
Raising Of Invincible Star: The Ultimate Impartial System

Vanavan find himself woke up in the unknown world in a very mystical way. sealed inside a cave, prohibited from escaping, his life fell in to miserable situation and his life is not in his hands. He find out it was another chance for him pursue his dreams, live the life as he see fit. Vanavan fight against the world by himself, turning the tables as he go, walking into an unknown path step by step to become invincible existence could he realize it? Follow Vanavan into his endless journey of invincibility. __ __ __ __ __ " What do you mean by this ?" Vanavan asked cautiously. "but you abducted me and sealed in this awful place!" Vanavan has incredulous look on his face " Can you please tell me how is this considered my fortune " [That was one way to put it like that, how do you know it's your fortune or not, with out giving it a try] Vaanavan was furious by it's nonsense he raged "Old Ghost it's better if you let me go, it's a serious crime to abduct a reputable teacher of a well known academy " ___ ___ ___ [A/N] : The Mc wasn't from the modern world, his understanding of system is very low and he might had some prejudice against it in the following chapters might never let go of them. he was a flawed human but he has his strength. My language isn't English so there might be grammatical errors or typos in the chapters as I write more chapters I will try my very best to improve my writing and re-edit the previous chapters. Please support me and rate and review my work, Show some love for my work as well . You would not regret it. comments and votes are very very welcome, Thank you! (The Cover Made by pink_lollie24, the credit go to her skillful hands and cognitive mind)

raven_lord017 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Stimulation trails and The game

Vaanavan was speechless by all the weird things that kept happened to him, after the one day of hell like torture and become human shaped time device he still felt relieved from knowing pain was lessened, indeed the intensity of the pain decreased around the half as system had predicted.

He was quickly fell back in to the same routine as before, the system still gave him instructions continuously like nothing happen, Vaanavan didn't mention it either first he wasn't proud of what he did despite feeling not so bad about cursing the system.

That doesn't make it the right thing and last he didn't have any masochist tendency; if he dare to flare up again or mention about his behavior last time he was quite sure the outcome would not be his Likeing, as for why the system didn't do anything to him?

The only conclusion he could think up was the system might felt little guilty about what it has done to him, which he thought wasn't quite possible with the system personality, as he know enough about the nature and personality of the system this is pretty absurd line of thoughts 'Whatever I don't have to bother about this at the moment' he thought to himself.

He was slowly started to adapt to his routine with the constant pain, what made him tolarete this constant torture because he gets a clear difference of huge improvement in his physique even it was still in the process of merging with that sacred treasure it was constantly improving.

Now he was getting headache over another matter altogether the system decided to speed up the training; it started to put him four times the initiation of eternal second cooly commenting his constitution and soul now capable of handling this much increase of stress and the number of initiations.

But the surprisingly he wasn't fully against it although it was only few seconds in reality he can't feel the pain there, the system didn't tell him anything but when he initiated first time this week he found out he didn't feel hellish pain in that special place his spending time also increase few years 'What a hateful task Master' but he still grumbled to himself this arrangement throw his schedule into mess.

'Was I became bit clever or what !?' when he tried to comprehend the consciousness of the special space out of habit, weirdly enough he fell into a trance like state it wasn't enlightenment or anything similar but entirely different experience.

Also he feel little muddle headed but he indeed has some insights of the special space still nothing useful to create even low level techniques he was sure he could now sort of comprehend something but as he tried more the slippery it becomes including the occasional brief insights.

It was a very confusing and frustrating feeling he, couldn't put his finger on to explain all this, but he was very curious about this development, more than little excited as his mind started spinning with various creative idea, The system timely interrupt his fantasy and informed him.

[Host spiritual level increased straight to one fold, it was the sacred treasure's effect on your soul, which considerably increased mental and spiritual energy collectively so this is understandable. If your mental energy or spiritual energy increased one more time around this level you can slowly started to comprehend them in more stable pace]

[As for now don't bother with comprehending them you end up with more headache or worse....]

Vaanavan nodded his head calmly but he secretly thought what worse could happen why is it talking in riddles he, shook of this thoughts as he went into his elixir making and session, it was a subclass of medicinal master. Vaanavan guessed he was improving in tremendous speed Vaanavan started to intuitively aware of the things on this branch of knowledge so he was faced no problem so far.

He frowned as he immersed in refining elixir for infectious diseases, the cultivators are not susceptible to mortal diseases they are not completely immune either, there are things powerful enough to affect them for example : parasites and spiritual plants,etc.

The glowing area on his chest started getting more prickly he, gritted his teeth in clear annoyance this was very distracting in the time like this. He still have to go through this another eighteen days as he tried to focus on finishing elixir there was a sharp sting for brief second.

He stopped what he was doing the sudden sting was rather annoying and painful " hey system! did you notice it started to bothering me from my work, can't you numb this as well at least do something about it when I was busy! "

[This is quite unfortunate, It is starting to get in your way but I can't do anything about it now, I'm helpless in this as well ]

Vaanavan frowned at system regrettable tone, 'What does this mean it could not do anything?' he remembered the system numbed the pain from sacred treasure 'why is it one time thing?' he wasn't sure "You can't do it, is it against the rules you often spoke of ? "

[No! didn't I mention to you, about how I would let you know about the starting of our mission. I realized you wouldn't like it what I was preparing to do and coincidentally a week ago I, obtained star essence it's very sought after material for body cultivation it speed up and simultaneously work with sacred treasure, the prickling sensation didn't that troublesome right?]

Vaanavan eyes twitched, he once again didn't get the point and it actually once again added another material on him without telling him advance sigh! he felt helpless, had to wonder was all of his cursing and yelling were wasted? importantly after his sore throat become damage he was struggled so much to even sleep with that 'what am I? new cooking recipe '

He was shuddered a little when he suddenly remembered about this 'original plan' it spoke of, he had very bad feeling about this, he thanked God for this little mercy to let him avoid misfortune destine to befall on him 'praise the flowing light'

He asked a few more questions to system before decided to keep quiet ' I never noticed this before but the system was little scattered brain and clumsy sometimes' Vaanavan shook his head well thankfully he escaped that unknown horrible fate 'it's hard to understand the system'

System inform him this Star Essence was a best body refinement treasure material for body cultivators especially mortal stage cultivators even immortals would use this if they lack some of the additional materials so it was even effective to immortal to certain level since system upgrading his physique use it on him tandemly, this is to get the best results of both sides.

System tell him it would enhance his strength and even looks Vaanavan was admitted he was little appeased hearing this, after finishing this mission he wanted to escape this world to another more peaceful world and settle down there start family of his own like he always wanted to and his good looks would certainly help him there, he was quite looking forward to it.

Vaanavan also learned from system the glowing symbol on his body was called 'timer' indicating how many days and hours before the mission officially start. The system spontaneous plan of letting him know this time tolerable enough what else could he say? the system hinted him it's so called first plan was surely agitated this was better alternative.

System interrupted him first thing on one morning, just after he woke up from his few hours sleep. This was also something he follows from his previous life he, can easily manage sleeping once every few days but he likes to sleep every night at least for few hours he enjoyed the refreshness of his mind.

[Host I'm going to introduce new system function for you, as there is about only ten days and few hours before the start of the mission you have to get ready to interact with the human inhabitants of this planet there shouldn't be any mishaps from our side]

[10 : 06 : 12 : 49]

Vaanavan looked at the timer in his chest he didn't cover it with fur cloth it was already very itchy enough, indeed system was right he felt slightly nervous about the mission but he was more curious about this new function 'I hope this was not like Eternal Second '

Vaanavan know system might have many functions but he didn't know all of them, but he uses very few function but with efficiency and all within his controll the exception of the eternal second. It needed system personally activate on him every single time this means trouble! he can be never sure how his schedule going to be, for example: the system started to initiate this function from weekly once to four times a week this is unorganized and broke his smooth routine.

He really didn't want to give another function to the system, if so he wouldn't even know what his name after the system done with him regardless of how sort the time is going to be he neutraly asked "What is this new function you spoke of, for the sake of further clarification what are you going to do with this? Could you give me this function in my control please I get the feeling my schedule going to get pretty messsed up"

[Weren't I already given you control panel? Listen don't start mystifying things, did you notice there are only ten days, it will soon going to pass than you possibly think, have you ever thought of how you are going to win over the humans tribes]


[Your first step is unite all the human tribes here, then you have to obtain their recognition and devotion this is very, very important remember that in mind ]

Vaanavan listen to the advice, asked curiously "What's this function have anything to do with it. You are saying as if its going to help me?" He noticed the way system mentioned this was very peculiar he became very aware of system behavior he started to find some basic pattern even with it cold monotonous voice.

Of course system wasn't emotionless being unless facing intense emotions it was hard to spot it's emotions but there are subtle emotion in it voice if one was perceptive enough they would recognize it. Besides he was careful and guarded enough from the start to notice these subtle emotions and suggestions.

His eyes widened was the system going to intervene and help him? he didn't doubt that but the system often talked to him enough to know there would be some restriction on it from directly participating or something 'hmm this function also seems extraodinary'

[Host is correct, this function was mostly useless you probably don't have to use it much but it was very handy in some delicate matters like this issue. You know the peak human experts are the protectors and backbone of the humans right? they are very influential and make important decision so they are our targets ]

[The function is about... hmm! let's call it Trail Stimulation, this function was very special and intricate. I found that it is pretty trouble some to collect all details about the experts and their behavior then derive out all possible out come with their characters and personality]


[I can deduct it will be very flawed so I came with something more stable and multiple possibility and variation that could be use to us. You see I thought of ingenious solution 'Spirit imprint' it was somewhat discarded path but has it perk and very suitable for our cause]

"Speak slowly and in a words I also understood, I can't admire your ingenuity quite frankly" Vaanavan interrupted the system, he didn't want to miss out something this important he hated to be careless dispite dedicated in studying and learning new things he never heard of this 'spirit imprint' he felt stiffled.

It's not that how he felt at the moment what was the word again 'Hmm, yeah! measurement, I can felt myself was improving in the knowledge and practicals seamlessly and rapidly; but he couldn't know how much in comparison and when was he going to fell knowledgeable in something?'

[Can you please, stop interrupting my flow wasn't I going to explain the things to you so why all the rush? In simple terms using this I can in sense copy any Individual throughly using them to construct the scene let you experience beforehand and stimulate such a experience we could obtain more accurate answer and be prepare for it. I can use law of fate but...]

He creased his brows together, he more or less understand the basic ' it's like making copy of them using this to practice the similar scene ' but that's all. Still not understand anything much certain but didn't pressed for more he want to experience and learn more about it that's how he managed to learn all this weird stuff here. that's aside what's with all the buts 'Was it want to me to imagine horrible things'

"but what? do you realize you have at least explain some of your capabilities at least vaguely so if I have to make any important decision it will be useful don't you think" Vaanavan said his eyes bright, smiled imperceptibly when he thought of finishing the mission and live a happy life.

there was brief silence [Why did you think that I'm already in your head didn't I, to be honest I can't quite understand your reasoning, besides you would not understand lot of things even I explained to you, was listening to my plan and institution that hard?]

Vaanavan sighed tiredly "Just think of some situation, where I can't contact you, remember 'they' are going to participate in this calamity as well aren't they, think about it I'm just preparing for such a situation it's in my nature I'm very cautious.

I can't be doubtful in my stand and decisions, we also have to trust each others as a partners in this we have to guard each others back so? " his voice was persuasive as he wanted system see his perspective.

[Hahaha, it's not that I doubted you or anything but there are things you can understand from experience and certain situation you don't have to worry about 'those' useless fellows, we will be alright our bond isn't simple don't fret yourself]

Vaanavan experience was sullen "You don't trust me? did I have to trust someone with this attitude? " he was blunt with his opinion he didn't like it, his first lesson as a knight was not blindly swing his sword, have good conscience and level headed was he asking anything over the top? of course not!

[Host you are making things complicate for me, didn't I already explained your level is low, a high-level cultivator of certain level easily bypass my protection and read your memories there are few special existence among 'them' who can do it too.]

[Do you realize what that means? think of what will happens if they find about my secret they will easily find a way to deal with us. They can even join forces to eliminate one potential competitor in fact I would do the same]

[Although I'm as powerful as 'them' I have to do things with in certain rules and restrictions only as you get stronger and powerful I could be act more freely we can only get stronger if we survive past this please took a note of this Host]

Vaanavan widened his eyes as he understand the meaning, wasn't he being reckless? he once again started reflect himself 'I have to took note of the hints system giving me and careful of what they were doing i have to survive this calamity' he thought to himself.

As for the hints he believe it was discreetly giving to him by system to ensure their safety for some reason as he know the system cautious and calculative there should be plan for their survival completely disregarding his previous thoughts of it being clumsy and scattered brain fellow he didn't mind conveniently forget something time to time.

[As for your previous question, I can manipulate time and fate to figure things out more accurately but 'they' can easily catch on the law fluctuation in Norda besides this is little tricky if there is say a variable in my calculations everything would turn bad for us and not to forget backlash. even though it was I, who receives most backlash you would be still implicated and die a grievous death for sure]

Veins started to popping in his forehead, 'This darn system sure will be the death of me one day ' he couldn't pretend he never regret chosen by this system, this two years there is always some form of misfortune fall on him.

He didn't continue to talk nonsense, asked more about this new function and tried to understand them better which system did more elaborately. Since he know speaking to the system was pain in the *** he would try out this new function see he find anything to his liking.

'This system way of thinking is absurd' he commented to himself when he was learned the overall details his honest opinion is this, he decided to try this next day, it's not that he wasn't curious enough or this was something boring but this can't be fight him or interact with him like a real person.

Every few hours this individuals alike memory would reset back they would not remember his conversation with them. The system forbidden him from attacking this special constructs , this 'spirit imprint' have to be carefuly handled by the system, even system can't apparently take more than few times on one person.

Not only that he was scolded by system as well, for asking about fighting the spirit imprint he already has such a option he can fight avatars in separate training white space but he was more interested in hearing about this so got hyped up after all they essentialy different one real like and other (programed) system derived avatar.

System reluctanty agree to upgrade the avatar similar to these imprints, also talk to him about it's decision about what he was going to do. Vaanavan puzzled by system decision and asked "Why is that you didn't put condition to using other functions before"

[Because it was a test, it's not a condition but more of an arrangement to test your intelligence and decision making, leadership qualities think of it as a game if your performance satisfied me you can get a special reward and opportunity]

Vaanavan become silent as he thought about certain memory he did remember the first host receiving rewards in similar fashion with system, he was tempted about this opportunity so he asked more about this game before agreeing to it.

'All I have to do is impress the system in trail function' he said to himself determined to get this opportunity, for this darn reason it was named impartial system it can't give him opportunity directly and also something to do with his origin secret as well he have to walk his own path to became invincible which he totally ignored he has no intention of become invincible.

More importantly the impressive his performance the higher the level of reward, he was eager to impress the system more.