talking

She put her hand down and pushed it hard like she was crushing something.

"Hahaha, yeah, I'm cum!" Zeus shouted

Not long after that, the coughing noise was heard below him and he took his hand away and Aphrodite with an angry face stood up.

She bit her lip but then put a cute and happy smile on her face and climbed onto Zeus' lap leaving her breasts on his face.

"Hoho, daddy, how evil you are… surely, you will become the most powerful god in the world… When are you going to devour Hera and my little brother?… daddy, do it soon, I want you to become powerful, so you can reach to the top of this world" Aphrodite spoke hugging Zeus' neck

"Soon my daughter, soon all Olympians will be one!" Zeus spoke with a smile

He gave Aphrodite a hard slap on the ass that made all the flesh of her body tremble and she let out a light cry without wasting time, Zeus stuck his penis in Aphrodite making her moan.

"That daddy, I love you… I… love you… I… love you…" Aphrodite screamed making faces and mouths of pleasure when she was in front of Zeus

She then hugged her as she continued to scream in delight, but when her face was out of Zeus' field of vision, or more precisely on his shoulders

She continued to scream in pleasure, but her face was one of pure boredom and a cold look on her face.

'then he will devour us! I think he's no longer useful to me, having modified the surveillance magic he put on Hera and the Titans was a good one, now who should I favor to be the new king or queen of Olympus?' Aphrodite thought coldly

The two continued having sex with Aphrodite pretending to moan and Zeus using every effort to fuck her. but not even Zeus was able to satisfy the most powerful goddess of love


Hera Pov

I felt my soul ache when my son said those words. the worst thing was that I didn't hate to retort. He was right, Zeus wanted to devour him to take his divinity

The simple fact that I couldn't even fight Zeus for being a useless coward also made my soul ache.


I can't stay like this, my son needs me.

After feeling my son's embrace, I made my decision. I would save him

I took my hand on the back of his neck and slapped it hard with a loud crack.

"mother… what… you," my son asked weakly

"I will save you my son," I said

He couldn't say another word and passed out in my arms. I picked him up and took him to the cave where the titans were still sleeping and placed him in their midst.

"my beloved son, be happy far from Hellas, far from Zeus" I spoke and activated my divinity

"Goodbye my son" I clapped my hands and a bright light shone

The next moment my son and the two titans were gone. I then activated my divinity again and glowed, the next moment I opened my eyes and found myself in front of a throne.

"Ohh, what is my Olympian sister doing here? have you finally remembered that I exist?" A black-haired man asked

"Brother, I require your help! Zeus has gone mad, I beg you, help me!" I knelt putting my head on the floor in front of my brother's feet.

"I understand, but I won't help you, I have other priorities," Hades said

"I'll do anything… just help me" I begged

"Anything?" Hades asked looking me up and down

I felt a primal fear in me, but I couldn't back down, my son depends on it, his life is more important than mine!

"Yes, anything" I replied

"Interesting! I'll think, Persephone, take Hera to the guest room" Hades said looking to the side

"Yes dear" A voice spoke from behind me

I looked back and saw the daughter of Zeus with my older sister. fruit of betrayal


3rd person

Somewhere in the dark, a light flashed and a 12-year-old boy being hugged by two women over 2 meters tall appeared unconscious in a blast of light.

"What happened here, ohh, a god and two titans embracing, how interesting… I think things are going to be fun" A voice spoke and from the shadows came a silhouette that was close to the three

"I'll take them with me… it might be interesting..maybe they can achieve my goal"


Ares POV

I opened my eyes and realized I was cuddling Thea and Hecate on a fluffy bed.

"Looks like you woke up…" A voice spoke

I turned to the voice and what I saw left me with confirmation…

I'm fucked up… why then a killer of gods?

"I'm a nice god," I said trying to smile

"You seem to know me…that makes things easier…why are you here?"

"Well, it's a long story"

I said insecure

"Time is all I have, tell me at once or I'll give you the same fate as others of your kind" She threatened me

"Wait, I am the son of Zeus, I am Ares, a god of war and storm, my father wanted to devour me and my mother threw me out of Hellas," I said honestly

"Zeus, Huh? that rapist is still alive" She spoke contemptuously

She despises Zeus, she's probably already found him. what can give me a golden opportunity to get power

"Yes, that's why I ask you to teach me how to fight, so I can kill Zeus," I asked

I knelt on the floor and put my head on the floor in a request. This can be a humiliating thing, but sometimes to gain power, you have to humiliate yourself.

The witch looked at me with her red eyes burning in an intimidating aura and opened her mouth.

"What, do I get out of this?" the witch asked crossing her arms

"A favor, you can call any favor on me when I'm powerful" I declared

"Um, any favor, huh? if I ask for your life… will you do that favor?" the witch asked looking at me with intensity

"Yes, after I kill Zeus and take his dominion, I swear on Stryx that I will do what you ask" I declared confidently.

A thunder fell from the sky making a flash in the completely dark world and the woman and I looked at the sky

"Alright… we have a deal, I'll teach you everything you have to learn about combat… as you are a god of war, it will be easier to learn... but remember, I'll call in the favor …follow me and bring your women along… I need cleaning ladies to clean my house" The witch mused

"I'm going now" I nodded

Without wasting much time I went to Hecate and Thea. I took them on the shoulder, even though they are much bigger than me, my super strength as the god of war allowed me to lift them

"call me master from now on" The witch spoke looking at me

"Yes master" I replied happily

the main issue here is that I'm in Type Moon, a very dangerous and cruel world. The only problem is how the hell, am I going to defeat a divine machine that destroyed the white titan?


Hera Pov

How much humiliation, what did I do to get through this?

I am a queen!

Why, do I have to clear Hades' castle? What did I do to deserve this?

It's been over a month since I came to Hades' castle and I knew he was spiteful that I hadn't told him anything about the Zeus and Poseidon trick

but to make your sister a maid?

There are limits to evil!

cursed Hades

cursed Zeus!

"my nail" I cried

Again, my beautiful nail was broken, what did I do to deserve this?


Hades was sitting on his throne with his wife on his lap. he was stroking her beautiful hair that reached down to her ass.

Hades' eyes sparkled as he touched the shiny dark brown hair that looked like it had stars. He was completely in love with his wife

Persephone the wife of Hades was humming as she snuggles into her husband's lap and looks at the dinner table

The table was full of goodies that she was staring at. She wanted to eat the candy right now.

"dear, aren't you being too hard on your sister?" Persephone asked

"no, she is a spoiled brat who always had all the best and the best, which did not generate in her the feeling of change, if I were too soft with her, she would be dependent on me like she is on Zeus" Hades spoke to a frown

"I know... but" Persephone whispered in a low voice.

Hades tried to respond by denying Persephone's words as his eyes widened.

"Who's there? Persephone behind me!" Hades yelled taking Persephone off his lap and placing her behind him.

he placed himself in front of her protectively and his body glowed in a dark aura causing his skin to melt away leaving only a living skeleton with glowing eyes

"oh, oh, oh, it seems my uncle is able to feel my presence, as expected from the 'stronger' Hellene god" A female voice spoke

"Who are you?" Hades growled, releasing his divinity.

A black aura began to come out of him and everything around him began to shake. The underworld itself shook causing everything around it to be destroyed;

The floor of the underworld began to crack, the nearby lifeforms began to die one by one, and souls in the punishment fields were killed along with many of the lesser gods.

who punished souls in the underworld. The damage to the release of the god of Hades was so great that even in different dimensions linked to the underworld it had negative effects,

in Lucifaad (Underworld) hears volcanic eruptions.

Enter Isla, hear earthquakes

In the makai you hear tsunamis

"Kyaaaa" Persephone yelled behind Hades

She had her hands on her head and lowered to the floor. her eyes were running blood and her ears and nose too

"Are you sure about this? if you continue to unleash your divinity like this, you will kill your woman doll" The voice spoke with the venom of amusement.

"Tch" Hades clicked his tongue and suppressed his divinity

"very well… my dear 'uncle' I come to make you a proposal" The voice spoke with happiness

"You are some deity from another realm, why did you call me uncle?" Hades asked angrily

A pink glow formed in front of Hades and an Aphrodite appeared in the midst of the glow.

She did a badass pose in front of Hades and hummed.

"You thought it was someone else~~ but it's me Aphrodite!~~" Aphrodite hummed finishing her badass stance

Hades narrowed his eyes at her and verified that Persephone had passed out, he let out a sigh seeing that she was fine.

"What do you want here? my 'niece'" Hades asked forcing a smile.

"As I said, I have a proposal~~," Aphrodite said smiling

"What proposal" Hades asked suspiciously

"Put me in Hera's body and she is my body~~, you are a god of death domain, you can do this~~" Aphrodite hummed

"Why do you want that?" Hades asked even more suspiciously

"I've been fucking Zeus… he's a potent pre~~ unable to give me constant pleasure~~ but he's still the king and if I have children with him as~~ his 'daughter' my children will not have the right to the throne ~~" Aphrodite hummed changing badass possessions

"so you want to give my brother a coup d'état… very well… I'll talk to Hera… so she can be free," Hades said thoughtfully

"I'll be waiting~~dear 'uncle'~~ when you get tired of that Woman~~ look for me~~ since you seem to be less proponent than my dear 'father'~~" Aphrodite hummed and disappeared

"disappear" Hades shouted in fury


"Now that you've mastered how to lift weights without using too much of your physical power, I'm going to teach you how to fight" The witch spoke with a sadistic smile.

I felt a shiver down my spine.

why does it feel like this is some kind of trouble?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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