
Reborn As A Divine Saiyan

Cryptic_werelord · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Isolated On A Kaiju planet

Belirad awoke covered in blood. Laying in a crater from the battle.

He could hear noise like the sound of something eating.

He could hear the crunching of bones, and the squelching of flesh.

Peeking out of the crater in the direction of the noise.

Belirad saw ape like creatures just as big as his oozaru form.

After looking around he realized Chay was gone.

'Shit this might be a problem, I don't remember anything after transforming!' Belirad thought, As he flew up, and out of the canopy looking around for tracks, or some sign of a trail.

So he could try and find Chay. After a little searching he found tracks similar to his own oozaru form.

Following them for miles. Noticing that any and every creature he saw were giant in size.

'Strange all these creatures have gigantism. We couldn't sense that laser either. Strange they must have some other power source other than ki. I thought this was a dragon ball multiverse.' Belirad thought, As he followed Chays oozaru tracks.

The tracks eventually leading Belirad to a giant gorge. Shaped like a bowl, with a line through it. In the bowl shape was a big circular pond.

Suddenly the pond water began to circle violently, and glow.

Several different colors radiating within The water. Glowing brighter, and brighter.

Till a massive lizard came up from the water pushing a red ape out with it.

'Is that Chay.' Belirad thought.

Once he realized it was Chay.

Belirad immediately charged forward. flying right at the lizards head.

The lizard walked on two legs. Had dorsal plates going from the base of its skull to the end of its tail.

Is a dark grayish blue color all over. It's dorsal plates being black in color.

'This is a fucking gojira. WTH IS THIS PLANET!!!' Belirad thought angrily.

'No wonder everything has gigantism.' Belirad thought As well.

As he slamed his fist into the gojiras head.

Nocking it down, but as it fell it swung its tail precisely. Slamming it into Belirad.

Sending Belirad flying through the air.

Chay was back up, and running at the gojira.

The gojira is already up as well. Charging back at chay.

The two collided the lizard overtaking Chay as it was larger.

About fifty to sixty feet taller than Chay's oozaru form.

The two tumbled on the ground. Till the lizard got the upper hand.

Standing above Chay. As it stomped down on her repeatedly.

Belirad flying as fast as he can towards the gojira.

The gojira began to hold Chay down, as it's dorsal plates, and cracks in its armor like scales.

Covering its body began to glow. Belirad slamming into its side just as it released a beam of blue atomic energy.

Narrowly making the beam miss chays head, and travel off into the distance.

As the gojiras massive body was again sent toppling over.

Rolling away from Chay. Belirad formed a white ball just in front of his hand.

Shooting Chay with it. The ball of energy was a blutz wave energy ball.

Causing Chay to revert back to her base form.

Unconscious on the ground. Belirad quickly picking her up in his arms.

Flying as fast as possible away from the gojira.

The gojira noticed that the giant red ape was gone, and moved back into the water.

It began to swirl like a vortex, and shine again. As the gojira walked into it dissappearing.

Belirad flew for some time before finding anything that could be used as shleter.

He found a plateau, with trees growing on the top side.

While down below was a large feild with a stream and small pond in the feild.

The face of the plateau is covered in moss, and vines.

Hiding a small cave behind the Vines. High above the ground.

Belirad made his way inside with Chay. Crossing between the Vines.

Upon entering the cave Belirad could see white stones emitting light.

Going deeper into cave. As if placed there to light the way.

Belirad continued deeper. Eventually the cave like tunnel began to grow in size, and become more box shaped.

After about another half hour of walking. Belirad came to an opening on the other side. Blinded by the light of the space he just entered.

Before belirads eyes could adjust. He sensed something was trying to grab them.

He tried to back away but it was too late. A giant rough leathery hand grabbed them.

Completely encapsulated by the hand.

Belirad fighting with all his power to prevent the thing from squishing Chay, and him Like bugs.

The creature moving its arm, and throwing them towards the ground.

Chay, and belirad getting launched in two different trajectories.

Belirad slamming down in what seemed to be a street. Between hut houses.

Chay crashed into one of the huts.

"Aaaaaawww!" "^#;#^&#<" Screams of some indigenous people, that lived on the planet. Came from within hut.< p>

Before belirad could investigate. A giant hairy fist slammed into the ground.

Right where Belirad last stood. Without choice belirad had to fight a new opponent.

A three hundred foot tall ape loomed over him.

Punching down with its other fist. Belirad dodging again.Then rushing at the apes head. Punching it in the jaw.

Causing the apes head to turn in the other direction. The ape not being affected that much by Belirads punch.

Turning its head back. While swinging its hand at Belirad. Missing as Belirad dodged again.

Belirad taking his chance again. This time throwing a flurry of blows to the apes head. Causing the ape to stumbling back.

'Baboooom' Crashing Into the cave wall. Falling down as it stumbled back.

Without holding back belirad charged at the downed apes head. Punching it again, and again, while he flash stepped back, and forth. To both sides of its head.

The ape swung its massive hand again. This time smacking belirad away. With way more force. Sending belirad launching through the air. Like a missel.

Slamming into the cave wall. Belirad being embedded into it. 'Ptuh' Belirad spit blood as he hung in the cave wall.

Before belirad could get out of the wall. The ape was already there. Punching at Belirad. The ape landing blow after blow. Punching it's fist, and belirad deeper into the wall.

Suddenly the ape stopped, and walked away. Belirad collapsing at the end of the tunnel. The ape just made with his fist. With an imprint of Belirad in the back wall.

Belirad could feel that several of his ribs were fractured. Bleeding internally and externally. Belirad passed out do to excessive bleeding.

Three months pass, as Belirad was cared for, by the indigenous people.

With the help of Chay. Who had recovered from her injuries way before belirad.

Through a small window of a hut, Chay looked in at belirad.

'Why do I Care for this stupid saiyan.' Chay thought As she blushed, and stormed off.

Flying up and out a hole in the ground leading outside. Light shining down in from above.

The outside was beautiful. Long as you weren't being attacked by some Titanic creatures. The size of houses, and mountains.

The planet was covered entirely by plant life. Some of the massive creatures, are more docile, or more likely to run away.

Like the gargantuan deer that Chay is hunting right now.

The deer being very elusive as well, as giant. They looked similar to a Gazelle. Their horns, had a faint glow to them.

Chay stood on a branch in a tree looking over a feild. In the feild is a heard of deer. All of them as tall as small ellaphants.

Chay knew they were going to come this way eventually.

She had placed herself between one of thier feeding zones, and their only source of water. For miles.

As Chay observed the deer. She could also see another predator honing in on her prey.

Obviously a younger one of its species. It was smaller than the deer. It looked similar to a cheetah, except it was more muscularly built.

It looked well suited for hunting the deer. Having wings, and spikes along its back.

Solid black spots all over it's body, and black tear like streaks on its face. Its head shaped circle like , and has a short snout. Long body, and legs.

Chay repositioned herself between the cheetah like creature, and the deer.

Watching it stalk one of the younger Giant Gazelle like creature's...