
Reborn As A Divine Saiyan

Cryptic_werelord · Anime & Comics
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coming of age mission complete!!!

Several months after completing their mission, belirad,Aru,and Ber finally arrived back at planet sadala. Landing back at the spaceship launch pads for the coming of age saiyans. Several other spaceships had just arrived back too. Six saiyans were standing there waiting for the ships to land. Each one dressed in new battle armor, Each one having different insignias on their chest plates. There are three men, and three woman, each of them representing different factions on the saiyan home planet.

Each faction represents their bloodline. Five of the bloodlines weilding immense power. Each of the five having their own unique powers and abilities. The good faction of saiyans being the weakest not having a clan. As the evil saiyans and good saiyans were constantly fighting in the past. Leading to the evil saiyans rise. The kingdom now ruled by an evil saiyan king. Overthrowing the good saiyans, killing off the strongest good saiyans. Leaving only those deemed as low class. Eventually leading to the evil saiyans becoming the strongest clan, suppressing the other clans into submission. Currently evil saiyans don't have the power to destroy or conquer the other four factions.

Belirad landed their ship in the Divine Falcon Faction spot. After exiting the ship belirad went, and stood in front of the commander of the divine falcon faction. "Stand behind me and wait for the rest." The female commander commanded. Eventually each ship had landed two to three participants got off each ship. Except one, where only one participant got off the ship. The participant that got off was covered in some kind of blood. The blood was black in color. Giving the participant that is 7 foot tall, quite the menacing look. They walked over to the night demon faction, that also had a female commander.

"Now recruits of the divine faction form a horizontal line!!!" The commander spoke sternly. Belirad, and five other young saiyans formed the line in front of the commander. "Good, I'm commander Yamon, you'll be training under me for a year. Now follow me we'll be headed on your first test tomorrow morning." Commander Yamon spoke as she walked towards a red bunker, with a silver, and red falcon insignia on it.

"This is the bunk room, pick a bed and sleep on it." Commander yamon said carelessly as she left, and closed the door. Leaving belirad, and the five saiyans to themselves in the bunk."I'm Cilek, what's your guy's names?" Cilek asked everyone. Then the three girls, and other guy introduced themselves. The guys name is Gumber, then the girls names are Fen,Rabin, and, Chay. "I'm Belirad, goodnight" belirad said as he picked out a bed, and went to sleep.

The next morning, belirad has awoken to a strange warmth in his bed. Belirad sat up quickly, removing the blanket. Only to find Chay the shortest of the three girls in his bed. Snuggled up to his waist. Belirad looked around the room and noticed there was only five beds. In the bunk room. "Chay" Belirad spoke softly as he shook the sleeping saiyan trying to wake her. Without thinking Chay launched up, and punched belirad in the face. Nocking him out of the bed. (THUD) "WHAT THE HELL?!!" Belirad spoke angrily as he got up from the floor.

"Hmmph, shouldn't have shook me while I was sleeping!" Chay said snarkly as she got up from the bed. Turning away to hide that she was Blushing. Soon after the incident Commander Yamon walked in the bunk. "GET UP, RECRUITS!!" Commander Yamon yelled. While she walked through the bunk room. Everyone was now standing , and alert. "Form up outside, and face the bunk!" Commander Yamon commanded.

Everyone immediately went out and formed a line facing the bunk. With commander yamon coming just outside of the bunk door. "Alright recruits, first test is for which one of you gets to be leader for your team. Before we do actual mission tests." Commander Yamon stated. "You'll be fighting each other all at the same time. Last one standing is the leader. No ki attacks. Knuckles only." Commander Yamon stated as well."NOW FIGHT!!!" Commander Yamon yelled quickly.

Belirad immediately jumped away from everyone. As they all started fighting immediately except for Chay. Who was looking at Belirad till he noticed. Belirad watched as everyone was beaten except for Chay. Who defeated the last one standing from the other fours battles. "Let's go" Chay said as she beckoned belirad to come at her. She looked as though steam would shoot out of her ears, and fire was bursting from her eyes. Belirad could tell she was angry. Belirad sprinted towards Chay. Throwing a fist forward as he arrived in front of her. Belirad could see her surprised reaction on her face. As she couldn't react in time to his speed, and was punched in the ribs pushing her back a few feet. "You'll regret that!" Chay said as her power level raised, and she charged forward this time.

Throwing a punch at belirads head. Belirad ducked under her swing, and punched her again. This time in the appendix. Causing Chay to fall to the ground and pass out from pain. "Congrats Private Belirad. You have ascended a rank." Commander Yamon congratulates Belirad. "Thanks Commander Yamon, we need another bed." Belirad said blatantly. "Sure thing Private. One will be dropped off later. For now pull your team in the bunk. The next test starts tomorrow. Be ready for my arrival this time." Commander yamon stated as she flew away after saying it.

Belirad unfortunately carried each and every one of his team members into the bunk, and placing them in their bed. Belirad decided to workout while he waited for the new bed to arrive. Belirad did several reps of push ups,pull ups, and several other kinds of workouts. Before the bed arrived. Belirad even cooked up a meal for the entire team. Cooking steak like meats, and potatoes. With vegetables like onions, mushrooms, etc. Each team member was surprised that belirad knew how to cook anything. But his food was delicious.

Everyone cleaned their plates of food. After eating everyone went to bed. Except for belirad, wich was waiting for the bed to arrive. After awhile of waiting belirad became bored. Going outside to enjoy some fresh air. Belirad found a large package with the image of a bed on it. He picked it up and brought it in. Opening the box and pulling all the contents out. Four legs, headboard, footboard, two long rails, twelve short wooden bed supports, and one thin mattress. Belirad took 20 minutes to set it up. Before he crashed in the bed, and fell asleep.

The next day early in the morning. "Hawww!!" Belirad woke up yawning, and stretching. Belirad got up, getting dressed in new clothes. Then began cooking breakfast. The smell of food wafting through the bunk. Waking everyone up one by one. "We all need to form up and wait for commander yamon, after breakfast." Belirad commanded the others. "Why should any of us listen to you!!" Chay snapped back stepping in front of belirad. "Because I won yesterday remember. Maybe I should of let all of you wake up in the dirt." Belirad retorted shocking Chay as she backed away. Belirad looked around at everyone else. They all just nodded in agreement.

So after eating everyone went outside to wait in formation for commander Yamon. In the distant sky a large red ship slowed down as it approached,and landed in front of the bunk. The ship was designed with a medium sized cabin in the front. With a curved pointed hull with outstretched wings like a plane, but wider and more square. With similar, but bigger jet like engines that pivot, and allow directional control in more directions. Than just forward.

Clink clink, skshhhhh, thud. The spaceship door hit the ground. Standing in the entrance of the spaceship is Commander Yamon...

saiyan bloodlines: god/divine , destroyer , magic , legendary , good , evil

magic, divine, and destroyer bloodlines I made up myself.

a divine saiyan is an upgraded version of God saiyans. born with large amount of God ki, turning hair silver, or silver and red, some divine saiyans gain immortality after birth.

a destroyer saiyan is a saiyan bloodline, that allows these saiyans to control hakai god ki easily from birth. hair is colored like the night sky full of stars. auras will be similar to berus from Canon.

a magic saiyan is obviously saiyans with the capability to use magic abilities.

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