

Rae smiled at the blue car she could see from the couch.

"Oh!" Roman laughed. "Really? Where'd you get that from? Papa smurf?"

"Okay, O'Conner. Give it your best shot." Dom told Brian. The rest of them watched as he swung the blue car around the corner.

Rae knew her brother was a good driver, he always had been, so she wasn't surprised as she watched him make every turn before skidding to a stop in front of them.

"How was that one?" He asked as he climbed out of the car.

"Camera caught you." Han answered.

"What?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, it still caught you." Han replied.

"Man, I was milking the hell out of that thing too." Brian said, walking up the stairs.

"We're gonna need a faster car." Dom announced.

"Faster?" Rae asker.

Regan smiled as she watched Tej try. She went after Roman, trying her damn best.

"Come on, baby." She mumbled, shifting the gear again.

"Damn." Roman mumbled under his breath as he watched her.

"For once that big mouth of yours is right." Tej replied.

She switched petals, taking the curve as best as she could before drifting to a stop.

"How'd I do?" She asked, climbing out of the car.

"Like an O'Conner." Dom answered.

"And like an O'Conner, the camera caught you." Brian added.

"Well, shit." Rae replied. "But was it better than Brian?"

Brian laughed at his sister, Dom looking over at him with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah." Dom answered. "Better than the buster."

Brian pretended to look hurt as Rae smiled, raising an eyebrow at him.

The team made their way to the big ass box. Brian and Han hauled away the big piece of wood as one of Dom's guys had finished unscrewing it.

"That's the piggy bank you ordered?" He asked.

"You're kidding me." Tej replied. "Where in the hell did y'all get one of these?"

"Well, we had a life before you met us." Han answered.

"Alright, well, I'll get to work on the electronic tumbler, but there's still another problem." Tej told them.

"Palm scanner." Rae finished.

"Without Reyes's handprint, Houdini himself couldn't open this bitch." Tej said.

"How you know it's Reyes's handprint?" Dom's other guy asked.

"You got a hundred million dollars in this safe, you gonna put somebody else's handprint on it?" Tej asked.

Dom's two guys began to bicker, half in Spanish.

"How we supposed to get Reyes's handprint?" Roman asked.

"There are ways around the handprint." Rae answered.

"Han, you're up." Dom announced.

"Sure." Han replied. "Nothing like the easy stuff."

"Let's go." Gisele told him. "I'll drive."

Rae caught Dom's smirk, mimicking the facial expression.

Regan watched Tej, joking and smiling with him as he worked.

"We're gonna figure this out, I promise you." Rae heard Roman saying.

"We?" Rae asked. She saw Han and Gisele walking in out of the corner of her eye.

"What's that?" Roman asked. "I thought you was more of a thing man." He told Han.

"We got the print." Han replied.

Tej and Rae looked over at them. "Where?" Tej asked.

Gisele held up a black light to the bikini bottoms. Sure as shit, the print was there.

"Okay, that's crazy." Roman told them.

"So, did he just, like, slap that ass or did he, like, grab and hold onto it?" Tej asked. Tej and Roman both started laughing. "This'll work. I'm impressed."

"Got it?" Gisele asked.

"Got it." Tej confirmed. "But you still didn't answer the question."

Gisele smiled.

"Guys. Guys! We have a problem." Mia shouted.

"Yeah, the whole team just got burnt." Brian added.

"What the hell does that mean?" Rae asked.

"Now we're all wanted." Mia answered.

"How did this happen?" Gisele asked.

"U.S. Diplomatic Security Service issued the warrants." Mia answered. "Agent L. Hobbs."

"Hold on one second." Brian told her. "Hey, Dom. Is that the guy you saw in the favela?"

"Yeah." Dom answered.

"Hobbs is the leader of the elite task force for the D.S.S." Brian told the team.

"So he's good." Tej said.

"When the FBI wants to find somebody, that's who they call." Brian replied.

"How fucked are we?" Rae asked.

"He never misses his mark." Brian answered. "This guy is- He's Old Testament. Blood, bullets, wrath of God. That's his style."

"And right now he's hunting us?" Mia asked. Brian nodded.

"Dom, we gotta move up our timeline." Han suggested.

"Yeah, but how? This thing's already been difficult without Wyatt Earp on our asses." Roman replied. "If anything, we need more room to breathe."

There was a moment of silence, a glance shared between Brian and Dom. "Roman's right." Dom agreed. "I think we need to get some fresh air."

"Fresh air code for taunt the beast?" Rae asked. Brian smiled.

Rae hadn't been far off.

"This is where you got the car?" Rae asked Bri as they stood in the middle of a very upbeat setting. They were surrounded by cars and girls. Did she really have to ask?

"Yeah." Brian answered.

"Here we go." Rae mumbled as she took note of Hobbs walking up to them.

"Hey, Toretto." Hobbs called. "You're under arrest."

"Arrest?" Dom asked. "I don't feel like I'm under arrest. How about you, Brian?"

"No, not a bit." Brian answered. "Regan?"

"Not at all." She replied.

"Not even a little bit." Brian added onto Regan's statement, looking at Hobbs.

"Oh, just give it a minute. It'll sink in." Hobbs replied.

"We didn't kill those feds. That was Reyes." Brian said.

"I don't give a shit. I'm just here to bring in two assholes whose names hit my desk." Hobbs replied.

"Yeah. That sounds like a real hero. Looks like you're free, Rae." Bri responded.

"That's funny." Hobbs walked closer to Brian. "From a guy who took the oath of a cop and then went against everything it stood for. Or some wannabe tough guy prick who beat a man half to death with a socket wrench. How about the girl who just turned 18 and wants nothing more than her brother's approval. Yeah, real tough. You turn around and put your hands behind your back." Hobbs finished.

"I don't think so." Dom replied.

"Your mistake is thinking you've got a goddamn choice, boy." Hobbs responded.

Rae smirked as the cops raised their guns.

"And your mistake: Thinking you're in America." Dom shot back. "You're a long way form home. This is Brazil!"

Everybody pulled out their guns on that note. Rae smiled, looking up at Roman.

"I'll see you soon, Toretto." Hobbs gave in.

"Look forward to it, cop." Dom replied.

"Regan." Brian called as they made their way back to their spot. Tej and Roman were watching cameras.

"Yeah?" Rae replied.

"He's not hunting you." Brian told her. "Get out."

"Fuck no." Rae replied. "Are you insane?"

"I was insane to get you tangled up in this." Brian replied. "I should've let you live your life."

"My life?" Rae replied. "The life where I had no friends and didn't know what I was gonna do?"

"You wanted to be FBI." Brian replied.

"And had I stuck to that, I'd be chasing you right now." Rae shot back.

"It's better than this, Rae. You're stuck now." Brian countered.

"I never wanted to be an FBI agent." Regan admitted.

"What?" Brian asked.

"I just wanted you to be proud of me." Rae confessed. She looked away from Brian, over to Tej. Both Tej and Roman were looking back at her. "Hobbs may have had you guys wrong, but he was spot on with me." She met his gaze.

"Regan..." Brian started, pulling the girl to him. He wrapped his arms around his sister. "I've always been proud of you."

"You suck at showing it." Rae mumbled.

"Love you, Regan." Bri mumbled into her hair.

"Love you, Bri." She replied as he let her go.

"Close, but not enough." Gisele told Han as he climbed out of the car.

"Dom, window's too small, man. Only way we're gonna beat the camera is with invisible cars." Han said.

"Then why don't we get some?" Rae asked.

"I know just where to get them." Dom replied, looking at Regan. "Let's take a ride, boys. Plus Regan."

They opened the van door, pulling themselves out and onto the roof of the van before hopping over the rest of the gate. They all ran in, taking their own cars.

"It's been awhile since I've been behind the wheel of one of these." Brian commented.

"First time I've ever been in the front seat." Dom replied.

"First time I've been driving." Rae added as Han and Roman pulled in beside her.

"Hey, Rome, what took you so long?" Brian asked. "I thought for sure you'd be showin' up with chrome spinners or something."

Roman laughed. "Real funny." He said before he picked up the amplifier. "I got 100,000 says I can take you all in the next quarter mile."

"Yeah, your broke ass has got a hundred grand." Brian laughs.

"We pull off this job I will." Roman replies. "The next two lights. Hundred thousand."

"We don't pull this job off, we're probably dead anyway." Han added. "Let's make it a million."

"I like that." Brian answers. "All right. Million-dollar quarter mile."

"All right then." Han agreed.

"Let's do this." Rae agreed.

"You only live once. Let's do it." Roman said into the amplifier.

"What do you say, Dom?" Brian asked.

"We talkin' or we racin'?" Dom replied.

"Just don't cheat this time." Brian replied.

"Gotta let that go." Dom said.

Regan revved her engine. They all waited. Finally, it turned green, Roman already ahead wit his lights on. Rae switched lanes sharply to avoid a parked car, landing her right behind Roman. She went to shift, noticing Dom passing her and Roman.

"Oh, come on." She mumbled. She shifted gears, passing right by Dom. She, Dom and Brian were all level.

"Shit." She mumbled. Han and Roman were behind them until the fiver were eventually level. Dom and Rae looked to each other, nodding. Both slowed down, Brian taking the lead.

They all pulled in, climbing out of the cars.

"Good race, O'Conner." Dom said, passing him.

"Thanks, Dom." Brian replied.

"Do you know how long I've been waitin' for that shit?" Brian asked Roman.

"I told you he didn't see it." Han told Roman.

"Your man right there? He let off the throttle at the line. So did your sister." Roman told Brian. "You didn't do nothing. They let you win. I think Regan would've had it in the end."

"Bullshit." Brian scoffed. "Regan would never let me win."

"What the fuck." Rae smacked Roman's arm when she knew Brian wasn't looking.

"You let him win." Roman replied.

"Was that any of your fucking business?" Rae asked.

"Hey, calm down, babygirl." Tej intervened. "Come help me with this."

Rae glared at Roman as she went to help Tej.

"No, it's okay. Hey, wait." Mia stopped Brian, gaining Rae's attention. "Reyes's guys were waiting for me at the market. Vince saved my life."

"You hungry?" Dom asked.

"Yeah, sure." Vince answered.

"Good." Dom replied. "'Cause you're saying grace."

"Thanks, Vince." Brian said, shaking his hand.

They sat at the couches, Tej's arm draped across Rae's shoulder as he, Roman and Han drank.

"So we in Brazil. It's the good life." Roman said.

"Yeah." Tej replied.

"So you got- You got a little more than- than $9, $10 million comin'. What you gonna do with your money?"

"Me?" Tej asked.

"Yeah." Roman answered.

"Actually, man, I been thinking about opening a garage back home." Tej said. "Place where people can bring their cars and not get completely ripped off. You know what I mean?"

"Really?" Roman asked.

"Yeah." Tej answered.

"So your dream is to start- start a day job?" Roman asked. "That's- That's stupid. Like why would-"

"Nah, it's not stupid at all, man. I love what I do." Tej replied.

"That don't make no sense to me. I know what I'm gonna do with my money." One of Dom's guys said. "Buy some cooking lessons for my man."

Regan laughed.

"See? See? There you go with that negativity, man. You know me. Money ain't a goddamn thing." The other guy replied. "It's gonna take a little more than money to learn how to cook, bro. That's horrible. But I heard they were lookin' for a chef down at this animal shelter. You might wanna- I know the manager."

"You're an asshole." Rae told him.

"What about you?" Roman asked her.

"Me?" She answered. "I spent most of my life following Brian. I don't have to do that anymore. I don't know what I'm gonna do." She turned to face Tej.

"That's crazy." Roman replied. "Crazy." He got up from his seat. "We are less than 24 hours away from the biggest celebration of our life."

"Why don't you come with me?" Tej asked.

"With you?" She asked. Tej nodded.

"If you want to."

Regan smiled. "Sure." She agreed. "I'll come with you."

Tej smiled at her before he leaned in. Rae hesitated slightly, but leaned into him too.