
Raising Of Invincible Star: The Ultimate Impartial System

Vanavan find himself woke up in the unknown world in a very mystical way. sealed inside a cave, prohibited from escaping, his life fell in to miserable situation and his life is not in his hands. He find out it was another chance for him pursue his dreams, live the life as he see fit. Vanavan fight against the world by himself, turning the tables as he go, walking into an unknown path step by step to become invincible existence could he realize it? Follow Vanavan into his endless journey of invincibility. __ __ __ __ __ " What do you mean by this ?" Vanavan asked cautiously. "but you abducted me and sealed in this awful place!" Vanavan has incredulous look on his face " Can you please tell me how is this considered my fortune " [That was one way to put it like that, how do you know it's your fortune or not, with out giving it a try] Vaanavan was furious by it's nonsense he raged "Old Ghost it's better if you let me go, it's a serious crime to abduct a reputable teacher of a well known academy " ___ ___ ___ [A/N] : The Mc wasn't from the modern world, his understanding of system is very low and he might had some prejudice against it in the following chapters might never let go of them. he was a flawed human but he has his strength. My language isn't English so there might be grammatical errors or typos in the chapters as I write more chapters I will try my very best to improve my writing and re-edit the previous chapters. Please support me and rate and review my work, Show some love for my work as well . You would not regret it. comments and votes are very very welcome, Thank you! (The Cover Made by pink_lollie24, the credit go to her skillful hands and cognitive mind)

raven_lord017 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Mysterious Countdown(Part 1)

"hahaha, I succeed" Vaanavan shouted looking very elated, today he managed to create his very first dharmic spell with the influence from one his spectating sessions. In the last month he witnessed a unique situation where two different races were fighting over resource this was usual here but what was new to him was unlike humans some of these races can awaken there innate skills and magic.

System says it was kind of inheritance for them, to be specific blood line inheritance from one of their ancestors. It was like their power to reach certain stage they awaken some sort of inheritance from bloodline.

What amazed him most was one of the fighting party used some strange eye power innate skill to slow down it's opponent movement from time to time managed to Completely dominate the fight to certain extent.

The important thing here Vaanavan guessed their overall talent and power is almost same in fact the opponent also has this unique innate skill a corroding breath which other party seems wary of but it still managed to force the other party away.

Vaanavan hazard a bold guess, if that poison breathing monstrous thing, pick a fight with any other opponent even if they are stronger than that thing fight wouldn't be this easy, whoever fighting this thing must pay a certain praise to kill it.

He also take into consideration the half dozen qi realm experts he watched fight included, they might even needed to join force to remain unscathed in those fights. As for the peak qi realm experts? it was just few weeks away from his two year mark he yet to see them fight; in fact he never seen any of them system doesn't bother to take initiative to show their faces to him.

The system clearly stated that they, would be visiting him sooner and the system seemed to not think of them much. According to it, they are clearly bunch of nobody if not for the mission it wouldn't even take a glance in their direction.

'Well that's some arrogant word there, after all they are peak of the the current world' he thought little exasperated by system because he never looked down them they just lack the techniques and inheritance with their dedication and hard work they would be even more powerful. the system chimmed in to disrupt his thoughts.

[Host correct in assuming, indeed they are peak in the current world. I extract Memory fragments from Norda upon entering this world, aftermath of the calamity about humans settlement in particular; I thought it would be useful for us]

Vaanavan silently listen to it, interested in what system found out, he wasn't surprised it can extract memory from Norda after all it did bragged the system, can pinch the planet out of existence.

[Fortunately or unfortunately for them there or few potentially gifted people in the past among humans they contribute much to the come back and stability of human tribes, they work hard to rise their standards to this level but they still can't get past this cultivation level and perished. The restrictions were strong no one breakthrough qi realm to next level]

Vaanavan gulped little hearing this, nervous about something, but the system continued on, like it didn't notice him fidget.

[If Norda was complete they managed to obtain some resources they could be very useful to us; at least they could break through couple of levels lived little longer]

Vaanavan face darkened by the comments at the same time his attention latched on to particular detail so he decided put aside his dissatisfication for now and asked.

"You mean by saying Norda wasn't complete, does that mean it was damaged" his mind was already active and very imaginative picturing humangus sphere that missing little chunk one side. the system let out an amused chuckle Vaanavan startled he has a feeling it was mocking him.

'Did I go little overboard in thinking like that? nah the system was messing with me' he was sure that most planets are sphere shape. he just changed the color of the green blue planet into brown and green. in his defense he didn't know how Norda look not to mention he never take a step outside.

[Host has a unique mind, I didn't mean it in that sense anyway please note that I didn't explain much about this planet to you. Norda was few hundred times bigger than your planet which was few dozen times bigger than previous host birth planet in comparison]

Vaanavan gasped at system words, he wasn't sure how to imagine or process the details he was still comically comparing things three spheres of different size now the middle sphere was newly added which painted in all the colors of rainbow system ignore his shenanigans continued with explanation.

[That is in it's compressed state planet Norda put itself into this situation using her unique gift for escaping the calamity it was simply hiding in a way for recuperating]

Before he could open his mouth system answering his question, in cool, lecturing tone.

[ That's correct, the reason was very simple it didn't ready to face the calamity yet. Due to some fortunate encounter she obtained a precious treasure that help her evolve further which in result trigger the calamity]

[She has high dimensenal affinity and some innate talent related to it, she was horrified to find there is second and maybe third wave of calamity desceively compressed her size using dimensenal talent to avoid calamity]

[Of course it's only a temporary measure hiding in the turtle shell would not going to be any help she, has to face this no matter what. I had to say her luck was heaven defying not only she managed to escape the calamity's claws but somehow bring us into this; well at least I was sure she would pass this calamity]

Vaanavan noted the system tone was bitter in second half also when it says Norda would pass the calamity he detected underlying meaning that implies something else completely different. he hesitated but in the end didn't ask this he sensed the system was little triggered to brought into this mess.

Vaanavan changed the topic asked "Weren't you very much secretive about all of this thing, why are you suddenly patient and willing enough to explain all of this stuff, what's the matter?"

That's Correct it's not he didn't interested in these things when he asked some of his doubts earlier, the system coldly replied this wasn't right time seeing it was like talking to stone wall he, didn't pester besides it might use this as a chance to torture him, so he had no choice but curb his curiosity.

He did indeed interested in thing like why are the level of people only this much and what is this calamity all about, at least he knows answer to some of them he, can even guess: it was Norda did something so no one breakthrough qi realm to the next level, Norda didn't dare to take a risk. Noah flinched little at system interruption.

[Host correct in your assumption once again, it was more like that was her limit, she was very exhausted if she wanted to pass the calamity and evolve further she, had to be in her peak state to face it. besides if a higher level cultivator here they might have to attract tribulation to breakthrough to next level]

He nodded in understanding, he could follow and guess what might have happened and the situation of that time at least, little bit.

[The survivors of various races sealed in different places with their people or in some cases isolated according to their cultivation level Norda exerted too much energy to let them further strengthen themselves some of them even skipped their tribulations.]

Vaanavan amazed 'This Norda wasn't simple, it can even trick heavenly tribulations'

[Yes she was very tricky, don't get into her scheme or it was like presenting ourselves to her in silver plate. Keep in mind she was very devious and manipulative]

Vaanavan nodded to the system statement but also confirmed his previous guess, the system seems severely dislike Norda if not hate it outright; from it's previous threatening tone well most of 'them' might really hate this Norda he boldly guessed. But he resolved on doing one important thing as soon as the mission was over he would escape here he didn't want to stand on either side they.

He catagarize Norda in dangerous individual, just like 'them' he would steer clear of them for that he could have to talk to system about this matter his body froze 'Wait a darn Minute, did the system once again sidetracked me? wasn't it? '

Vaanavan gritted his teeth this system always treating himlike this "System! for the sacared Soul sake....."

[Host don't get too agitated, It wasn't on purpose; anyway I was willing to tell that only because the 'time' is very very close to our mission ]

Vaanavan was thrilled and little apprehensive inwardly, hearing this news he asked with nervousness " When exactly the time for our mission please be more specific about the exact date will you?" system let out an amused chuckle, it seems to him the system was all smiles these days he narrowed his eyes.

[Why are you confusing things now , I said you can sense that when the time Is close, beside I already felt it that's why all this rush up, don't fret yourself ]

Vaanavan sighed know it was a lost case let go of this issue, well he has many things to do anyway! refuse to become an object of its amusement, he mourn to himself the system was unreliable sometimes.

As he intrigued by the innate eye power, he also wanted to develope something like that as well, Vaanavan become more aware how something like this might came in handy or even save his life the poison monster alredy left a deep impression on him.

Since this crystal snake force that monster ran away he, found this even more impressive so he decided developed similar technique or talent told his idea to system.

This was when system explain him about innate talent of some races and their battle skills, even kindly show him the section he neglected for some time in the library. it was the classifications of the skills and techniques, some theories and reference about things he now desperately needed, he could tell system was very cautious in the whole matter especially his training afraid he might neglect something in fact he first didn't show interest in this information.

It takes whole month of outside time to achieve something he, never thought possible at his level. System was amazed as well, all he planned was researching about eyes powers and try to create variety of such techniques for different eye powers. This might come in handy in his future battle system did say eye talents and techniques are rare what was most famous of it kind were mostly innate talents of some races.

Vaanavan was enthusiastic and hopeful this might give him edge in some situations, he was deliberated on which power as basis should he create his techniques the library reference show him all sort of variation, it's seem all of them are somewhat useful for example: enchantment, see through, illusion, petrification, mind control, mystic eyes, fear inducement, elemental attack and so on. The innate talents are wide and vary, two similar things not necessarily same in esense.

He was awed by the potential of it and changed his plan to develop new technique he, could vividly imagine of what he wanted to create with this technique. it have to be all encompassing and had potential for further growth; so he first planned to create a trail version of such a technique, he has a feeling that he was doing something wrong a mistake and missing something extremely crucial he, couldn't sake of this feeling off.

He did create some techniques but their levels or barely reaching profound level, he felt he has very little understanding on this field. He throws himself in this research on every free time he gets he was crazily researching about his doubts and seek to clear the gut feeling of missing out something.

He was that day reading a book about an technique in the name of 'Divine eye of extremities' after creating another technique that barely reach profound level, he was little depressed to continuing with that day, it was just that he can't create what he was dreaming and visualize about how his technique should be.

He had simple thought since one can learn more than few different eye technique and also practice this all of them with just single pair of eyes why couldn't he create a technique that was all encompassing. Eye techniques are not often seen sure there was magic spells but he doubt it this races has learned some, he found out that techniques don't have potential to grow as he later might learn and add new eye powers so it had to be easily adapting them instead any modification it was an impasse.

Vaanavan was almost giving up it's only his intuition and stubbornness kept him from let this research down, the key point is there is no common point or connection between them for any sort of unification; at this point he spotted this innovative eye technique called Divine eye of extremities.

He was reading it because, this explains things similar to what he was focusing on although he didn't find any answers unknowingly as he more ponder about his doubts, some point they started to easy to understand he, was in deep thinking and entered a very special state of mind as he subconsciously stimulate his new ideas to create another try, Vaanavan for the first time experience enlightenment.

Although he didn't understand or remember anything his mind and soul experience illuminated and refreshing experience more and more things about eye powers comes to his mind as he started became aware and familiarise with them in such indepth manner it was simply a magical experience.

When he comes back to his sense he knows something different about him he intuitively know he achieved what he trying very hard but he felt that this was different from techniques he created; As he expected on his status panel something new appeared 'Dharma' changed into 'Dharma spells'.

[Dharma Spells : Unnamed Eye Spell (It is an all encompassing ever growing dharmic spell - more eye powers can added into this spell no restriction)]

Seeing it was displaying 'unnamed' which kind of glowing in pale color Vaanavan concluded it's indicating he can name it, his eyes looked passed the panel to the book he was reading a while ago " I name this tech- I mean spell 'Mystic Eyes Of Dual Perception' hmm this sounds classic"

as soon as he named it there was a change in Dharma spell category with new changes.

[Dharma Spells : Mystic Eyes Of Dual Perception (Everything exist according to the way of extremities this is an inviolable truth there is no exceptions to this ultimate truth. Can the 'Truth' exceptional to this?) ]

Vaanavan frowned at the weird description, as he felt drawn to this thing after re-reading few more times he, couldn't understand single thing so he shifted his attention to this dharma spell. It hasn't had any restrictions or preparation to activate just a thought is enough he, intuitively know how many eye powers he had at the moment and seamlessly activate each and everyone with little practice. He had about total fifteen eye powers now as he comprehend more they will add to the list, not only that the more he comprehend this fifteen the stronger they become he couldn't feel any upper limit to them at the moment.

The only downside the attack and control type spells drain his qi more quickly there are also passive type spell he can maintain them longer at his level but no more than couple of hours or his headache will be unbearable he doesn't know how but the information on his mind somehow.

He was itching to test his spells he has a perfect target at hand, he came out of the white space quickly he took a deep breath look at the dark space activate his passive eye power 'Truth Eyes' there was a slight prickling pain which made him close his eyes reflexively when he, opened his eyes he could see past the system restriction screen.

He particularly keen on looking at the direction of skeleton lying against cave wall, his body trembled in excitement when he saw that area clearly then he looked all around the cave took a note of every nook and cranny of the dark cave. There were three more skeleton as bad as the first one he expect they were all from around the same period as the first skeleton.

He laughed aloud in bursting with joy " Haha ha, I Succeed" he was very smug as well, after all knowing what he managed to achieve there Is a chance he couldn't achieve similar feet never again in his current level. Also he clearly understand this was an accident not achieved by his own effort and talent but more like some sort of blind luck made this possible, still he, was bubbling with pride and joy it was achievement nonetheless.

Once he asked the system about the magic, Dharma, innate skills, the system as usual snubed him chidded him for not focusing on improving his skills make time more useful but curious about these unnecessary things.

There was huge difference about each category, above techniques were magic spells they can be learned has magical effect on the surrounding unlike technique a low level Magical spells can still used by high-level cultivators has much more damage output if pumped with more power it was comparable to high level magic spells but it had downside low level magic spells are easily see through by high level cultivators so they can simply exploit the flaws to dispelled them effectively how impressive they look.

Dharma spell was unique to their creators, Dharma spells can't mass created like technique or magic spells even powerful cultivators have very few dharmic spells unlike magic spells one person can't reach maximum proficiency with another person Dharma spells, even master wouldn't necessarily teach his Disciple his dharma spells.

System commented that Immortals fight with dharma spells rather than magic spells the dharmic spells power grow and getting perfected over the deeper one comprehend their spells.

On the other hand Innate talent or spells or similar and equal to dharma spell but it wasn't created but appear in one mind over conphrhending universal laws, system mentioned him they were not simple some can defy natural laws to out right ignore them and anyone can comprehend them they were sought after but untouchable at the same time no one foolish enough to flaunt this if they did there was only single outcome.

Though despite sharing similar name it's not same as other races innate skills and talents, this phenomenon unique to human, when they managed to comprehend laws of universe it's a benefit. But other races can comprehend them from humans not only that if they comprehend them there is a certain chance they comprehend the law this is a loophole from system opinion.

[Everyone was restricted to some level no body exception to this no one, become all powerful with cultivating dedicatedly, there are all sorts of obstacles like natural talent, bloodline, spiritual root, fate, curses etc]

[No one gets all the pie even some laws are repulse each other and there is also race and bloodline restrictions but this thing was practically a cheat to break past this restrictions did you understand how absurd this thing now? but don't think your humans are so special there are countless races go extinct before! just kept that in mind Host go for your next training when the time came you understand more clearly don't waste our precious time over this useless things]

Vaanavan took a deep breath adjust his emotion try his best to hide his smugness, standing straight he called out system " System, what's the matter, you don't comment on my achievement today it's not so like you! what? did cat caught your tongue? why not put your two cents in this matter" In the end his pride got best of him, bragging come out as a taunt, he only trying his very best cause it was still a accident he was afraid system would target this matter, make fun of him so he try his best to act normal and humble.