

"I see you all have met." Dom announced as the four made their way into the room.

Regan stopped behind Brian as Roman and Tej made their way to the two.

"Hey, I missed you man." Bri greeted Tej.

"Roman." Regan smiled.

"Wow." Roman replied, pulling the girl in for a hug. "Has it been that long?"

"Unfortunately." Rae replied. "

"Yo, check this out." Brian turned to Dom. "This is Tej. Best circuit man on the East Coast. And this is my boy Roman Pearce. We go way back. I met this guy in juvie. I pulled that job with him in Miami."

"Heard about you." Dom says.

"Tej, this is my sister, Regan." Brian introduced her.

"Damn, how'd you get wrapped up in this?" Tej asked.

Rae smiled. "Can't seem to tell my idiot brother no." She replied.

Rae recognized Gisele, waving when they caught each other's eye. Gisele smiled, making her way to the girl to pull her in for a hug.

"Nice digs." One of the other guys said.

"Yeah, well, the Ritz was sold out." Dom replied.

"So what's this all about, Dom?" He asked.

"Yeah, man. Why'd you drag us halfway around the world." Tej asked.

"'Cause we got a job." Dom answered.

"Which I'm sure you all guessed." Rae added, sending a 'duh' look to Dom.

"All right. So our target's name is Hernan Reyes." Bri told the group. "And he runs the drug scene down here. And he's never been busted because he doesn't leave a paper trail."

"He's a smart motherfucker." Rae adds.

"No paper trail means no banks. And no banks means cash houses." Gisele said.

"That's right. Ten of them to be exact." Bri announces. "Spread throughout the city."

"And we're gonna hit them all." Dom adds.

"All of them?" Tej asks, standing next to Rae.

"All of them." Dom confirms.

"That sounds crazy." Roman says on the other side of Regan. "Bring us to a whole other country so we can rob the dude who runs it?" Roman asks. Regan nods. "I thought this was business. Sounds personal to me. Is that what this is? I got love for y'all, but personal ain't good business. I can't do this, homie."

"So what we're talkin' about is a hundred million dollars." Dom announced.

"You say what?" Roman asked. Rae smiled at Tej. "See, sometimes I be over thinking, man, and, uh, you know, I know we just met, but- You just kinda gotta-"

"That's right. A hundred million dollars. And everything we take, we split even." Dom said.

"That's $10 million apiece. I am down." Tej announced.

"I'm in." One of Dom's guys agreed.

"Ten million? Sound like a whole lot of vaginal activity to me." Roman said.

"Pig." Rae mumbled.

"You can't pull off 10 heists on the same mark. You just can't." Gisele told them.

"You know, as soon as we hit the first one, they're gonna do everything they can to protect the rest." Han agreed.

"Exactly." Dom replied, smiling. Tej looked down at Rae, a smile spread across her face, too.

It had been easy to get it. Point the guns at the women, hit the men with the guns.

"That's all of it." Brian said, throwing more money in the pile.

"You're a dead man. You're all dead men!" One of the workers yelled. "You don't have a place to hide."

Dom reached up, pulling his mask off. "Who's hiding?" He asked. Brian followed, pulling his mask off as well as the rest of their team. Regan smiled, pulling off hers to let her blonde waves fall.

"Are you crazy? Are you crazy?" The same worker yelled. "Do you know whose house this is? Whose money are you stealing?"

Dom picked up the gas, flicking open a lighter. "We ain't stealing it." He threw the lighter, letting it burn before he walked over to the worker.

"You tell your boss exactly who did this. Tell him there's more coming."

Regan smiled down at the man, the fire behind her darkening her features.

Regan stood up on the roof with Tej, waiting for five to move. He held the binoculars up to his eyes, raising the radio.

"I got eyes on five." He said into it.

They stayed put, Tej lowering the binoculars. "I know y'all said they were colsolidatin' the money somewhere, but...y'all ain't gonna believe this."

"What?" Rae asked.

"Police station, babygirl." Tej told her.

"Police station?" She asked. "Shit."

They all gathered around the table again.

"The beauty of public offices." Mia said, holding up a rolled piece of paper. "Public records."

"And this is where he's keeping the money. The vault in the evidence room." Brian said.

"Um, uh, yeah." Tej interrupted. "Can I get everyone's attention, right here, for a second?" He asked. "We're talkin' about breaking into a po-lice station. Is anyone listening to those words? I know Regan was when she replied with 'shit' earlier, now, not so much. Anybody? Po po? Five-O? One time. Pigs. People we don't like."

"You know, police stations are designed to keep people in, not out." Han said.

"That's why it's a stealth mission." Brian replied, looking at Mia.

"We'll be in and out before they even know we were there." Rae added, standing between Tej and Roman.

"Well, we'll need to get eyes in there." Dom said. "At least to find out the make and model of that vault."

"So the vault, and then, so- that's crazy." Roman said. "Who's supposed to, uh, do all this?"

Dom exchanged a glace with Rae, who exchanged one with Mia before looking at Brian. The four collectively looked at Roman. Roman looked from Mia, to Brian, to Dom, to Tej and then to Regan.

"What- what do you mean?" He asked. "Why me?"

"You're our talker." Rae whispered.

"You got the biggest mouth." Bri agreed.

"That's for damn sure." Tej also agreed.

Rae offered Roman a soft smile. He just shook his head at the girl.

Brian, Tej and Regan waited in the van for Roman. After what felt like forever, he finally slid his ass into the van next to Rae.

"It's done. See, I think I make a better special agent than you ever did." Roman told Brian.

"Well, that depends on how you define special." Brian replied.

"Yeah. Whatever." Roman said.

"Come on. Let's see what we got." Tej told the three.

"Not funny." Roman commented.

Tej held the controller. "All right. Come on. Oh." We watched the car maneuver its way through the room.

"Dog, you still can't drive." Roman commented. See, now I see why you're always getting into accidents."

"And you wonder why you were assigned the talking job. Shut up." Regan told Roman.

"He can't even drive a damn remote control car." Roman replied to Rae.

"I'm gonna need you to shut up right now. I'm tryin' to concentrate." Tej replied.

"I'm not gonna shut up." Roman warned.

"Man, strap him un his safety belt, man." Tej said.

"Give me the remote, dog. Go left. It looks like something over there to the left." Roman told Tej.

"What is that?" Brian asked. Regan leaned closer behind him. "If you would wear your damn glasses-"

"If you would shut the hell up so I could see, I'd appreciate it." Rae cut him off.

"You see with your ears now, Rae?" Bri asked. Regan flipped him off.

"Bingo." Tej announced.

"What is that? 6-by-6?" Brian asked.

"No, video makes things appear smaller, dumbass." Rae answered.

"8-by-12." Roman said.

"7-by-12." Tej and Rae corrected at the same time. Both smiled at each other.

"Fitted with 18-inch thick steel reinforced walls..." Tej added.

"With an insulated copper core to protect against thermal lance." Rae finished.

"A class three electronic lock...with a surefire Griffin retumbler and..." Tej kept going.

"And a biometric palm scanner." Regan added.

"Ten tons of top-of-the-line security." Tej finished.

"Do I wanna know how you know all that?" Brian asked.

"I had a life before you met me, O'Connor." Tej answered. "Let's just leave it at that, all right?"

"I was asking Regan." Brian told Tej.

"No, you don't wanna know, brother." Rae answered, picking at her chipping nail polish.

"She is a beauty though, man." Tej commented.

"'A beauty' as in 'good'?" Roman asked.

"'Beauty' as in she gonna start off playin' hard to get. Then, no matter how much I caress her, no matter how much I love her, in the end, she still ain't gonna give up that ass." Tej replied.

The other three laughed, Tej turning to see Rae as her smile lit up her face.

"Got it. We got it." Mia called.

"We're looking at four cameras." Brian said.

"Yo, that's some high end shit." Han commented. "100-degree field of view. Ten seconds of oscillation."

"Yeah. That's a narrow window, man." Brian replied.

"Can't we just tap in and replace the image?" Gisele asked.

"Nah, it's hooked into a digital sync." Tej answered. "They'd know we were in the system. The best we can do is peek."

"We're gonna need some real fast cars to get through this." Roman commented.

"Not just fast. We got a hard right and a hairpin." Han added. "We're gonna need something agile."

"You guys mock up a track." Dom ordered. "O'Conner." Brian and Regan looked up at him. "Let's go get some cars."

"Nice." Brian mumbled with a bright smile on his face. He stood off the chair. "You coming?" He asked Rae.

She looked over at Tej. "No, I'll stay here." She answered. Brian furrowed his eyebrows at her, but didn't say anything.

"You decided to stay?" Mia asked when the boys had left.

"Yeah." Rae answered. Mia raised an eyebrow at her.

"Would it have something to do with a certain tech genius who's currently looking at you?" She asked.

"If I answered that honestly would you tell my brother?" Rae asked. Mia shook her head.

"Then yeah, it does." Rae answered.

Mia smiled at her, nudging her off the chair. "Go talk to him."

Rae slid off the chair, smoothing out her cropped red long sleeve that she'd paired with a pair of medium wash ripped jeans and her red converse.

"Hey." She said, sitting next to Tej on the couch.

Tej smiled at the girl. "Hi." He replied.

"No matter how much you caress her, no matter how much you lover her, she will never give up that ass to you." Roman said, laughing at the pair.

"We'll see." Rae replied, taking a sip of the beer in her hand.

"We'll see?" Tej asked.

Rae smirked. The sound of a car engine revving cut her off.