
Reborn As A Divine Saiyan

Cryptic_werelord · Anime & Comics
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problems ot Trouble Planet!!!

Commander Yamon Exited the spaceship. "Good morning Cadets, and private Zucchini. Your squad, and I will be going to problem planet twenty-oneC, and eliminate the problem. The planet is massive. Has one hundred forty times the gravity of our planet. Inhabited by giant species of animals, and other creatures. Now get on the ship." Commander Yamon spoke as she too headed for the spaceship.

Everyone followed behind commander yamon. The ship door shutting behind them, as they got on. "Get comfy kids this is your new home till we conquer the problem planet.hehehe." Commander Yamon snarkly laughed as she headed for the cockpit of the ship. Everyone immediately stored their stuff in some storage compartments, by some sleeping chambers.

Then went on about their own business. Belirad training constantly, while sometimes reading some science,mathematics, and other literature. About metals, tools, etc. While reading or training, belirad would always notice the others playing card games, drinking, or just messing around. Non of them actively did anything. To get stronger or gain knowledge.

Sometimes chay would come over, and talk to him about the things he was reading. Even though most of the time she thought it was boring, and would soon leave to go hangout with her friends.

After three months of space travel. They were finally in planetary orbit. Commander yamon, was having the planet scanned, by the ship. It would take a week before it was finished. Belirad was looking at the planet from the observatory deck in the ship. He'd already seen a few massive creatures. Two flying creatures, and one land dwelling creature. The two flying creatures looked like giant teradactyls. That eventually flew towards what looked like an active volcano in the distance. The land dwelling creature looked to be a giant tailess ape in the massive tree's Down below them. For the whole week belirad observed the planet, and it's inhabitants. Learning it's ecological systems, and some of the creatures that live within them ecosystems.

"Come to the briefing room slacker squad." Commander Yamon spoke over some intercoms on the ship. 'I ain't no slacker' belirad thought angrily as he went to the briefing room. Once every one was there a display appeared in the middle of the round table. Showing a spectacular dynamic 3D image of the planet. With incredible detail from,pants, living creatures, everything could be seen in life like imagery across the entire planet. The living beings could still be seen living their lives on the planet through this planetary map. Almost like looking through a crystal ball with some spell to ease drop on an entire planet. Just using really good tech instead to display everything at a constant rate.

"Now that I can watch everything you guys do. You may commence your mission. Rid this planet of life or die try..." before commander yamon could finish talking. A laser beam blasted through the ship taking out it's engines. Causing the ship to plumet to the ground. Gumber,Cilek, and Fen. Were all incinerated by the beam. Leaving only Rabin,Chay, Commander Yamon, and Belirad stranded on the planet. Belirad, and the rest of the survivors abounded the ship before it exploded mid crash to the ground.

Sending metal debri flying in every direction. A large piece of debri hit commander Yamon taking her down into the forest below. Bottom one of the massive tree's shook violently. As Belirad and the rest of the group showed up to where the collision happened there was no sign of commander yamon. Besides a blood stain on the metal that hit commander yamon. The debri was lodged in the tree. There is also two blood trails, and what seems to be pieces of commander Yamon's organs on the ground. Leading in some unknown direction.

Upon further inspection, there was some sort of large dog like prints in the dirt of the forest floor. More than one set of them. 'Larger than dire wolfs, and some prehistoric bears.' Belirad thought As he flew slowly through the trees. Examining his surroundings as Chay, and Rabin followed closely behind. Following commander Yamon's blood trails. Eventually the blood trails disappeared.

As the tracks veered off in two different ways. As if circling back around the group. Belirad immediately turned around. He saw two sets of enormous yellow eyes. Staring back at them. Also noticed a peice of paper blowing through the trees with blood on it. Blowing between him and the eyes. Belirad immediately launched towards the paper. The closest set of eyes immediately dashing towards Belirad. Within seconds belirad was nearly grabbing the bloody piece of paper.

Belirad noticed the shadow of the beast getting closer. Jumping back, he saw what the eyes were. A fifty foot tall Black wolf was standing in front of Belirad. The wolf started snarling as it circled to the left of belirad. Belirad could hear the battle between the other wolf, and the last two sayiens with him.

'The girls will die soon. I need to end these giant wolves quickly.' Belirad thought As he powered up. Quickly transforming into his sayien god transformation. His hair. Turning all red, and a red aura with red light particles floating around in the aura. Belirad formed a red one handed katana with a sixty inch blade made of his god ki. Grabbing the hilt of the sword with his right hand. Belirad charged towards the giant black wolf in an instant.

Jumping towards the wolf's throat swinging his ki sword. The wolf sidestepped away. Only cutting some of its hair off. Without stop belirad flash stepped towards the wolf in an instant swinging his sword again, as the wolf was in the middle of side stepping the first swing. Belirads sword cut through the wolf's neck chopping half way through its neck. The wolf went to bite Belirad, as it did it fell to the ground. Blood splattering Belirad. The wolf's massive head tilting the other way as it fell.

Turning around belirad saw a one sided battle. Both Chay, and Rabin were wounded all over. While the wolf only had burnt skin and hair Here and there. Belirad made his ki blade grow longer to one hundred, and eighty inches. A ten feet long blade to allow him to cut all the way through the neck. 'Instant transmission' belirad thought As he placed two fingers from his left hand to his forehead.

Swinging his sword as he appeared right beside the beasts neck. This time cutting from the bottom to the top. Just as the beast was about to devour Rabin. It's head flipping off into the distance, As it's body hits the ground. Sliding just before Rabin splattering her with blood. Suddenly another Giant wolf appeared gabbing Rabin by her upper body. Shaking her around like a rag doll. Breaking her body to pieces, as she screamed. Flinging blood, and entrails everywhere.

Belirad entered a state of shock from the brutal death. Causing his body to release blutz waves, causing him and Chay to transform. Turning belirad into a massive fifty foot tall red, and silver oozaru. His eyes glazed red from rage. Chay transforming into an all red oozaru. She also had glazed red eyes.

"RAAAAAWWWWWRRRR!!!!" Belirad bellowed as he charged the giant wolf recklessly, all sense of reasoning gone. Shocking the wolf who didn't know how to react in time. Getting grabbed by one of its rear legs by Belirad. Belirad gripped it's leg so tightly you could hear its bones snapping. As he lifted the massive creature over his head. Then slamming it back into the ground. Leaving a large impact crater from its body. Belirad then proceeded to use the creature as a battering ram.

Swinging it in a circle smashing through several of the massive tree's with its body. Eventually ripping its leg from its body. Belirad then began to beat the already dead creature with its own leg. By the time Belirad stopped it was night time. Any remains of the creature was nothing but a blood stain on the ground. Chay was gone too...