
Rebirth of Daniel White (Dropped)

Daniel White is known as the biggest loser of Blue Valley City. Worst grades, zero social life, zero motivation, zero ambition. Getting bullied everyday is nothing new to him. The only good thing about him is his rich family and his outrageously good looks. One day, Daniel realizes how pathetic his life is and decides to change it. He stepped out of his house and .... got hit by a car after a few steps... The stage is ready. The famous cultivator Agamnan reincarnates into his body and decides to fulfill the last wish of Daniel White. "Your wish is clear and honest. I will become famous and strong." Thus, the meteoric rise of Daniel White began. YouTube? Singing? Getting Girlfriend? Nothing is impossible.

TheRealWhite · Urban
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3 Chs

The New Daniel White

"Doctor Michael, tell us please, what's the condition of our son? A week passed and still nothing. Our son is still in coma? Can we visit him?"

"Miss White please calm down. To tell you the truth, your son is still in coma and his current condition is serious. All we can do is to keep him alive. This is already a miracle. That car was very fast and your son survived with intact limbs. Broken bones, internal bleeding and a damaged brain. He probably lost his memories. This is the current situation. We search for further brain damages and inform you instantly if something happens."

"L-lost his memories? Ho-w can this happen? Why my so-." The mother wanted to end her sentence but failed and tears appeared on her face. She almost passed out in shock.

"Rachel calm down, calm down Rachel." A good looking man hugged her from behind while tried to calm her down. Suddenly a nurse ran towards the doctor with a worried look on her face.

"D-doctor Michael, Daniel White regained his consciousness!" The nurse explained what happened. Daniel White suddenly regained his consciousness and it seems like that his memories remained intact. Rachel and Damien looked at each other with teary eyes as if god spoke to them, then thightly hugged each other. The doctor and the parents instantly began walking towards Daniel's room.

[Meanwhile in Daniel's mind]

"Hmm, it seems like I reincarnated. I'm really lucky this time. Even though, I lost against the godly emperor and the God Primogen. I died as the strongest and I lived as the strongest. I have nothing to regret. Now let's see the memories of this body." Memories flooded the mind of the ancient god and he remembered everything.

"What a pathetic life... He died the instant when he tried to do something by himself. It seems like I have loving parents and a little brother. My mother is Rachel White. A beauty in her 40s. My father is called Damien White, he is a strong and good looking man. It seems like my family is quite rich thanks to them. I also have a 5 years old little brother called James White. Oh, his last wish was to become someone famous and strong? Then he is quite lucky that I reincarnated into his body. Someone is coming."

The nurse opened the door and saw Daniel who just opened his eyes. Her eyes widened in disbelief when Daniel looked at her. "Are you awake? Do you remember me?"

The first question was obvious but the nurse still asked him in shock. Daniel turned around and saw the young nurse who looked at him with a surprised face.

"Yes, you are the nurse?" He knew that the girl before him was the nurse. He remembered every detail about this world when he inherited the memories of the old Daniel White and he also realized that the old Daniel White was not a smart person. Thus, he still have a lot to learn.

The nurse ran out of the room when she heard his response. She wanted to call the doctor quickly to check the current situation. Soon, the doctor and two other people came in. Daniel knew that they were his parents Rachel and Damien.

"Hi Daniel, do you remember your parents?"

"Yes doctor Michael, I also remember you."

"Okay, we need to go through a few tests to make sure that you remember everything. If your condition is alright then you can go home in a few days." The doctor explained the current situation to Daniel then walked out of the room to let the parents talk.

"My son, I knew you will be fine." Damien said this with teary eyes. He wanted to look strong before his own son but ultimately failed when he saw his son who just woke up from a week long coma.

"Thank you dad."

His Mother suddenly jumped forward and hugged him with teary eyes. She started crying while tightly hugged her son.

"Mom, My body is still weak" Said Daniel half jokingly. He was happy to see that his mother was worried about him. The new Daniel liked this feeling very much. He was bored of fighting for survival and decided to enjoy his new life with his new family.

"Eh sorry Daniel I got excited. We can go home after a few days if everything is alright." Said Rachel with a warm smile on her face.

The family continued the conversation for a hour before the doctor came in. It was time for Daniel to rest. His body was very weak after a week of coma.

[3 days later]

Daniel already recovered and the test results were astonishing. Not only he remembered everything but it seems like he got smarter after the accident. His attitude and personality has changed as well. He became someone who is confident, motivated, ambitious and good at talking and socializing. His father and mother was pleased to see the sudden positive changes. They didn't know that his body was able to recover this fast only because he cultivated secretly during these 3 days. As for the personality change, there are a lot of patients whose personality changed because of an extreme experience. The doctors confirmed that everything is alright. It's time to go home.

Hi, this is the first chapter! The new Daniel is coming.

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