
Rebirth of Daniel White (Dropped)

Daniel White is known as the biggest loser of Blue Valley City. Worst grades, zero social life, zero motivation, zero ambition. Getting bullied everyday is nothing new to him. The only good thing about him is his rich family and his outrageously good looks. One day, Daniel realizes how pathetic his life is and decides to change it. He stepped out of his house and .... got hit by a car after a few steps... The stage is ready. The famous cultivator Agamnan reincarnates into his body and decides to fulfill the last wish of Daniel White. "Your wish is clear and honest. I will become famous and strong." Thus, the meteoric rise of Daniel White began. YouTube? Singing? Getting Girlfriend? Nothing is impossible.

TheRealWhite · Urban
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3 Chs

Blonde Girl

"Hey Daniel, your mother and I talked about today and we decided that we can visit your new school together after you done with shopping. Happy?"

Daniel remained undisturbed and just nodded his head. He already knew that something like this will happen. "Mom, are you ready?"

"Yes, Finish your breakfast and we can go." Rachel tried to say this indifferently, but a wide smile appeared on her face when his son asked her.

10 minutes later Daniel finished his meal and departed with his mother. He wore a black jacket with black jeans and black sneaker. It was very unusual for him to dress like this. His old self never cared about his appearance and this made him look weird, but now he looked like a supermodel. With black hair and cold blue eyes. The black set only made him look more charming and charismatic. They got out of the red porsche after a few minutes. Now Daniel and his mother stood before a giant store. It was a popular store in Blue Valley City. Tons of people bought their things here everyday and this day was no exception. The mother-son duo stepped inside the store and walked towards the second floor where they can buy clothes.

[Beside the entrance of the clothes store]

A group of girls chatted happily with each other about various things. A blonde haired girl wanted to say something when a boy with black set, black hair and deep blue eyes walked through the entrance. The blonde haired girl knocked the shoulder of the other four girls and pointed his index towards Daniel.

"Look there! OMG what a god!"

"Wow, I wonder who is he? Why don't we go and ask him?"

"I hope he is single. Let's go."

The girls agreed and approached the charming Daniel who looked around the store while searching for new clothes. It was the first time here for Daniel. His mom went to another store because she remembered that she needed to buy groceries. Daniel sensed the presence of the girls thanks to his cultivation and turned around.

"Hi, Seems like you are new here. Want us to show you the stores?"

Daniel saw 5 girls before him. He was just about to ask someone for help.

"Ohh Thanks. I'm searching for clothes."

"No wonder you looked so confused. That store has tinted glasses. We can lead you there if you don't mind."

"Thank you. I would really appreciate it"

The girl showed him the way and Daniel bought many clothes. He bought his clothes and went out of the shop when he saw that one of the girls waited for him outside. It was the blonde haired girl.

"Hi, thank you for your help earlier. How can I help you?" Daniel asked curiously while looked at the girl before him with a gentle smile. The blonde girl saw his face and blushed.

"Hi my name is Alice. I'm from Blue Valley High School and..." Alice wanted to continue her sentence but Daniel interrupted her.

"What? It turns out that you are from Blue Valley HS. I transfer there today."

"I can show you around the school if you have time." Alice offered with a confident and charming face. Normally, girls would become shy when they stand before Daniel, but Alice remained calm.

"Sorry, my mother is waiting for me in the car, but I will visit the school with my dad in a few hours."

"Oh its okay, I can still meet with you few hours later, so nothing changed. Can I know your name?"

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Daniel. Oh, I really have to go now. My mom came back. We will meet later Alice."

"Then, later Daniel."

Daniel walked out of the store and saw his mom waiting for him in the car. Then Daniel got in the car with his mom and they got back within 10 minutes. Rachel looked frustrated because he needed to buy groceries and missed the shopping with her son. James hugged Daniel when he opened the door.

"big bro, big bro play with me"

"What do you want to play James?"

"Let's play hide and seek big bro"

"Ooh Then let's play hide and seek."

Daniel played with James for a good 30 min before they stopped and Daniel went up to his room to cultivate. He sat on his bed in lotus position and started meditating. He remembered a god level breathing technique from his old world. The technique was called Moonlight breathing technique. He stole this technique from the Moonlight palace when he was a disciple there. This breathing technique was very hard and probably he was the only one who can even use this technique in this world. It composed of 3 levels.

Beginner level: Strengthen your body to the upper limits.

Advanced level: Cultivate the Qi of the moon and break your limits

Pinnacle: change your blood and become the Bloodmoon Lord.

This technique can strengthen your attacks and strengthen your body. It was only a breathing technique because you need to circulate Qi when you use the technique. The practicioner needs to start with the beginner level but he can freely choose between the levels afterwards. It was only called advanced and pinnacle because of the difficulty. Daniel started cultivating with the beginner level. Sweat appeared on his body after a minute of cultivating.

"Seems like even the beginner level is hard. I probably need a few weeks before I can use the other levels." Daniel wanted to continue cultivating but his dad knocked on the door.

"Daniel, time to visit your new school."

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Write a comment if you have any thoughts regarding the novel. We will visit the new school in the next chapter, then the story will get more interesting with new characters and etc.

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