
Reborn as Ares

Warning: I'm not good at Synopsis and as someone already made the synopsis like this, I thought it was cool to do the same -- As if disappearing, but not disappearing. dying, but very much alive. falling, but still standing. this was the feeling I had to see everything nearby burning in a magnificent destruction and from the destruction something new being created I've never seen anything this beautiful except in the movies, comics, and manga I read during my adolescence and adulthood. At that time, I had a big imagination and I wanted something brilliant in my life. "it's beautiful, is not it?" A voice spoke beside me "Yes… it's… wonderful" I commented in a crying voice… not caring who was next to me… I couldn't take my eyes off that beautiful sight "I understand you… although my cry was from pain… giving birth to the big bang was not easy… having you here with me helped me a lot" The voice commented with a slight squeak. "I see…" I said understandingly… I had no way of knowing how painful it was to give birth, but I had an idea of ​​how painful it was to be kicked in the balls. "wait… big bang" I asked confused and for the first time since I got to this I don't know how long and realized who was next to me was someone I recognized from the movies and comics I watched and read Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch "You're…" "No… she's just someone who received part of the power of another self in another universe, similar to the phoenix force" - - "Tell me, as a reward for being with me at the most difficult time of my existence, would you like to return to the world?" -- The real Synopsis, The MC died, went to the void where he went on his way to reincarnate, he became Ares in DXD -- DXD: Doesn't belong to me Lost canvas: does not belong to me Riordan's verse: does not belong to me DC: Doesn't belong to me Any other anime or fandom present: also does not belong to me -- English is not my native language, so there will be grammar mistakes, be patient -- the chapters will have an average of 1500 to 2000 words

Lord_Demon_3092 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


hello guys, sorry for the delay, i went to do a job interview and then i went to play ball. I was also a little sad, I found out that a friend, died shortly after playing ball, fell and hit his head, may you be with God, Silio!

comment what you think of the chapter and if you can leave a review


start with the chapter


I woke up to the sound of an argument… after that horrible scene of being pressured by Poseidon's deity. When I looked around, I was in my back room on Hera's lap.

She wasn't playing with me like I was a cat, nya. She was looking coldly straight ahead and with a little effort, I looked straight ahead too.

Ohh shit, who are they, they're beautiful, but I don't know

"Why did Zeus send you? Titan" Hera asked with a growl

"Lady Hera, we must take care of Prince Ares, it is our destiny" The woman on the right spoke with a gentle smile.

She was talking about fate! Was it some prophecy that tells them to take care of me? They were happy for their fate

I could see that adorable, cute smile as the answer of yes if her eyes weren't almost completely dead.

The other also had almost dead eyes. The difference was, she wasn't smiling. She just looked around like she was lost

"So? he brainwashed you into being a god's maids? how bad was it?" Hera asked seriously

The Titans shuddered at the same moment in response to what Hera asked.

Yes, Zeus brainwashed them. so it wasn't a prophecy

The question and what? Was it hypnotism mind control? mind control from physical violence? not sure what kind of method Zeus used

I had to know to undo or take their loyalty to me and not Zeus.

Why did Zeus have to be so mean?

He spoiled every expectation I had of him!

I don't want to be taken care of by broken people… you never know what those people might do! Look at Sakura's example in Havens Feel, she almost destroyed her world

"I understand, from your reaction, it shows that he didn't completely break them, that's good, it can be used if you're careful," ivy said

She set me on my side on the bed and stood up. She circled the Titans, rubbing her chin.

The Titans looked nervous with Her. They tensed their shoulders and their eyes gleamed with something I'm not sure was fear or hate.

Stop it mother, you will cause your death!

I have to do something, even though she treats me like a cat, I like her! she's my mother.

Titans have a reputation for being horrible and powerful beings. My mother could be in danger!

Of course, this is a narrative for Zeus…

So I don't have a basis for claims that it's the absolute truth.

Then, Hera stopped walking and leaned behind the two of them, placing a pointed finger on each hand on the back of the Titans' necks.

"Very well, since it is an order from my husband, I will allow you to have access to my son," Hera said with a smile.

"But if you hurt my son…" Hera then lowered her voice and made her cruel and unforgiving.

The air around the room froze and I felt my spine shiver. The titans also seemed to shudder to the point that their lips started to tremble and they looked down showing a feeling for the first time since they arrived here.


The titans were afraid of my mother… that is not possible, she is harmless…

"I will do a thousand times worse than what Zeus did to you" Hera spoke with coldness and truth in her voice

"Yes, lady Hera" The two titans spoke at the same time with their heads down.

"Now that it's all right, stay there and watch how a child is taken care of, so you know how to deal with him," Hera said and came to me.

She sat on the bed picking me up and putting me on my back… that sounds familiar…

"Who is mommy's Ares," Hera said smiling

She then started poking my belly

(Oh no… no! Please do it!) I screamed in desperation trying to warn her

Well, that's what I tried to scream, but it came out like this

"Gyaaaa, dadd, gya"

"You are liked!" Hera spoke smiling

(No I'm hating it, stop it…hey stop it don't touch me I'm not an act Nya) I screamed again

She didn't stop… She continued to poke my belly…

I tried every means to stop her, I tried to roll over, but, she put me back, I tried to hit her hands, but it had no effect.

Being a baby sucks

Wait, am I a baby? What do babies do when they are upset about something?

Yes, as I didn't notice it before. I have the ultimate trump card in my hands against her.

The baby's cry… now I just remember how she cries…

First, take a sad thought…


now focus on it…


Now! cry you motherfucker



Hera POV


Ohh, I remembered, my dear kitten still hasn't eaten. this is bad!

I undressed my breast and pulled it out of my clothes and picked up my struggling son on the bed. he was so cute.

Like a real kitten. he acts just like a kitten just like Bastet said babies like it! I went to consult about my fertility 200 years ago with the desert gods

She is right, my son loves it

well... I don't think I can ignore them forever

I discreetly looked at the titans and sighed... They look like they're totally under Zeus' control.

I feel guilty at some point. Since having accepted Zeus' betrayals for him not to suspect that Ares is not his son.

It made my husband careless and reckless. he began to openly seek sex and impregnate women and even sadistically impregnate men.

He tweaked the biology of some men he found attractive and made them capable of having children. Of course without the permission of these men

the worst thing is that Zeus didn't even create a vagina for them... The anus is not a place a child should go out. No one should go through this

Neither men nor women, who often lost their husbands, their families, and even their lives because they got pregnant when their husbands were away from home.

The worst were those who were sure that it was their husbands who impregnated them because Zeus took the form of their husbands.

The poor girls lost marriages, some lost their lives swearing by the gods that they would not cheat, even though in the end all the evidence indicated that they had cheated.

I'm so sorry for Zeus' victims... having accepted his betrayals has caused many people to suffer.

I bit my lip and put my son on my chest to make him stop crying. I have to talk to these Titans and see how far Zeus brainwashed them and how much I can guarantee their loyalty to my son

"Come closer," I said looking at them


Ares POV

The moment I started crying my problems were over!

My ultimate trump card worked and I got a boob as a reward, despite not being hungry.

ahh, what am I going to do? abreast in a mouth is better than two hands in the belly.

I put my mouth on Hera's chest, or mother how is our relationship now, and started suckling milk from her breast. While breastfeeding, I started to think about what to do.

(First I must form the phases of my plan) I thought

(Let's move on to the goal: peacefully living the privileges of being a God

obstacles in front of my goal: Zeus, death, the world possibly in a state of the eternal cold war

The world I'm in is a world of mythology, I don't know if it's just Helen mythology or all others,

I know I'm in a world of fiction. So it could be anyone from TV's Hercules, Type moon (no, Zeus doesn't look like a machine in a divine body),

Percy Jackson (That might be, but, my power doesn't seem to be affected by anything like faith, I don't feel anything coming to me and my birth has been carried all over Hellas! although I don't even know if I have power yet)

DXD? (I don't know, but if it is, it's way worse than any Percy Jackson world and my prediction of a world in eternal cold war might come true)

Marvel? (can be as bad as DXD)

DC (it's heavily based on Greek and Christian mythology, but as bad as the last two, I also don't feel the power of faith in me, as DC's gods absorb the power of faith)

So I don't know what world I'm in. I will form a plan in 5 phases

1- make me powerful the most powerful God Hellen

Reason: I value my life, Zeus will kill me if I'm not strong enough to defend myself

I have to become powerful away from Zeus' eyes and make sure the god never thinks I'm getting powerful, I need a shield, a big tree that can hide me from Zeus' eyes.

Should I sacrifice some of my happiness and marry some goddess powerful enough to make Zeus apprehensive about checking me out?

No, the way the paranoid is, he'll try to kill me if I marry a powerful goddess.

Hera may hide me for a while, but not forever, maybe teaming up with Athena will help! If she wants to ally herself with me, as much as it hurts to say, I have to be careful with my sister in case she turns me in.






2- travel the world

It's embarrassing to say this but, In my past life I never had this opportunity, being poor and being a father at 15 undermined all my chances of traveling


Even though she treats me like a damn cat. She was the nicest person I've ever met in this world and she loves me like her son. I can see it in her eyes, An idiot like Zeus having her is heresy against all that is most divine.

4- Be the great before the Great Born

It may seem like envy, wanting to take someone's place in history. Even more, someone who was the GREAT, many leaders were great, but none other than He was the GREAT

I want to be THE GREAT before him to prove my existence

5- Kill Zeus and take his throne

I'm not interested in ruling, but sitting in Zeus' chair and proving to him I'm the best is going to be beautiful.



The noise came out of my ass and the smell rose… no, it can't be. this can't be happening, aaahhh!

(Mama, save me)


ivy POV

I looked up at the Titans and opened my mouth to speak to them when


The smell rose. I looked at Ares in my lap and he looked back at me, then the little lingo face turned red and he whimpered touching my face.

"Hmm. looks like someone pooped" I commented as I lifted his diaper.

Yes, he pooped...

"Hey you, come learn how to take care of a baby change him, I'll guide you from... far away," I said

I put my little Ares on the bed and as two Titans waved and walked over to my son quietly.

how cute is my son