
Raising Of Invincible Star: The Ultimate Impartial System

Vanavan find himself woke up in the unknown world in a very mystical way. sealed inside a cave, prohibited from escaping, his life fell in to miserable situation and his life is not in his hands. He find out it was another chance for him pursue his dreams, live the life as he see fit. Vanavan fight against the world by himself, turning the tables as he go, walking into an unknown path step by step to become invincible existence could he realize it? Follow Vanavan into his endless journey of invincibility. __ __ __ __ __ " What do you mean by this ?" Vanavan asked cautiously. "but you abducted me and sealed in this awful place!" Vanavan has incredulous look on his face " Can you please tell me how is this considered my fortune " [That was one way to put it like that, how do you know it's your fortune or not, with out giving it a try] Vaanavan was furious by it's nonsense he raged "Old Ghost it's better if you let me go, it's a serious crime to abduct a reputable teacher of a well known academy " ___ ___ ___ [A/N] : The Mc wasn't from the modern world, his understanding of system is very low and he might had some prejudice against it in the following chapters might never let go of them. he was a flawed human but he has his strength. My language isn't English so there might be grammatical errors or typos in the chapters as I write more chapters I will try my very best to improve my writing and re-edit the previous chapters. Please support me and rate and review my work, Show some love for my work as well . You would not regret it. comments and votes are very very welcome, Thank you! (The Cover Made by pink_lollie24, the credit go to her skillful hands and cognitive mind)

raven_lord017 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Mysteries Countdown (Part 2)

The cave descended into the complete silence after the sound of his voice, system didn't answer him for a few minutes, Vaanavan noticed it was extremely abnormal this never happened even when it was angry at him, the system would still respond to him.

'Has the system embarrassed or something' he couldn't be so sure, from what he understand of the system it was shameless, thick skin and twisted sense of perception so that wasn't possible. His face changed; could it be the system didn't want to recognise this.... if that's case he could do nothing about this situation his musing was broken by system voice.

[This is a surprise!]

"Oh!" Vaanavan was startled hear system voice ' was it really think so? ' he thought the system would come with something to bruise his pride or completely ignore his achievements 'what's it game this time' it was like a competition between them he tried to prove himself make it acknowledge his hard work like slapping the system in the face.

Although the system might or might not indulging in this as a form of entertainment, but why he really did this to stay focus not losing his head in this cave he was somewhat started to feeling the loneliness of such a monotonous life system tacticaly help him out from this situation.

[I admit this wasn't something within my expectations, Host truly exceeding my expectations this time . I'm not going to pretend to this wasn't happened it was indeed great thing to us just because your childishness. Hahaha, you can be at ease I'm not going to poking fun at you]

[I witness the whole process, even it was luck most of the part, I can't ignore your efforts and innovative thinking, did you know luck Is also part of your strength don't let petty concept confuse your state of mind ]

Vaanavan was truly touched to hearing such a straight forward and heart felt comments, he could feel the system was being honest. he scolded himself as he understand what it's meant. He unknowingly develop such a harmful thoughts about himself this wasn't right thing to discipline oneself, when was he became such a big headed and petty person he never compare himself to anyone or look down on other people, for the matter of fact but now he was motivating and beat himself over such a unsavory thoughts.

Vaanavan become little clear head and resolved to himself, that he would follow his code and conduct have a simple view of everything in front of him. He took a deep breath spoke to system with the gracefulness " I understand, thank you system I'm grateful for your magnanimous and wise words." he was also feel good that knowing he achieved something great from system.

[You don't have to thank me or feel grateful, I'm Impartial system remember. I tried to merely correct your mistakes this is what I should do, by the way you have to have a demanner of humanity ancestor keep in that in mind]

Vaanavan nodded his head in understanding as he also know the time was short, he have to pose as the one of the ancestor he have to be ready for that " I'll keep that in mind" he replied smiling.

[While we are at this topic, let me educate you on something. I didn't put any obstruct enchantment or interference spell to obstruct your sight that is your level being low any heaven level eye technique could see through my screen. in fact it's purpose was other way around no one to lock on to your existence here]


his stunned expression changed slowly a huge vein pumping in his forehead, as he grounded his teeth in frustration " I guess somethings never change.... must be delusional" he mumbled to himself with a snort he went to his next training session.

he didn't want to bother with this petty system, he should never assume things about system, he still resolved in his decipline for that matter he was still glad about his new found motivation.

The very next day something very unexpected happened, Vaanavan woke up as usual did his knight training workout and something he learned from some of the external body tempering methods of local inhabitants well, on his insistence the system collected and derived most effective method for him said it would be useful to him couple of years in the least.

When he about to enter the white space to his routine about one of the unfinished classes on miscellaneous job today would be pottery and clay art session. His whole body froze on it's own he couldn't even breathe properly his body rise above the ground by an invisible force only the shuddering of his body is the only indication of any of his struggle that could be spotten.

Vaanavan could barley even move his eyes, looked widely around, veins are started to show up all over his body his; and heat up, flushed from the strange pressure on his body but soon even more pressure added into this forced him hover still as a log of wood he internally screamed when his bones started crack, his muscles tendons snap he stoped resisting or break out the force.

[Stop resisting, it's me immobilize you, I can't tell you anything at the moment I'm bringing something for you don't struggle, endure! ]

Vaanavan half guessed this was system doing but his instinct reaction was resisting the invisible pressure on him, 'well look like our location wasn't founded out' he wasn't sure what to make of the 'gentle' instructions by the system and it doesn't felt so great to treated like flour sack in bakershop, his eyes widened when he noticed the multi colored lights flashed around his body he have seen this light few times before 'it's indeed means system bring something- "AAAArrrrgghhhhh" the sudden pain wasn't something he was expecting.

Vaanavan felt like his, entire body catch with slow burning hot fire every pore in his body felt a intense burning pain; it's slowly even moving from his skin to muscles and nerves, bones and his blood which,started to boiling now. After what seems like forever he limply fell down from the air he was already at the unconscious state his whole body was glowing with gentle silver glow.

Vaanavan slowly opened his eyes he was noticed the burning feeling despite the intensity halved, he also noticed his body is like having one of these deadly fever very tired and weak his throat parched with dryness like he was not drinked water for few days made him very uncomfortable he noticed the silver glow as well.

He knows his body wasn't in best condition did not bothering to called out the system he fell silent he endured it about half an hour before he managed to gather little energy and somewhat sure he could think properly he contacted the system unusual from his habit he choose to contact via thoughts rather than talking out loud.

Vaanavan didn't like to talk to it in his head despite system saying they can do it, he was not comfortable with having someone in his head and made clear with system from hovering in his head, gave him peace and privacy he deserves but he doesn't think this would be the time for mulling over such a thoughts about luxury or privilege.

As he notice despite system adjusting his condition constantly he felt like dying man and his qi was sapped dry his mental energy all time low; this was not time for waiting for get better he had to act according to his situation and importantly wanted to know what's going on with him and he surely don't have energy to speak out loud a single word.

Efficiency is important at the moment he send his thoughts ‹System! what did you do to me, were you planning to kill me or something?› his, thoughts were chaotic he wanted to know why the darned system did this to him. Lately there partnership wasn't even strained like very first what happened to it.

[It was by luck I found this thing yesterday, you see! your body could be perfected after derived what treasure material needed for a constructing suitable body the material from first host didn't even cover one tenth of it so I had to plunder- ]

Vaanavan interrupted coldly ‹Stop with this nonsense, can't you explain anything simply do you think I had all the time › he wasn't in the mood for it's nonsense or the situation stay awake and concentrating seem hard and painful task.

[What I am trying to tell is I have the capability to perfect your spiritual body to hundred percent, your potential is great and the material I derived for a suitable body isn't very easily found]

His face contorted in pain, 'the hell- he let out a whimper he grounded his teeth from gasping or whimpering but he couldn't completely stiffled it, veins popping in his head with frustration.

[In fact the last material was little special and hard to find, a neutral natural born spiritual treasure called 'void flame' and I only managed find it few months ago so I have this inspiration to use this on you to let you know the time of our start of mission-]

‹SYSTEM› Vaanavan frantically shouted in his head, now even his eyes were red from pain and agitation.

[Okay, Okay! in simple I found a way better treasure, in fact I always believed it wasn't exists but some myth; please note that host I know many secrets and one of the few highly knowledgeable person but when I casually exploring the nearby star cluster I find a artificial space very well hidden when I got curious explore there miraculously found this mythical item I discreetly bring it here and instantly merged with you, if its aura was leaked even little bit we are dead meat]

The system seems extremely thrilled of what it has done and explain to him all this in somewhat exaggerated tone much to his surprise; It did take Vaanavan some time to process what he was heard he, barely understand why this darn thing was so thrilled but he catched on with the important of the situation he fell into silence for next twenty minutes he had to rest and organize his thoughts and thankful the system finally stopped talking he never know the little talk could be this annoying .

Vaanavan tentatively asked ‹Why is it hurt like this, can't you warn me or put me into sleep or something?›

System scoffed out loud [Did you hear what I just said, you think using such sacred level item wouldn't cost you anything ? compared to that thing value and benefits this little amount of pain is nothing and or you dump. That sacared thing was merging with you including your soul does put you sleep in this condition consider good thing, just when you lost consciousness you were still twitching and screaming you know?]


[I'm assisting you currently to the best of my ability ]

"AAAAArrrrggghh! " Vaanavan almost feinted from the sudden increase of pain, he screamed and trembled.

[ See! I know something like that would happen, so I numbed half of your pain from the beginning of the process besides constantly adjust your body in the optimal condition for the merging this is rather taxing to even me]

Vaanavan shivered what that means, 'from the beginning'

[Exactly! as you know I can't violate some rules in fact if anyone plan doing something like this without any preparation means they are applying for death that was the only result and I can maximum numb your pain about half of the this chaotic sacred nest merge with your body]

Vaanavan gulped at hearing this, 'Exactly how long that time would need for that?' he asked in shock.

[Okay, I did take the note of the process]

Vaanavan eyes twitches 'WHAT?' he also confused what did he asked, were they speaking same language?.

[Give me a minute for estimate the approximate time! ]


After a brief silence [This would take more or less half a day to half of this merge into your body, I expect]

Vaanavan sighed in relief but also little apprehensive about other half of merging process. As if sensing something system answer his doubts.

[Don't worry, you are only going to suffer this much pain for remaining half day, after that the pain would be further lessen by another half from what you experiencing now. The entire process of this sacared item merging with you at astronomical speed, this is unheard of and it seems you are very compatible with it]

the system encouraged him, Vaanavan nodded if he were to face pain half of the current intensity he could handle this " Was it take couple of days or shorter" he was hoping this would taken less than his estimation; he was planning to invent few more useful techniques, his creativity stimulated ever since he focus on eye powers. If it takes any longer he would have really lose out so much the system would not compromise with him to stop learning some useless things give him some time.

[What? No way! are you trying to be funny, I calculate it, that would be around twenty to twenty five days of rather quick process. it would rapidly disintegrate into your body and seep into your every cell in your body fully reconstructing your body]

[I was very amazed the first half took so little time to merge with you than I expected, you are not all powerful being but mere mortal, did you think such high level sacred item merge would you in instant because you so desire it be sensible! what do you think are we doing? making some dish in your kitchen? My calculations are precise so be patient]

Vaanavan sututred in shock "b-but my tr-training-

[As usual you would be alright by tomorrow, don't let this little amount of pain become our obstacle, you have to learn sacrifice little for our greater cause, sacrificing little bit of comfort isn't big deal, I know you are stronger than this] system spoke to him in an encouraging tone.

Vaanavan blanked for a second before spewing expletive like breeze, completely disregarding his honor as an once reputable knight, not minding his condition anymore. "Fluck you! you retarded despicable system, what the hell is just twenty days and do you think I can endure it during training stupid b****, have you lost your mind dump kant, why the fluck I have to do any sacrifice for this great cause you dump bint" he tapped in to some of first host colorful vocabularies he didn't mind if he pronounce them right or repeating them mindlessly again and again he didn't slow down he even briefly regretted not learning anything from his own world.

He couldn't tolerate it's indifferent and wise encouraging and preaching attitude 'Did that damn thing even know what it was talking, this mean experience this hell for more than eight hundred days in temporal space he disregard his free time and sleep time and he has to initiate eternal second twice a week is this some sort joke wouldn't he live a miserable life that no different than being in hell fluck the 'greater cause' .

The carefree voice irked him more than he let on, he noticed the system was silent didn't bother with it. Does it really think he was easy to toy with? he had yet to see any appropriate attitude from the system about their partnership. He wasn't afraid it would later might torture him, with how petty and vengeful that thing is when this was over may be torture him or get back at him some other way.

In his ballistic state didn't consider anything also naturally forgot about the sudden increase of pain he once again fell in to the silence, the system didn't bother him that day on late night he some how fell asleep despite being very disturbing sleep he ever had.

___ ___ ___

The cave once again descended into it previous silence Vaanavan doesn't scream anymore in his sleep after a few hours later the silver glow around his body intensify suddenly bathed him in golden light constantly adjusting his body to keep up with the process.

The system still paying attention to the star cluster as if it waiting for something for all this time, although the system successfully managed to smuggle it here system didn't blindly believe such a high level treasure wouldn't alert anybody or the one who placed it here.

[I didn't think anyone would foolishly hide such a high level treasure in such a low level dimension, even the top expert of the firmament would not willingly part with it after all such a neutral treasure anyone can use it]

System wasn't sure it was a natural phenomenon or an artificially created space by someone but keeping an eye on it wasn't that difficult so far no one come there. The system seems little apprehensive about this anonymous expert if it could not differentiate whether the thing is created by someone or naturally formed then they could be deadly enemy at this stage system wasn't willing to face such a expert.

The system turned it attention to the rapidly zooming something, like a shooting star some black object moving towards the area in break neck speed soon come into the sight it was huge black beast with abnormal features, it was also had this faint glowing in some part of it's body.

System immediately recognized it as a star beast other than initial surprise it didn't think about much one of the well known quality of the star beast is track down natural treasure even it can't use everything it still hoard them.

System was only delighted but still calmly looking around for something [Er.. this little thing really seems loner then it was easy to capture it] as quick as a lightning The Star beast was silenced and it's corpse disappear from the void that beast wasn't even go near the area but lost it's life.

[I still should pay little more attention here just in case]

When Vaanavan woke up he felt that his body was better than yesterday? He felt that aside from constant burning pain he doesn't felt anymore drained emotionaly or physically 'hmm? ' his qi energy was started replensing little by little; his eyes opened wider when he noticed something incredulous.

"What in the name of sacred soul was this? " his eyes still looked as it was about to pop out from his eye socket, on his chest something glowing in golden light like some letter so he took off his robe from his upper body there is numeric symbol etched on his chest.

It was like the Time Seeing device from the first host world. It has this weird prickly sensation on his skin, seeing this made him very uneasy and little cold as well made him want to scratching the symbols to his heart content to ease the sensation.

[27 : 17 : 40 : 19]