

Fast Five

They were all wanted now; their faces being on the TV had told them that much.

Former Federal Agent Brian O'Connor.

A fierce manhunt is underway for four fugitives tonight. Multiple federal and local agencies have joined forces on the look out for Dominic Toretto and his accomplices Brian O'Connor, Regan O'Connor and Mia Toretto.

Despite every eye in the country looking for them, where Toretto and O'Connor are now is anyone's guess.

Regan smiled at the screen before shutting it off.

Rae sat in the back seat of the car. She had recognized the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio. Random choice; Rio. The car bumped along with the street, Brian looking over at Mia as she stretched her hand out to the back of his head. Rae sucked in a breath before turning her attention back to the window. Brian parked and the three climbed out, Mia pulling the seat up for Regan. She got out of the car, tugging at the bottom of her shirt. She and Mia both had their belly buttons exposed, Regan's being pierced. Mia was in a light pair of jeans, Rae's black.

"It's gotta be it, right?" Mia asked Brian. Regan looked around at her surroundings. It was quiet and the place looked broken in. Everywhere looked worn down, but that didn't distract Rae from the beautiful sunlight. She'd never preferred the heat, which was funny because she lived in southern California.

Rae followed close behind them as they made their way up the stairs, their hands interlocked. Regan's gaze stayed on their hands longer than she liked to admit. Was she going to find that, or was she destined to stay running now? Who'd want to be with a fugitive?

Another fugitive. Rae thought. She shook it away.

Brian and Rae looked around, people attempting to claim their territory, guns and all. Rae backed off slightly, getting closer to Brian to pull him away, too.

Brian felt her pulling. "Let's get out of here." Brian mumbled to the girls. Rae nodded, leading the way down. The three stopped as there was yelling behind them. Portuguese yelling. Regan furrowed her eyebrows, turning around to face her brother.

"Mia." The yelling voice greeted when it lowered. Mia smiled, leaving Brian to meet him. Rae and Brian exchanged a glance as they hugged, him lifting Mia off the ground before turning to face the other two.

"Buster." He said.

Ahh, Vince. Rae had put together.

"Who's that?" Vince asked, nodding to Regan. Rae went to answer, quickly being cut off.

"My sister, Regan." Brian introduced for her. The girl glared at her brother.

Vince nodded. "Buster's sister. Come on."

"Dom here yet?" Brian asked as they walked up the stairs.

"Nah." Vince answered.

"When was the last time you heard from him?" Mia asked.

"A couple weeks ago. Up in Ecuador somewhere." Vince answered. Mia shot Brian a worried look, which he returned. "How's it feel?"

"What's that?" Brian asked.

"To be on the other side of a wanted poster." Vince replied.

The three sat at Vince's table, plates in front of them. They aggressively stabbed and scooped at the food on the plates with their forks. They hadn't eaten in awhile, that much was obvious.

Mia helped with the dishes when they were done, Brian and Regan sitting with Vince.

"Why Rio, Vince?" Brian asked. Regan looked over at her brother before turning to face Vince.

"You mean after you screwed everything up in LA?" Vince asked. "Ended up free-falling through South America, you know, hitting every hellhole on the way down. Would have kept on going if not for Rosa."

Bri just stared back at him. Regan knew the story; her brother had fucked shit up for them all. Vince and Dom seemed to be paying the most. Mia made her way back to the table, sitting beside Rae.

"So listen. There's a job coming up." He looked between the three. "I was hoping Dom was gonna be here by now but his one's clean enough we can do it without him."

Brian looked over to Mia. She stayed looking at the window as Bri turned to Rae, her eyes never leaving Vince.

"It's a good gig." He told her. "Couple of high-end cars, easy targets. Guy I know is putting together a team to swipe them. Just need a few more willing bodies."

"I don't know." Brian answered. Rae furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"Look, the way the car scene is down here we can unload them quick and get top dollar." Vince told Brian. "It's easy money. And from where I'm sitting, it looks like you three could use the payday."

Brian and Mia shared a glance. Regan, who was between them, nudged at her brother. Was he fucking joking?

"You're kidding, right?" Rae harshly whispered.

Brian and Mia sat on the train as we waited. It was a bumpy ride, driving through the dirt to get to where we were needed. Rae held on tight to the back of the truck, Dom's hand on her waist lightly to keep her there.

"You don't have to do that." She told him.

"You fall off this, your brother and I will rip each other apart." Dom replied.

The truck pulled up to the train. The side of the cart was being cut into, Rae being pulled out of the way as the side flew away from them. She followed Dom into the train car.

"Look who showed up." Vince said, referring to Dom. It had been a surprise to Rae, knowing he was gonna be there but wasn't sure when. She had originally been set to stay with Dom.

"God, I am so happy you're okay." Mia told Dom as she held onto him.

"I thought I told you to lay low." Dom turned to Brian.

"Been running on fumes. Had to make a call." Brian replied.

"Hey. Quit talking. We only got a two-minute window." One of the guys yelled. Rae didn't know who it was, but she didn't like his attitude.

"Let's go, Vince." Dom called. Vince got into the car and Rae watched as it was pulled out. Okay, not so bad. All she had to do was stick with Brian, the usual. That wouldn't be hard. The other guy made a move towards the car.

Dom stopped him. "Ladies first."

Mia made her way to the car. The guy cutting it off seemed to have a problem, quickly stopped by Brian. She got in, pulling it further. The guys were muttering to each other, Brian and Rae both turning to Dom.

"Change of plans." Dom told Mia. "Wait for my call." She nodded. "Let's go!" Dom yelled to the other guys.

"Where is she going?" The guy asked as Mia sped off. Dom didn't answer. "Where is she going?" He asked again, pulling out a gun and pointing it at Dom. Dom hit the gun out of his hand, throwing him down. The other helper made a move at Regan, which Brian blocked. Rae was caught in the middle. Dom let go of his guy, moving to Brian's. One glance and Bri was jumping out of the train onto the back of the truck.

"Dom?" Rae asked.

"It's fine." Dom answered. As he said that, one of the guys came up behind him with a pipe. He let go of the one he was holding to deal with that one, but the one he was holding came up behind him. Regan did what she could, jumping onto his back. He threw her off, landing her harshly on the floor. Dom smacked him into the wall of the train, sending him to the floor as he did Rae. He helped Regan up before making his way to the guy, throwing him out of the train. Rae closed her eyes as the sound of him hitting the metal echoed into the train car. Once that was done, the other guy came at Dom with the pipe again. Didn't last long as Dom held him by his shirt to deliver blows back and forth.

"Dom." Rae called. The truck was getting closer. She could hear the grunts of Dom still hitting the guy. "Do-"

They both yelled as the impact knocked them off their feet. Dom stood, not finding the guy.

"Shit." He mumbled, helping Rae up. They both heard a small explosion outside.

"Brian?" Rae yelled as she ran over to the opening, Dom right behind her. She leaned around the side of the car and through the opening to see Brian dangling on the truck.

"Bridge. There's a bridge." He yelled.

Dom looked around. "Come on." He tugged at her wrist. There was one car left, Rae climbing into the passenger's seat right as the feds came in. The guy from earlier popped up, aiming his gun to shoot at them before shooting at Dom.

Dom, of course, didn't slow down, getting the two the fuck out of the train. There was a moment of airtime with a harsh landing. Dom made his best attempt to get to Brian as the bridge got closer.

"Dom." Rae warned. Dom sped up again and a moment later, Rae could feel the car move with Brian's landing. She sighed as Dom sped up again.

"Oh, shit." Brian exclaimed. Oh, shit was right. They were doing down. Rae held onto the chair, standing as slowly and lightly as she could. Dom followed close behind her as the three jumped, falling through the air into the water. Brian was the first to resurface, followed by Dom. Rae took a second to get back up.

"Shitty call, O'Conner." Dom was telling Brian when she made it up. "Shitty call."

"I second that." Rae agreed. They looked around as cars pulled up to the edge, guns pointed at them.

"Aw, fuck." Rae mumbled.

Rae had never been tied by her wrists before. It was unfortunate that something she could've potentially enjoyed in the future had just been ruined over some stupid fucking cars.

"You three stirred up quite a bit of trouble today."

Rae suppressed the urge to smirk. No fucking shit, they were tied up for a reason, weren't they?

"Three of my men dead. Three D.E.A. agents along with them. Of course, this is business, and sometimes things go astray. All I care about is the car. Tell me where it is and I'll let you go." This was the boss guy. Great.

"This roofing plastic says you're full of shit." Brian replied. Leave it to him to say some dumb shit.

"I don't know how you guys do business in your part of the world, but here in Rio, I like when all parties know what they're up against." The boss told Brian. Yeah, Rae knew this guy's dick was small.

"That's funny." Dom replied. "'Cause it goes both ways."

"You know, I hear your sister is very beautiful." The boss taunted, getting closer to Dom. "Wherever she hides, I will find her." With that, he walked out. The door closed behind them, the three watching the guy that'd been left. Once they heard the car engine, Brian grabbed at the guy with his legs. Dom broke the chain holding him up, aiming the gun away from him. The two knocked him out pretty quickly.

"Great job, guys. Little help here?" Rae called.

"Mia?" Brian called when they'd gotten back. It was quiet when they walked in.

"Hey." Mia greeted, meeting Brian. "You okay?" She asked as she hugged him.

"Yeah. You all right?" Bri asked. She nodded.

Rae heard the door open and close again behind her, Dom walking into the room. Mia made her way over to him, hugging him like she did Brian. Dom noticed what she had been holding.

"Hey, yeah. Just like a Toretto." He told his sister, holding the pipe she'd grabbed.

"Where's Vince?" She asked.

"That's a good question." Brian replied, looking at Dom. Rae looked up at him, too.

"Yeah it is." She agreed.

"He'll be here." Dom told the pair.

"Guys, we're all over the news." Mia announced.

"Yep, that's what happens when you're a fugitive." Rae replied.

"They're blaming us for the killing of those three D.E.A. agents on the train." Mia continued.

"Which means we just jumped to the top of the wanted list." Brian concluded.

"Fantastic." Regan mumbled.

"The feds have gotta show everyone their agents are off-limits. And they're gonna send their best guys. We gotta get out of here." Brian continued.

"And go where?" Rae asked.

"The one thing we know for sure...is that they wanted this car." Dom said.

"'Cause something's in it." Brian replied.

"We find out what it is, we'll know what we're up against." Dom announced.

"So we take it apart." Rae replied, nodding.

Rae and Mia watched the boys fuck with the car, Regan handing out tools whenever needed.

"Brian." Mia called. "I have something I have to tell you."

The door opened and closed again. "Goddamn."

Rae stood off her chair, looking over at Vince.

"What a mess." Vince comments.

"Where you been, man?" Brian asks.

"You better check that tone." Vince replies.

"You better answer the damn question." Rae intervenes.

"Regan, sit down. Answer the goddamn question, Vince." Brian said.

"Stop it. Both of you." Mia got in the middle.

"Where were you, Vince?" Dom asked.

"Guys are all over the favelas asking about you." Vince answered. "Couldn't get out of there without leading them straight to you. Had to wait them out."

"That is such horseshit." Brian replied. "That was your job." Brian moved toward Vince.

"Hey." Vince shouted. Mia backed up as Regan held onto Brian, Dom grabbing Vince.

"Those were your guys." Brian yelled.

"Hey!" Dom shouted. "Enough, O'Conner! If he said he didn't do it, he didn't do it. Go walk it off."

Brian looked from Dom to Vince before walking away. Regan eyed Vince.

"You too." Dom ordered. "Go walk it off."

Regan glared at Vince one last time before following after her brother.

"I blame you." She told him when she caught up.

"What?" Brian asked.

"For my anger issues. I blame you." She clarified.

"I blame dad." He replied.

"Then we blame dad." Rae corrected.

The yelling stirred Regan awake. She wasn't the only one, noticing Brian and Mia making their way out of the room. She followed.

"What's going on out here?" Mia asked.

"Nothing." Dom answered.

"Please, Dom. Just let me have the chip. I can take this to them." Vince begged. "They'll give it to Reyes and set things right."

"Get out." Dom replied.

"What?" Vince asked.

"Get out!" Dom yelled. Rae jumped as the voice echoed.

"You never listen to me. Not when I told you he was a cop. Not now. You never trust me and look where it's gotten us. Look at our family now. I can't go home. Your sister's stuck in this life and now so is Regan. Where's Letty, Dom? Where's Letty?" Vince replied before walking out. Regan watched after him, his eyes not leaving Brian until he was out of the room.

Brian and Mia were playing around with the chip, Regan standing behind them.

"What do you think?" Mia asked.

"It's definitely a custom chip." Brian answered. "Look at all these side menus here for data entry. Let's check this one." Brian selected one, the machine beeping with information. "Look at that. Same building, same order every week."

"It's a delivery schedule." Dom said. Regan nodded.

"What's this?" Mia asked, pushing a button. "Drugs?"

"No. No, that's a dealer pack." Brian answered. "See, most major players, they weigh their money, so they don't have to constantly count it. Right there, that's 49 kilos. Forty-nine kilos is a million in 20s."

"You're saying each one of these shipments is worth $10 million?" Mia asked.

"Yeah." Brian answered.

"Holy shit." Regan mumbled.

"So what is that? 100 million plus in cash houses?" Brian asked.

"That's how he keeps it off the grid." Dom replied.

"I think it's safe to say Reyes is smart to want this back." Brian said.

"Shit, I'd want it back." Rae mumbled.

"I mean, it's his whole network right there just laid out on a chip." Brian continued.

The four heard a clattering sound, all going quiet. They all moved to the wall with the window, Mia and Rae climbing out first, Brian right behind them.

The three ran up stairs, down stairs and through halls. Brian took care of fencing in their way as well as Reyes's guys when needed.

"Come on, go, go, go, go." Brian called to the girls, both taking off with him behind them. Rae was in front, navigating what she could to keep them going.

"Fuck!" Brian yelled as they were shot at again. Rae kept going up the stairs, Mia right behind her. They kept running, jumping off roofs and onto others. They kept going until they couldn't anymore. Rae stopped in her tracks, putting her arm out to stop Mia. They faced a broken down roof that they couldn't run across as more of Reyes's guys came toward them.

"Brian." Rae called.

"Okay, okay. Come on." Bri grabbed Mia's right hand with his left as he pulled Rae over to his right side to grab her left hand. He backed them up.

"Let's go." He told them both. They took a running start, jumping through the broken roof.

They met up with Dom, making their way out via sewer. You do what you gotta do, right?

"They're gonna be lookin' for the four of us together now." Dom said. "We need to split up. You and Mia head south. Regan and I will lead them away. Rae nodded, making her way to Dom.

"No." Mia disagreed.

"Dom's right." Brian told her. "Look how lucky we just got. What happen next time? We have no choice but to split up."

"I'm pregnant." Mia announced. That was the fastest Rae had ever seen Brian shut up. Mia turned to Dom. "I already lost my family once. I'm not going through that again."

"Are you kidding me?" Brian asked her.

"No." She answered, laughing. Brian pulled her into him, kissing her.

"I'm not going anywhere. Okay?" Brian told her.

"Okay." She replied. Dom looked at Rae before looking down. "Dom?" Mia asked. "Promise me we stick together."

"I promise." Dom agreed. He walked over to them, hugging them both. Regan followed, wrapping her arms mostly around Brian and Dom. "Our family just got bigger." The four chuckle.

The four found themselves a new spot, Dom breaking open the gate to get them in.

Mia falls asleep on the chair quickly, the other three out on the balcony with beers in their hands.

"Hey, Dom. What do you remember about your father?" Brian asked.

"My father. He used to, uh- He used to have a barbecue every Sunday after church. For anybody in the neighborhood. If you didn't go to church, you didn't get any barbecue. Every single day he was in the shop, and every single night, he was at the kitchen table with Mia, helping her with her homework. Even after she went to sleep, He'd stay up for a few more hours, so he could learn the next chapter and help her the next day. I remember everything about my father. Everything." Dom answered. Rae smiled at his answer.

"That's just it. I don't remember shit about my dad." Dom looked over at him as Brian turned to look at Rae. "I don't remember him yelling. I don't remember him smiling. To be honest with you, I don't even remember what the hell he looked like. I don't remember. He just- He was just never there." Brian admitted. Regan looked down at the floor.

"You ain't gonna be like that, Brian." Dom told him. Both of the boys turned to look at Mia.

"Can't keep runnin', Dom." Brian said. "We gotta get out. We gotta get out now."

"You're right." Dom replied. He looked down at the chip in his hand. "Here's how we're gonna do it. We're gonna use this. We're gonna do one last job. We're gonna take all of Reyes's money- every dime of it- and disappear. Forever."

"New passports, new lives, with no more lookin' over our shoulder." Brian said. "And we're just gonna buy our freedom."

"That's right." Dom agreed.

"You realize we're talkin' about goin' up against the most powerful guy in all of Rio?" Brian asked.

"Yes, we are." Dom replied.

"Then we're gonna need a team." Brian said. Regan smiled. She knew what that meant.

Brian looked over to Regan, seeing her smile. "By the way, happy birthday, little sister."

Regan's smile faded. Nothin' like turning 18 while you're on the run.

"All right. Let's run through the bases real quick. Who do we got?" Brian asked as the four of them stood on the balcony.

"First we're gonna need a chameleon. Someone who can blend in. Anywhere." Dom answered.

"What else?" Mia asked.

"A fast talker." Dom replied. "Someone who could bullshit their way out of everything."

"We know one of those." Rae replied, nudging Brian with her elbow.

"This guy's gonna have a lot of surveillance. We're gonna need someone who's good with circuits." Mia added.

"And with those circuits, Reyes is gonna have walls." Dom adds. We're gonna need guys to punch through those walls."

"What else?" Mia asked.

"Utilities and weapons." Dom answered. "Someone who ain't afraid to throw down. Someone to back up every position."

"Yeah, what else we need?" Brian asked.

"Most importantly, We're gonna need three precision drivers. Guys that don't crack under pressure. Guys that never lose." Dom answered.

"You know we got that." Brian answered.

"I know we've got two, Mr. I come in second every time." Rae replied. Dom and Mia smiled at the girl.

And so they waited.