
Reborn as an op kitten

I was just an ordinary guy walking home from work when all of a sudden. "beeeeeb" "Crash" And all I saw was black. I woke up some time later to a strange screen floating before my eyes. | ~Evolution System~ | | Name: Entity 196784 | | Race: Common house cat(Kitten) | | Magical Affinities: None | | Gender: Female | | Level: 0/30 | | Exp: 0/100 | | Health: 100 Stamina: 100 Mana: 100 | | Stats: | | Strength: 8 Agility: 14 Dexterity: 10 | | Endurance: 10 Vitality: 10 Intelligence: 23 | | Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 20 Luck: 14 | | Unique abilities: | | ◇Evolution System◇ | | ◇Appraisal◇ | | ◇Inventory◇ | | ◇Natural Magic◇ | | ◇Double Exp◇ | | skills: None | | Racial skills: Claw lvl 1, Bite lvl 1 | [Welcome to your new life] "Wait why the hell am I a cat and a female one at that!!!!!"

Set63773628 · Fantasy
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23 Chs


We walk out of the forest in triumphant silence with me in Kanthari's arms. Kanthari Carrie's me into the village and passed the gate.

We end up taking a while to get to Elena's place as this town is like a maze. It is so difficult to find anything without guidance.

*Knock* *knock*

"Hello, are you in there Elena" Asks Kanthari.

"Coming, be right there!

The door opens before us to the sight of Elena standing in the doorway. She has dark bags under her eyes making me think that she has just woken up. Which is strange as we were just dropped of recently by her in the forest.

Kanthari must have picked up on my thoughts as that was exactly what she asked about next.

"Don't worry about it I was just really tired and stressed about the elemental so I went to sleep as soon as I got back."

"Well you won't have to stress any longer as we have successfully taken care of the lesser earth elemental. We even collected its core as proof." Says Kanthari while taking out the core we collected.

"Thank you! That helps so much. I can finally start stocking up on my herbs again. Here is the 50 copper I owe you for the quest I put up." Answers Elena jubilantly while handing Kanthari the copper coins. "And if you ever need some medicine or potions I will happily give you a discount."

Kanthari accepts the coins and says goodbye to Elena for both of us. Once Elena had closed the door Kanthari starts walking back towards the carriage we took to get here.

We eventually arrive at the carriage But not without getting lost on the way. We even had to eventually ask for directions which was extremely embarrassing as we only needed directions to leave.

Kanthari jumps into the carriage and puts me down on her lap as it starts moving. I cant help but think about how much I love being a cat because if I was a human lying on Kanthari's lap would never have been possible.

The ride back was quite bumpy and took a while but it wasn't that bad as it just meant I got to snuggle up to Kanthari for longer.

"Wake up sleepy head." Whispers Kanthari while shaking me awake. "We have arrived back at the town."

I blearily open up my eyes to the beautiful sight of Kanthati smiling down at me. I must have been so comfortable on Kanthari's lap that I fell asleep I think in wry amusement.

I stretch before jumping off of Kanthari's lap and out of the carriage. I wait outside and see Kanthari step elegantly out of the carriage before preceding to pay the driver the ten copper that was owed for the trip there and back.

After seeing the driver ride of with his carriage Kanthari turns around and picks me back up in her arms.

We arrive back in Kanthari's house and sit down on the her comfortable bed.

"Wait here Ciara I am just going to get us some food quickly."

I thank her and watch her walk off before lying down on the bed and going to sleep as I am very tired from the busy day we had.

Sorry for not posting that often anymore but I am suffering from writers block and I also have a lot of schoolwork at the moment.

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