
Mysteries of Deep Haiko Dune and New encounters

(Barrie's P.O.V)

I waited for everyone to arrive at the dock, my leaf cloak from my dear Gramps was floating in the gentle breeze as I waited, and waited, and waited… then soon everyone arrived and we took a boat to Malie City! We then saw an unexpected guest there exiting the sushi bar with a familiar Pangoro, it was Sawsbuck!

Sawsbuck: Haha! I never knew you were THIS romantic, Pando!

Pando: That was a nice meal huh, Dearie?

Dearie: It indeed was!

Pando: Huh? Is that Luca?

Dearie: Hm, same scarf, same emblem, okay maybe it is Luca…

Pando: Hey Luca, how's brother doing?

Luca: *sigh* Tch, it's you…

Pando: What? Why do you still hate me?

Luca: I mean I forgave you but I'll never forgive how you ALMOST KILLED MY EXPLORATION TEAM?! You also almost murdered my girlfriend…

Pando: That was while I was possessed idiot…

Luca: I know but even before you were possessed I had to suffer 11 years of torment, you were born a jerk…

Pando: I've changed, Shellie however is still her good old self…

Barrie: Anyways, we'll see you guys later

Dearie: We actually just took a detour to Ula'ula, we're waiting for a ferry to Poni island that arrives tomorrow!

Pando: Anyways, here's a TM for Torment

Dellie: Isn't that your signature move on Luca?

(A/N) Dead body reported - Tapu F

(A/N) There was no sound, he just died! - Raichu

We all left to Haina Desert with our scarves up to our noses and wearing the goggles we always carry around. We then saw a Goodra near where the entrance of Deep Haiko Dune was, they were looking around the place as if they were looking for somewhere… we ignored them and pushed a a stone to enter the dune

"Woah… look at these paintings!" A Flareon said "This atmosphere feels oddly satisfying…" An Espeon said

"Will you be quiet Pink piece of Crap?" A Glaceon said, I saw a Vaporeon munching on chips as he was looking at the ancient murals, they were ahead of us in the passage and Glaceon ran after seeing something weird in the shadows, Luca was leading the group so it wasn't long before Glaceon rammed into Luca

"Agh, watch where you're going Lucario dipshit…" Glaceon said glaring at Luca, he then scoffed "You were the one speeding" Luca said to Glaceon "Tch, I'm Rin, who're you doofus?" Rin said

*intro plays*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

i could feel every day I'm a little bit stronger,

I only wish each day was longer,


We're having fun in the sun! (The Alolan sun!)

Week after week it feels like we're on vacation,

Yeah! Now the journey's begun!

Friends till' the end,

number one's our destination,

Under the Alolan sun!


- Episode name: Mysteries of Deep Haiko Dune and New encounters! -

*intro ends*

"I'm Luca, I guess it's great to meet you Rin" Luca said in a bland tone "I've heard Alder spit out shit about you saying that you're great and so is the rest of your exploration team, blah blah blah" Rin said returning the bland tone

"Rin! Sorry about him…" Flareon said "No it's ok, I've had to deal with that kind of person before…" Luca said

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Friday, those are my friends Aaron and Rin!" Friday said "What about Espeon?" I asked (Remember, this is Barrie's P.O.V)

"Oh you mean Valence? He's considered something more to me" Friday said "The simple way is she's dating a Pink turd" Rin said "I'm pretty sure he's salty because he's forever alone" Dellie said

(A/N) Rin be pissed at Dellie's comment - Raichu

Rin growled at the comment and Dellie just shrugged "Straight logic" Riley said, then Jonathan looked at Friday "Wait, I recognize the floof style of your fur, Sis?!" Jonathan said, Friday then gasped

"Woah, Jonathan?! What happened to you?" Friday asked "I don't remember much but what are you doing here?" Jonathan said

"I came with my teammates to investigate what is here in secret" Friday said, we then saw a shadow pass by "What is that shadow?" I asked, Luca then got an idea

"My mother had this book of rituals, I think finding out the identity of something was in the book, I still carry it with me!" Luca said, everyone went deeper in the Dune and settled down at a dim spot that looked perfect for a mysterious ritual.

"Ok, everyone sit in a circle…" Luca said, everyone sat in a circle and Luca pulled out some cards

"Next, I'll try to test accuracy, Riley, allow me to predict your star sign" Luca said, Riley nodded, closed her eyes and thought about the infinite stars

"Your sign is Doduo, you were born on the 28th of May, you were born at 8:33 pm and the location of birth is Heahea City in the Alola Region…" Luca said with closed eyes

"Accuracy is stable, now we should begin… alright, take out a card from this pile with your eyes closed…" Luca said "Why can't I do it with my eyes open?" Rin said "It must be Fate deciding…" Valence said "Exactly Valence" Luca said

"Aaron, save the chips for later, this ritual needs to be done in total silence" Valence said, Luca was shocked at how Valence knew so much about this ritual but he continued "Alright Valence, try to guess my star sign…" Luca said, Valence closed his eyes and prophesied Luca's star sign as Luca took out a card

"Your star sign is Swanna, your birthday is September 30th, you were born at 12:47 pm and location of birth is Serene Village…" Valence said with his eyes closed, Luca then opened his eyes, saw the card and smirked

"Perfect… *closes eyes* your star sign is Drapion, your birthday is October 31st, you were born at 4:15 am and the location of birth was in a dark alley in Po Town…" Luca said,

Val turned the card and placed it on the deck beside Riley's and Luca's "How the fuck does this have to do with identity?" Rin said

"Psychic types need to know their birthdate, sign, location and time to be able to find out in unison…" Riley said, by the time that was done, they were ready to find out…

"Oh mighty Necrozma, reveal a sign of truth!" Riley said "Mewtwo, show the strength of the being!" Luca said "Deoxys, show the DNA of the being!" Valence said "Uxie, lend us your knowledge…" Luca said

"Azelf, lend us your willpower…" Valence said "Mesprit, lend us the emotion of the being…" Riley said "Arceus, show us the very image!" Luca, Riley and Valence said all together,

Then Luca's powers went haywire causing it to bounce off the walls and summon a shadow that didn't look like the thing we saw, it then took away Rin, Valence and Luca together.

"Where did they go?" Aaron said "Should we panic?" Riley said "I have no idea what to do at the moment…" Mist said "Do we team up and look for them?" Friday said "Or should we split up?" Dellie said, everyone paused for a moment "We need to think of a plan…" I said staring at the cards

To be continued…

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts