
Rebirth of Daniel White (Dropped)

Daniel White is known as the biggest loser of Blue Valley City. Worst grades, zero social life, zero motivation, zero ambition. Getting bullied everyday is nothing new to him. The only good thing about him is his rich family and his outrageously good looks. One day, Daniel realizes how pathetic his life is and decides to change it. He stepped out of his house and .... got hit by a car after a few steps... The stage is ready. The famous cultivator Agamnan reincarnates into his body and decides to fulfill the last wish of Daniel White. "Your wish is clear and honest. I will become famous and strong." Thus, the meteoric rise of Daniel White began. YouTube? Singing? Getting Girlfriend? Nothing is impossible.

TheRealWhite · Urban
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3 Chs

Little Brother

"It's time to go home Daniel. Your little brother still doesn't know about your situation. It's your job to explain it as the older brother."

Damien said with a slight smile.

Daniel looked at his father with upset face, but remained silent. His dad clearly passed the bothersome work to him.

"How can you do this to me?..." Daniel sighed and accepted the bothersome task. He sat in the red Porsche alongside with his parents and looked out of the window with a melancholic face. Daniel tested his memories and remembered every building. He was happy to confirm that his memories were really intact. Now, the family stepped out of the red car and stood before a giant house, which is stood at almost villa level.

"Finally home" They said the same words at the same time and started laughing. Then suddenly: Biiiiig Brooootheeer. A mini Daniel started running towards Daniel and hugged his legs. It was James who started to miss his brother after a week.

"Where have you been big bro?"

"I visited one of my friends."

Daniel calmly said this, but the answer was something unexpected.

"You finally lost your virginity big bro?"

"Wha-? No?" Daniel instantly said this. Even the parents shook their heads when they heard this, but the devil never sleeps.

"Oooh, Daniel no need to keep it a secret anymore... your younger brother is just too smart."

It was Damien who looked at Daniel with surprised face and looked a bit serious. Of course, it was just an act.

"Dad, you can drop the act. Let's go inside, I'm hungry."

Said Daniel who took hurried steps towards the door. He left the scene without thinking and James still thinks that his big bro lost his virginity. His dad almost killed him in these 3 days with his unexpected attacks. They walked inside the house and Daniel instantly disappeared in his room. He only got 2 days to cultivate and reach the first stage. Luckily, he only needed a few hours more, because he already cultivated for 3 days in the hospital. He knew that his mom will shout when the dinner is ready. Now it's time to reach Gray stage. Gray stage is the first stage of cultivation. There are 9 stages before immortality. Before the gray stage you need to gather enough Qi to finish the transformation. The body and soul of the cultivator will change during the transformation. The end of the transformation is the beginning of gray stage.

Daniel started his body transformation after 50 minutes of Qi gathering and meditating. His muscles grew and his height went from 180 to 185cm. The impurities leaked out of his body and his skin became smoother.

He looked really handsome after his transformation.

"Ugh It stinks because of the impurities. I'll take a quick shower."

He took his shower and dressed up.

"Seems like my current clothes won't do it anymore. I have to buy new ones tomorrow."

"Danieel, Jameees. Time to eat."

The family started eating together and finished everything in 30 minutes.

"Mom, I have to buy new clothes tomorrow. My old clothes became too small."

"Huh, Now that I think about it. How did you grew this much? I'm sure you was smaller."

"I don't know. Do you want to go shopping with me?"

Daniel exactly knew how to change the topic. His mother always gets excited when someone wants to go shopping with her. Especially when her handsome son.

"Yesss, finally you asked. I'll go with you."

"Also dad, mom. I want to change school. I feel like this school is not for me and I don't like the people there."

Damien and Rachel understood that their children didn't want to go to his old school where he got bullied. They also knew that Daniel changed and won't get bullied anymore, but deep scars never disappears easily.

The truth was way more simple. Daniel found it extremely bothersome to deal with all those people and he wanted to restart in a new environment where he can try new things and get friends.

"We will go tomorrow and get you a new school Daniel." Damien said but realized the plot soon afterwards.

"Ohh no Dad, sadly I have to go shopping with mom tomorrow, but you can do it without me. I don't want to see that school anymore."

"Fine, you win this time."

Rachel and James didn't know why Damien said this, but Rachel soon understood and quietly started laughing. It was just one of the daily dad-son fights. She saw this many times. Daniel changed but this one special trait remained. They continued the conversation for another 30 mins then Daniel decided to go into his room. He turned on his PC and searched for a website he remembered. It was YouTube. He decided to create his own YouTube channel and upload the things he liked doing.

"Hmm I need a good name. Something easy to remember and something good sounding.

Let's call it TheRealWhite."

He also uploaded a good photo about himself as a profile picture. Then turned off his computer and soon fell asleep in his bed. He was asleep for good 9 hours. The first sunrays descended upon Daniel as he slowly opened his eyes. Took a quick shower, dressed up and slowly walked towards the dining table. He was surprised to see that everyone started eating and almost finished.

"What took you so long son? We already waited for 20 minutes."

"Good morning, seems like I sleept a bit too much."

Hi, little James officially made his debut. He is cute right?

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