
Reborn as Ares

Warning: I'm not good at Synopsis and as someone already made the synopsis like this, I thought it was cool to do the same -- As if disappearing, but not disappearing. dying, but very much alive. falling, but still standing. this was the feeling I had to see everything nearby burning in a magnificent destruction and from the destruction something new being created I've never seen anything this beautiful except in the movies, comics, and manga I read during my adolescence and adulthood. At that time, I had a big imagination and I wanted something brilliant in my life. "it's beautiful, is not it?" A voice spoke beside me "Yes… it's… wonderful" I commented in a crying voice… not caring who was next to me… I couldn't take my eyes off that beautiful sight "I understand you… although my cry was from pain… giving birth to the big bang was not easy… having you here with me helped me a lot" The voice commented with a slight squeak. "I see…" I said understandingly… I had no way of knowing how painful it was to give birth, but I had an idea of ​​how painful it was to be kicked in the balls. "wait… big bang" I asked confused and for the first time since I got to this I don't know how long and realized who was next to me was someone I recognized from the movies and comics I watched and read Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch "You're…" "No… she's just someone who received part of the power of another self in another universe, similar to the phoenix force" - - "Tell me, as a reward for being with me at the most difficult time of my existence, would you like to return to the world?" -- The real Synopsis, The MC died, went to the void where he went on his way to reincarnate, he became Ares in DXD -- DXD: Doesn't belong to me Lost canvas: does not belong to me Riordan's verse: does not belong to me DC: Doesn't belong to me Any other anime or fandom present: also does not belong to me -- English is not my native language, so there will be grammar mistakes, be patient -- the chapters will have an average of 1500 to 2000 words

Lord_Demon_3092 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

the return of god(Edited)

guys, sorry for the delay, I didn't have internet for 5 days and my work gained more hours, with 7 more hours of work, 1 hour for lunch, so I ran out of time, this chapter will be a little confusing, but it will do feeling it in front


4000 BC

Time has passed since I started training with Scáthach. 1000 years to be precise. In that time, I studied runes, spear handling, and bed techniques.

In addition to training my body. I also learned to speak other languages. My divinity was fully matured and the main element of War and the second element of the storm.

Water, lightning, and wind proved easy to control and create. I developed techniques on how to use my powers. I based my powers on some anime, comics, manga, and movies I've watched and read. I decided to base my deity on just one anime.

Fairy Tail God Slayer Magic

I don't have any Etherion. But, I have divinity and a lot of it. which in my opinion is the deity being much more powerful than Etherion.

Most of the techniques I can remember were easily added to my skill arsenal.

I was stunned when I found out I needed a lot of mind power to make my power. For the first 200 years, I could only use my full power for 20 minutes

after 20 minutes. I was already mentally exhausted. So I focused on using the separate elements.

The deity of war was purely physical.

The storm deity was purely elemental.

The problem was that using all the elements of my storm deity was too exhausting

So I separated my elements to use the war deity one more at a time. So I was able to efficiently use my power without having mental wear and tear.

How Natsu managed to devour the element of Laxus to become more powerful and managed to assimilate it.

And I slowly started to assimilate my storm divinity until I finally managed to assimilate all my storm divinity into one element. Focusing my power purely on destructive aspects.

When I embodied my power of war deity the mixture…

I became the God of Destruction when I gathered all my power.



Coming back with my Scáthach training.

It was mostly using the spear. At first, I started with light spears and gradually I managed to use more thoughtful spears.

In much pain and suffering from Scáthach training. I had many broken bones and destroyed organs. My body was dying and reliving thousands of times.

When I turned 600 years old I challenged the master in a fight. I was confident and completely immature in the situation.

as a result, I didn't last even a single second.

I was destroyed. It was Saitama's fight against the piccolo copy in the first episode of the anime.

I childishly tried to challenge her thousands of times and couldn't even last more than 20 seconds against her all that time.

Even today I am not able to defeat her. The only thing I can defeat her is in bed and that's only sometimes since she's immortal. That is, it has infinite vitality.

while I'm only metaphorically immortal. My vitality is limited, even though I am much stronger than she is physical. Then it becomes a struggle of resistance between dominator and dominated.

that's when I use it to return all the humiliation she's given me all these years. Candle in the corner over my domain is the most wonderful thing I've ever felt.

Too bad I'm not even always able to keep her in this situation forever. Since she has infinite vigor and usually, I would tire before I completely mastered her.

After having her in my domain in bed battles. she kept me under her dominion in royal battles

My titans finally became much closer to me and swore loyalty to me and me alone. They started sleeping next to me and their eyes were alive

I would love to eat them metaphorically, but I have to admit that Scáthach gave me bed tea so well given that I don't have the energy to have sex with other people anymore.


one month later

When I swung my heaviest spear for the last time. I ran my hand over my head, wiping the sweat away.

"Was that the last one? very well, you can stop training today, come to my cabin… let's talk about your training" Scáthach said with a sigh as her placed herself in front of me.

"But... it's still half the day, I have to finish training!" I said confused

"It's not over yet? Boy, you've been swinging this heaviest spear in my arsenal for over 10 hours and you've swung it over 100,000 times…your training is over…you're already strong enough to defend against king-class deities" Scáthach said with a grimace.

"But master, I still haven't beaten you! hell, I couldn't even last 50 minutes in a fight with you, how can my training be over?" I said confused

"Hump, you said you wanted to be powerful enough to defeat Zeus, I made you powerful enough to defeat him, your training is over" She snorted


"So what am I going to do now?" I asked lost

my life has been spent in my time with her. Training, having sex, having fun drinking, and singing. We went to Celtic bars on weekends where we met all kinds of fun

From Gods to nature spirits. I met the Fae, Lugh the blacksmith god, and also one of the 10 most powerful in the world.

the man was a pacifist, but I felt a power coming from him that wasn't raw power like Aphrodite, Poseidon, and Zeus.

it was something more pure and refined. was less than Aphrodite's power, but far more dangerous than I've seen Aphrodite thousands of years ago.

The problem was, he scared me differently than Aphrodite and my father and uncle.

All three gave me a sense of danger.

Lugh gave me the feeling that he could kill me anytime

Of course, this feeling diminished as I trained with the master

"Come to my hut," The master said

I looked at my titans who were behind me watching us and they nodded shyly. they were until recently cleaning up Scáthach castle and I can feel a rise in their divinity

It was an already significant increase to the point where they were able to match my mother in divinity.

"Okay, what are we going to do?" I asked

She was never that mysterious. She's going to throw me out, she's going to demand her wish, but what, her wish? I don't think she has any benefits in having me kill myself.

So she wants something else

"just come and I'll tell you in my cabin," She said and turned her back to me.

"I'm going" I replied

wasting no time I slammed my ankles and went after her. I followed through the arid and dark lands of the land of shadows where the only trees they had were scary trees that bore ugly but delicious fruits

I looked at her back and noticed her full body coat that looked like a dress, she had never worn an outfit like this before

When we arrived at her cabin. She let me pass in front of her

"You stay out," She said looking at my titans

She broke the door and put seals on the doors

"Master what you…" I tried to speak

But, I was caught by a powerful kiss and she released me, taking a few steps away. before I could say anything, she opened her arms and let her blouse fall to the floor revealing her naked body

The beautiful body I've seen thousands of times in my life, but something was different, she was more radiant and it didn't look like the same-sex situation to relax without any feelings. It was something more sentimental that came from her

"Today is your last day here and after you finish your graduation, I'm going to ask for my wish," She said

I swallowed hard… what is she going to ask for?

"don't worry, your death doesn't interest me, my request, but first for today, make me your *Woman" She spoke in a honeyed voice

"Today, I'm going to give you my first time of sentimental sex, it won't be a no-strings-attached pleasure battle, today, this is your graduation, so as a gift, for today, I'll be yours and only yours…"

I felt a strong grip in my heart not from sadness but pure joy and excitement.

"here I come…" I yelled and jumped on her


2 months later

"so, I finally came home! how is my mother?" I asked putting my feet up on the island of Hellas

"Young master, is this Hellas?" Hecate asked

"I'm not sure if we're in the right place!" Thea spoke

I looked at the island and everywhere I saw destruction and death. With lightning falling in the sky and causing destruction all over the place and a giant idiot with flaming hair stomping across entire cities.

that would not be


I heard a scream behind me as a bald man I knew ran past me and headed towards the giant.

"Kratos? Am I in the right universe?" I asked myself

"Young master, that man smells like Aphrodite and Zeus," Hecate said pointing to the flaming haired idiot