
Rebirth of Daniel White (Dropped)

Author: TheRealWhite
Magical Realism
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What is Rebirth of Daniel White (Dropped)

Read ‘Rebirth of Daniel White (Dropped)’ Online for Free, written by the author TheRealWhite, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, REINCARNATION Light Novel, COMEDY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Daniel White is known as the biggest loser of Blue Valley City. Worst grades, zero social life, zero motivation, zero am...


Daniel White is known as the biggest loser of Blue Valley City. Worst grades, zero social life, zero motivation, zero ambition. Getting bullied everyday is nothing new to him. The only good thing about him is his rich family and his outrageously good looks. One day, Daniel realizes how pathetic his life is and decides to change it. He stepped out of his house and .... got hit by a car after a few steps... The stage is ready. The famous cultivator Agamnan reincarnates into his body and decides to fulfill the last wish of Daniel White. "Your wish is clear and honest. I will become famous and strong." Thus, the meteoric rise of Daniel White began. YouTube? Singing? Getting Girlfriend? Nothing is impossible.

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他是地位尊崇的皇长孙,却病体孱弱,人言难及弱冠之年!? 她本是将军府义女,却被污以外室女之名,成了人人可欺的小可怜!? 云袖轻挽,玉手执针,生死人肉白骨,她若不放,谁敢取他性命!  袖手天下,意谋乾坤,算尽人心时局,他想护之人谁又敢欺?  苏御曾道他一生谋略在朝岂可受困儿女情长。  叶清染曾言自己此生虽筹谋万千,但唯独无意情情爱爱。  后来——  苏御:“吾平生所愿,日抚瑶琴听音,夜有娇妻伴读,唯此而已。”  叶清染:“相夫教子,亦可为乐。”  *  可忽然有一日——  苏御发现他的小娇妻身份重重,马甲多的像莲蓬,扒了一个又一个,没完没了。  叶清染也发现,她家夫君的面具就像圆葱,揭了一层还有一层,无尽无休。  【简言之,这是一对腹黑男女互扒马甲,“对外夫妻一心,回家您是哪位”的故事。】  【小剧场】  叶清染:“夫君,面具戴久了,不累吗?”  苏御淡笑:“不累,所以……正准备累一下。”  他反手撂下流苏纱帐:“清染,为夫倒是想问你,马甲穿这么多,不热吗?不如为夫帮你解去?”  叶清染:“……”   *  叶清染:“江山美人,孰轻孰重?”  苏御:“若美人非卿,盛世天下方为男儿所求。”  叶清染垂首,敛眸,“若是,尔又如何?”  苏御牵唇,揽她入怀,“山河拱手,为卿一笑。”

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