
Reborn as Ares

Warning: I'm not good at Synopsis and as someone already made the synopsis like this, I thought it was cool to do the same -- As if disappearing, but not disappearing. dying, but very much alive. falling, but still standing. this was the feeling I had to see everything nearby burning in a magnificent destruction and from the destruction something new being created I've never seen anything this beautiful except in the movies, comics, and manga I read during my adolescence and adulthood. At that time, I had a big imagination and I wanted something brilliant in my life. "it's beautiful, is not it?" A voice spoke beside me "Yes… it's… wonderful" I commented in a crying voice… not caring who was next to me… I couldn't take my eyes off that beautiful sight "I understand you… although my cry was from pain… giving birth to the big bang was not easy… having you here with me helped me a lot" The voice commented with a slight squeak. "I see…" I said understandingly… I had no way of knowing how painful it was to give birth, but I had an idea of ​​how painful it was to be kicked in the balls. "wait… big bang" I asked confused and for the first time since I got to this I don't know how long and realized who was next to me was someone I recognized from the movies and comics I watched and read Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch "You're…" "No… she's just someone who received part of the power of another self in another universe, similar to the phoenix force" - - "Tell me, as a reward for being with me at the most difficult time of my existence, would you like to return to the world?" -- The real Synopsis, The MC died, went to the void where he went on his way to reincarnate, he became Ares in DXD -- DXD: Doesn't belong to me Lost canvas: does not belong to me Riordan's verse: does not belong to me DC: Doesn't belong to me Any other anime or fandom present: also does not belong to me -- English is not my native language, so there will be grammar mistakes, be patient -- the chapters will have an average of 1500 to 2000 words

Lord_Demon_3092 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Is the peace over?

Sorry again people, the delay was for personal reasons, which are, taking my aunt to the hospital, suspected corvid and then playing ball, but, here is the chapter. We are going to start entering a more serious phase of history.

Comment what you think and if possible an evaluation to give visibility to my story


start the chapter


5000 BC

12 years later

It has been some time since I was born into this world and I learned a few things.

The first thing, I wish I could have the ability to forget about the time I was a baby.

Be dependent on another. not having control of their basic needs. BE DEPENDENT ON OTHERS.

live the humiliation of having to cry to get what you want, being treated like a cat by your mother.


Did I already say, BE DEPENDENT ON OTHERS?

There is no greater humiliation than this, I would give anything to forget this miserable part of my life!


Hellenic gods age according to their power. The more powerful a Hellene god, the slower he/she takes to grow.

minor gods who are currently making up the Hellene pantheon. It takes around 5 to 10 years to fully mature. Now I'm 12 years old and the size of 12 years old

That is, either I am very powerful or I have no divinity. What Hera assured me I have.

she said that she, Poseidon, Hestia, and Hades took longer to grow up than the other gods in the family

It took Hera 20 years to become a mature goddess.

Hestia 25 years to become a mature goddess

Poseidon took 22 years to become a mature god

Hades took 30 years to become a mature god

That, according to her, was what she told from inside Kronos' stomach. So, she has no idea how long, Zeus became a mature God.

But, Hera said with all the words that, Zeus was a kind and faithful god when he was still young, in the war against Kronos and he was in love with Métis.

I do not believe it!

I learned from Mom, Yes Mom. Hera was a perfect mother on the same level as my mother in the afterlife. Just a little less angry, but that was understandable.

After all, in my other life, I lived my whole life in an environment of poverty where kids like me were either parent in their teens losing their future or getting killed by crime or the police.

She has always tried to protect me from this fate, although there is no lack of it, I was a father in my teens….

Hera was as protective of a mother as my mother in the afterlife. She did everything she could for me despite having and treated like a cat for most of my childhood.

She gave me a lot of precious information about the Hellene gods. First, we were immortal, we had 2 types of immortality.

1- After reaching adulthood, a Hellene god would not age or degrade. This immortality is compounded with a powerful healing factor.

We can regenerate from a single drop of blood. As long as our divine core is whole we will not die

2 – we can resurrect when we die, that is, when our divine core is destroyed, of course as long as our domain exists

So upon reaching the peak of its power a Hellen God would not degrade to something weaker.

What gave it an advantage over other deities that existed elsewhere, my mother never explained much to me about other deities, just left between the lines that they do exist.

which leads to believe that other deities age and let their powers degrade

The problem was that at the same time, a Hellene god would also not get stronger after reaching its peak. The potential of a Hellene god was decided at birth.

So that's where human faith came in. A notable feature of the Hellene gods.

We can absorb human faith to make ourselves more powerful, compensating for our lack of possibility of evolution.

But my mother said I shouldn't use the power of faith. it is an addictive and enslaving power.

It gives you the feeling of being powerful. but, it is not constant. Someday humans may stop revering you and you will be weak without knowing how to use your real power.

A god who uses faith as his main power is doomed to fail as a deity and as a person.

Because, the power of gives a false sense of power that makes the individual powerful, paranoid, imposing, and violent, leading the deity to get into trouble with other powerful beings and end up being killed...

Wait, these features remind me of someone....no! It can not be!

Hera's Explanation was very similar to the reality of crack I never used it, but I met friends who were at the beginning of Crack.

They were confident, cheerful, and had a powerful bearing. Women adored them. I was even curious about Crack at the time.

Being popular and getting a woman is the biggest dream of a boy from a poor place, the biggest dream that most people can achieve.

unfortunately, other dreams are only achieved by a few.

So in a short time, these friends of mine degraded as fast as late-stage cancer devours a person's life. that's when my curiosity about Crack ended

Cool, let's not use the power of faith!


Now let's focus on other things. I looked to the side with a grimace. why am I at the beach?

"Young master, come with us, we are going to take you on a very interesting journey… come with us" Thea my blonde maid said

Hey..... Your smile is so scary... why the hell are you naked?

"Come young master… please… come with us… I'm sure you'll like it… just come… please" Hecate spoke

She hugged me from behind wrapping her arms around my chest.

"Please…" She whispered in my ear.

Her voice was shaking and afraid. Why was she scared? She is much bigger than I am and also much more powerful.

She was a woman over 2.50 cm tall and with a beautiful and slender body It's ok that this is her small size

Her power was no joke either, she was almost as powerful as Hera.

She was also naked and her medium-sized breasts brushed against my head.

As she squeezed me with her body heat on my body…

I smell Zeus in it!

I feel like I'm going to have to deal with Zeus sooner than I thought.

I have to become powerful!

I have to stay mighty hidden from Zeus!

I'm so screwed!

I just sighed and looked up to find Hecate's eyes filled with fear.

"Fine..but, teach me..leave it alone…what do you want to show me?" I asked

I looked at my mother who was sitting on the sand on the beach wearing the lints of Greek clothes that covered her underwear and a hat on her head.

She looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. Then she whispered so I could read her lips

they don't have a choice, if you want to play their game and if you don't let them go back to Tartarus, huh?

After sighing, I made my decision!

I will stay with them and bring them to my side. I need all the help I can get to deal with Zeus

"Come on, I'll show you… young master" Hecate said smiling.

I felt relief in her and she lifted me holding my chest and went towards Thea who also walked a little until we reached a cave.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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