
Reborn As A Divine Saiyan

Cryptic_werelord · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

mission finale

... Several craters scattered across the field around the spaceship. six figures could be seen dashing about and clashing. several rays of light could be seen off in the distance, As the battle raged on.

"why must you take over our planet." the leader asked amidst their skirmishes. Belirad had only been testing him for the past hour. Belirad suddenly caught both of his fists at the same time. catching the leader off guard. "what is your name solider." belirad asked as he kicked the leader in the abdomen sending him flying back away but he still landed on his feet. "pikol, Now! answer my question." Pikol declared as he responded.

"Because we must prove ourselves to our superiors. to gain respect. for fortune. Plenty of reasons. The reason don't matter. what matters is I'm here to take over. Either your planet surrenders, and become our servants, or we eradicate everyone from it, and use it for personal gains." Belirad said as he dashed forward. Reaching for Pikol's neck. Pikol went to dodge but belirad disappeared right in front of him. The next thing pikol felt was warm, and rough fingers grasping the back of his neck. Gripping it very tightly. "now" belirad said clearly irritated. "Command your men to stop fighting." Belirad commanded Pikol. "Bodo, and Grilick. STOP FIGHTING!!" Pikol yelled to the top of his lungs.

Immediately both men were apprehended, and bound up in a special fiber from our home planet. Then all three were put in a jail cell on the spaceship. there are twelve cells all together. Each cell could hold two depending on what they were keeping captive. "why are you doing this to us?" Pikol asked as he punched the bars, and was immediately electrocuted by them. Sending him flying back into the room. Grilick and Bodo caught him.

"Because you're worth some currency too." Belirad spoke coldly, as he now exited the ship again with the twins. 'A real problem has arrived. Clueless pawns.' Belirad thought As he arrived at the base of the ship, with the twins. Standing outside was another of the beings, but he radiated more power than the other three sent here to test us. 'After sensing his power level I'll let one of the twins handle it. I'll leave it to them to decide.' Belirad thought, as he wanted to explore the planet a bit.

"you guys handle him, you guys can decide on who fights him." Belirad said as he took off into the sky flying off into the distance. "I will fight" Ber said as he dashed forward throwing a fist at the enemy's head. The smaller built muscular namekian creature dodged, and countered with a swift kick to the abdomen. but to its surprise ber didn't budge, and tanked the kick.

Grabbing it by the one thick antenna on its head. Then started to repeatedly smash the creature on the ground. Swinging it back, and forth in a half circle over his head. Suddenly the namekian like creature burst with power undergoing a transformation. Changing it's color from light purple to black. it's antenna growing longer. Causing a Shockwave that pushes ber back away from them. The namekian then fired a powerful energy beam from its mouth at ber.

Who was still recovering. From being forcefully nocked back.By the transformation of the namekian. Ber quickly adjusted then defended himself against the powerful beam, while driving his feet into the ground. The beam attack drove him back about 50 yards. While ber made two ruts in the ground trying to stop and defend against the beam attack. That was pushing towards our ship. Eventually the energy beam died out, and caused a small explosion. Nocking ber back further towards the ship.

"GRAAHHHHHHH" BER SCREAMED!! As he charged up his ki. As he threw ki blast after ki blast towards the creature, like he was throwing rocks in a pond. The creature continuously dodged the ki blasts. Ber's ki kept rising without stopping. The creature had a look of nervousness on its face now. As ber charged forward faster, and stronger than before. The creature noticed that bers eyes were no longer green, But amber in color. Telling of some kind of transformation, that seemed more like a power boost, or just a part transformation.

The battle continued for hours. It was now almost night, as I returned. To find both in exhausted conditions. Still neither me nor Aru, interfered with their fight. I went over to talk to Aru."let's go to the ship, it's almost night time, and this planet has a moon." I said as I approached. "OK belirad, don't take this as any chance of making a move on me." Aru said provokingly, and threateningly. As she went onto the ship. I followed behind her.

Once on the ship Aru commanded the ship to orbit in the upper atmosphere of the planet. The three prisoners were silent, and still. As Aru, and I observed the fight below. Betting on who would beat the other. Aru bet that ber would win once transformed. I bet that neither would win, and it would be a stalemate.

Soon the moon was in the sky. Both warriors were standing opposite each other. Ber was staring at moon. His aura flashing wildly, as he began to grow larger. Growing to thirty feet tall. Becoming a green furred Õzaru. The alien began to charge its ki its body growing more bulgy muscles. Growing slightly taller. They then clashed fist for fist. The alien getting pushed into the ground.

When ber moved his fist away. The alien could be seen Imprinted into the ground. Coughing up blood. As it got back to its feet. It's aura shown bright Pink. The gem on it's antenna disappeared. It turned bright pink in color. Instead of becoming buffer it smoothed out. Almost as if made of rubber.

"A majin.." I muttered as I watched the majin transform to the form I recognized as being a majin. The majin again launched at Ber. Only to be continuously beaten into the ground by Ber. The majin eventually passed out under the barrage, and could no longer fight. "Looks like I wo.." Aru stammered as she watched her brother revert to normal, and pass out from his energy consumption, as well as the damage caused by his fight.

"Ig I was right after all. Barley though. Remember what you owe me. Because when we get back to sadala your paying up." Belirad smirked at aru. Belirad landed the ship, and Aru got ber and the new majin captive. Then Belirad began to fly towards the only town he found when he left them to fight the new majin being.

Upon arrival at the town. Several majins could be seen. Going here and there. Multiple farms around the town. Once they spotted the foreign spaceship they all ran and hid in the largest abode there. Belirad landed just outside of the town. Approaching the abode by himself. Belirad was about fifteen feet away, when an all grey majin approached from inside the building. "I am Buulaw, what business do you have on my planet saiyan." Buulaw said sternly looking at Belirad. "Lighten up Buulaw, and give me your magic knowledge. Then I'll give you your people. Upon giving me this knowledge I will also leave and consider you allies of a great nation I'm going to build." Belirad said smoothly trying to entice the majin into this deal.

"Fine agreed." Buulaw said as he shot Belirad with a grey lightning like beam. Instantly transferring some majin magic techniques to belirad. Belirad then had all the prisoners released by Aru, and Ber. "If that's all then I'll leave now ally." Belirad said as he handed buulaw a communication device. "Just click the button and it'll call me." Belirad spoke as he turned to leave. Suddenly Buulaw shot Belirad with the grey lightning like beam again. Giving more magic knowledge to Belirad. "We'll meet again soon." Buulaw said sternly as he turned away, and returned to his abode...