
Raising Of Invincible Star: The Ultimate Impartial System

Vanavan find himself woke up in the unknown world in a very mystical way. sealed inside a cave, prohibited from escaping, his life fell in to miserable situation and his life is not in his hands. He find out it was another chance for him pursue his dreams, live the life as he see fit. Vanavan fight against the world by himself, turning the tables as he go, walking into an unknown path step by step to become invincible existence could he realize it? Follow Vanavan into his endless journey of invincibility. __ __ __ __ __ " What do you mean by this ?" Vanavan asked cautiously. "but you abducted me and sealed in this awful place!" Vanavan has incredulous look on his face " Can you please tell me how is this considered my fortune " [That was one way to put it like that, how do you know it's your fortune or not, with out giving it a try] Vaanavan was furious by it's nonsense he raged "Old Ghost it's better if you let me go, it's a serious crime to abduct a reputable teacher of a well known academy " ___ ___ ___ [A/N] : The Mc wasn't from the modern world, his understanding of system is very low and he might had some prejudice against it in the following chapters might never let go of them. he was a flawed human but he has his strength. My language isn't English so there might be grammatical errors or typos in the chapters as I write more chapters I will try my very best to improve my writing and re-edit the previous chapters. Please support me and rate and review my work, Show some love for my work as well . You would not regret it. comments and votes are very very welcome, Thank you! (The Cover Made by pink_lollie24, the credit go to her skillful hands and cognitive mind)

raven_lord017 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Trail, Reward and Opportunity

From the cave Vaanavan could see the blurry images of group of people climbing the mountain in orderly fashion, Vaanavan estimated that there number should not be no Less than two thousand people.

Vaanavan could only see one person face in the forefront all other people was blurry silhouette, his heart started to beating loudly as he waited for them to reach his cave entrance he never know this mountain was that tall and the cave he was sealed in was almost at the very top of the mountain.

he also get a glimpse of the scenery around him for the first time and honestly horrified little 'what happened to this place' it gave him an uncomfortable feeling by just looking at them more than few minutes, he could see everything clearly only the humans seemed blurry and unrecognizable but he could see the leading person features very clearly as well.

They only climbed to this level after half a days of climbing, System informed him this whole mountain is almost covered by caves now all of them is buried with the elders and leaders of the tribe, unlike what he was seeing now there would be many group coming they stop by every sealed cave to pay their respect each group would at least take three days to finish all of this before another group climb up repeating the same process.

From System information, every five years all the human tribes gather here to pay their respect to ancestors, this whole thing would lasted about two and half months, they would came prepared for the stay here for this period of time.

Not only that this was also chance for them interact with many another tribes there is martial tournament, marriage alliance, trade and, seek protection, resolving grudges, tribe less warriors seek and join new tribes and new rules and treaties as well meetings among the peak experts on human tribes they out line plans for future relationship with other races and searching resources, what would they do for next five years.

Vaanavan now could get the clear picture of their regular life come to some basic understanding although he didn't know much about the social structure but he learned this humans history and past glory here. 'They weren't that different in social structure and other habits, in fact they seem more efficient'

He understand their beliefs and habits with their history he thought this was not very much different from his world back then humans are all same 'Their desperate situation among the strong races make them what they are! after all they didn't only have to face barbarians like my home planet'

But the difficulty in unifying human race is still there he, guessed after a few stimulation he would be more understanding of their behavior and characteristics pattern it would be very easy to get their trust unfortunately for him he really didn't prepare for what was coming.

The group gathered in front of his cave they all carried various items the a blurry person behind the peak expert motion with his hand few dozen people step forward hurriedly started clean up the area. in the whole plain and Mountain only this two kind of plant currently growing one is a black spike like grass and a light yellow colour vines with little to no leaves.

there is another anomaly after throughly looking at the one of the scary looking mud constructs despite one might mistook it for a weird looking bald tree if they see this thing from afar, they are more similar to anthills in some way, they are fully obsidian black, glittering, looking dangerous and creepy.

Vaanavan didn't seen them in any herbal book or spiritual plants, but he has a feeling something abnormal about them, "System are they normal plants? they seem little abnormal"

[They are not actually any plants, but manifistataion of the leather energy I told you about, if you pay enough attention and use your Dhamic power I guarantee you might be very surprised. Hehe don't worry I have perfect plan for them]

After the initial confusion he was automatically used truth eyes the surrounding scenery turned into very different scenery he was very shocked to find out that, he felt he see past cover up and looking at the real thing the scenery no longer just a dull plain and lone mountain but something more horrifying .

All around the plain and Mountain black energy writhing like it was alive and devouring the energy of heaven and earth, they are increasing albeit in small level it was slowly spreading out of the plains.

Vaanavan shivered as he witness such a disturbing scene he, classified the energy as some sort of evil energy, he turned his attention towards the group of people the blurry images became little clear but he didn't see any of their faces.

He then looked towards the plants as system asked him to after the people throw away the vines and grass in just few minutes they disintegrate and become absorb by nearby vines or black grasses. This was his first time witnessing something like this his expression was solemn as he looked around the miasma like black writhing mass.

He fell into long silence almost disregarding the group of people out side, the more concerned thing was almost half of the whole lethal energy was in the mountain, where he was sealed. he was scared to death when he notice this but after clear check up he find out his situation better and safer; there was no lethal energy near his cave he could subtly see invisible, spherical screen isolated the whole cave.

He instinctively know the lethal energy was not a good Matter if he was lived here without system protection this long he would be dead in half of his stay, he immediately remembered the monstrous thing fight the crystal snake. they are very similar in way it wasn't poison but they both have corrosive effect.

The System plan first step was unite the tribe and made them settle here, like they once used to but is it okay to let them settle in with this kind of environment, he highly doubted even peak qi realm experts would live past half a year in this environment.

[Host! What are you doing? ]

Vaanavan come back to his senses, noticing the neutral tone he was little embarrassed, "I was about to called out that person" his embarrassment evident in his voice "by the way is it all right to let them settle here?" he asked hesitantly.

[What is with you today? I gave you a simple task with conditions and reward but what are you doing? in forty minutes this group will be depart, heading down when are you planning on talk to him?]

His face flushed in shame, system didn't seem to pleased by his performance or lack of one and absentmindness, hesitation. system was very angry severely warned him to take the task seriously, and keep insisting the importance of the task to him.

[Remember this very clearly, if you messed this up not only you are going to loss the opportunity and reward, your starting point will be also very low not going any useful to you, your life here would turned for worse as the calamity progress trust me ]

Vaanavan gulped little by the harshness of the system, again there was this subtle warning tone in it, to him this task was necessary to obtain the opportunity but now from the tone it could be also decline of his situation; he remembered system once told him about their situation.

[We, fight for our freedom and fate, we take this humans fate also in our hands for the mission and convenience but doing so we have to put equal value of something you got that , if things went wrong we will pay dearly]

Vaanavan suddenly connected dots realized something, he hesitantly asked "You mean did you -"

[Yes the opportunity I spoke of isn't easy to obtain this will give you an edge over everyone, if you can't obtain it then it was obvious you have to pay the praise. Your luck will be halved and there might other repercussions like you might be prevented from join calamity early stage as we planned]

Vaanavan nodded his head in serious manner just the two examples were enough to let him know the seriousness of the situation, he didn't dare delay anymore to obtain better results he have to show good interactions with the experts so overall percentage would high even if he can't win over the experts tried his best is the key 'I have to try my best to convince them and win over their favor' he thought but shook his 'That's not enough I have to give my all, darn it I, shouldn't have agreed to the system sweet talking about opportunity just simply going with trail'

He clearly understand the system opportunity was like a gamble, where system put his life in the bet just for the hopes of snatching this unknown 'opportunity' if he didn't do well the opportunity if he received one would be mediocre just like the rewards if he noticed such a fishy plot of the system once again he would refuse even he became immortal by playing gamble he wouldn't be tempted.

When they laid basic protection array, from few small clay pots they carried colorful natural paint like liquid and which they pour it on the big boulder and make torches, lastly they put down some herbs, food, fruits and nuts and wine and they devotedly prayed.

Vaanavan cleared his throat to calm his throat, even though he was going to voice transmission not meeting them directly he felt pressured he keep his eyes on the peak expert face waiting for him to open his eyes from praying.

The expert was tall and lean has big mustache and small trimmed beard he was around middle age scholar his hair was mixed in streaks of gray but he heard from the system this expert was more than 230 years old if he didn't break through he could live another fifty years.

It was apparent he was considered very respectful person by the all other tribes, he has peacefull face while praying for the tribe. Vaanavan sat up straight at the first indication of the explert was going to open his eyes he immediately contact him.

"Human, can thou hear me? it is me, thy ancestor stay put " The expert froze in his place showed an incredulous expression as he looked around doubtfully his expression was turned little doubtful as well.

The expert was silent he tilted his head to side towards one of those blurry figure as if he was having some conversation Vaanavan who was eyeing them like hawk notice this as well so when the expert turned his attention back his face was more solemn.

"Don't fret thyself, this one only talking to thy not with the other humans as I said it is me one of thy surviving ancestor now come forward before the cave"

The expert's face morphed into shock as he mumbled ancestor then there was a slight suspicion in his face, he didn't come forward like he was asked. His face was guarded as he also spoke in voice transmission towards the cave "Are you in the cave? may I ask to which ancestor I was given chance of speaking "

Vaanavan smiled, very pleased to hear the humble tone from expert, he know from his own experience those who are at the top would never lower their heads at one another, he speaked in pleased tone.

"That is correct, I have descended to this world for some times, oh! Do thou know if this one tell thou my name?" he laughed in sage like manner.

The very next second, much to Vaanavan astonishment the expert attacked the cave wall furiously "HOW DARE YOU Demon!, come out and die, you dare to blasphemy my forefather how dare you I will burn you for a my life time"

In to the safety of cave Vaanavan was bewildered and shocked by the expert's sudden palpable anger, the expert tried all sort of attack methods to barge in the cave, soon the tribe people also let out a war cry join in the attack; in honesty he was little intimidated even knowing he could kill them in few minutes If he seriously attack them 'bless the flowing light, the system has safely sealed the cave'

What happened why is this fellow suddenly gone berserk we are speaking nicely and the expert was certainly respectful to him as well so what's going on he started to speculate things 'Could it be the lethal energy somehow affects their mind '

He didn't notice the trail ended quickly there was silence a cold voice jolted out his speculative state. the System asked in dangerous and very cold voice.

[So What do you think you are doing? do you it was alright to spaced out in situation like this. you better give me satisfactory answer]

The threatening tone made him stiffened and explain how he planned to proceed with this interaction, and he asked his doubts as well, he clearly didn't understand things. The system spoke in blank tone devoid of emotions it didn't scolded him or tortured him but explain like it has nothing to do with it.

[Host performance in the trail is worse than I had expected, you have failed this trail. the possibility of getting recognition from that expert or any other peak expert with this sort of approach is less than 7-8 percent, system advice you to not choose this route]

Vaanavan heart sink by system cold words, he didn't understand how things turned out to be this way he really didn't like it, although its just first failure, he felt like he was struggling to keep his life from some dangerous entity.

[You don't understand your situation, acted stupidly enough to ruin the possible chance lead it to the complicated situation. When the whole situation descended to madness you failed to step up tried to turn things around before it's escalate in to more serious problems; and most importantly even after it become like this you don't do anything about the problem and ignored it]


[Are you dump is this how you act as a ancestor to your descendants it's really pathetic and dissapointing. You didn't know how to assess the situation or judge a person character even after watching him all this time, is your social skill get degenerate?]

When Vaanavan about to say something "I-" the system become more angry.

[BE QUITE! You imbecile, I'm very disappointed in you, this is not how you should act like a forefather of a once glorious and dominant race. First you called him 'human' then I ask what are you? you talk to him like scammer, rather than an ancestor would talk to his descendants]

[A Person of your standard would not behave like this, the cave you are living is were patriarch once lived, the four skeletons are top experts who defend the humanity, they definitely would not act like you. And most importantly the humans are very through with their history especially those peak experts who at their level certainly know about the top experts of that time and grow up hearing stories about them]

Vaanavan blinked as if he understand something important "OH! " system answer agree with him tersely.

[Exactly! Host, They are aware of every peak experts in the time of calamity this is all become later documendated. I don't pretend to you be a lost patriarch are any other leaders but a son or direct subordinate would do you are still became a influential person think before you act]

Vaanavan then tried three other times before that day trail time over, to him all of this trail become messy affair but system seems calm down little not scolding him like it was going put him in hell for eternity.

The System still scolded him still but in the last two trails he didn't fail miserably managed his score at 20 percent, he felt very stiffled to continuously scolded by system because never once he gotten scolded by the system in training 'Does my social skills really, declining four failures! ' but he wasn't talkative person to begin with he was frustrated and nervous when system told him he no longer receive top reward the opportunity if he managed to get one would not be high-end.

He second target in the trail was a bald man with white beard he was short and bulky he also carefully abserved him and contact him but this man was unlike the first one very rude and short tempered he was started to curse him as soon as he asked him to state his name and similar events happened but this lunatic was much more unpredictable when he found out he couldn't barge into the cave he started hacking mountain to cut off the peak.

'This mad man!' Vaanavan doesn't know how to calm this expert down he was already very old yet he was this short temper he tried to persuade him but the baldy become more enraged started talking bad about Vaanavan ashamed and furious he come out the trail on his own but surprisingly the percentage was 10 percent.

The system explained somewhat patiently this time [Host you didn't understand this person this time but unlike tried to persuade him you should have teach him a lesson then forgave his offence as a magnanimous person act like dignified but tolerate elder. Host please took a note of this despite what he looks like or act like he was cunning than you think he was also testing you ]

"OH T-Thanks" Vaanavan was very surprised by system patience.

[It's nothing, now that I confirmed you have low EQ, I decided to coach you in that department I still have to try my best to get you at least medicore opportunity. I should have let you learn some things from first host world well I later add them in your schedule]

He was very embarrassed by the merciless comments, for the next two is tricky individuals as well they didn't attack at least that was a improvement, the third one got suspicious bring back few more experts to surround the cave the fourth one seemed acting weirdly.

[This person was very cautious person you can't make him trust you, it would be indeed very tricky situation to deal with but as long as he felt safe, he would be useful to you be aware they could be dangerous in desperate situations ]

[This one was a scheming person very selfish, who always focus on his benefit and self centered. You have to maintain unfathomableness and induce a fear in him control him ]

It's takes him half a day to finish the trail, he can't use this more than twelve hours, everyday, in simple terms he can use it on real time basis he only have nine days left it seems the task rules system didn't explain further the system said it couldn't increase trail in time because of the imprints Vaanavan panicked 'I didn't expect this!' he mourned about his foolishness.