
Enter The Last Totem of Akala

It was another normal day in the Alola Region, everyone was walking along a route peacefully when suddenly, a Vaporeon, Leafeon and Espeon came. "May we help you?" Mist said, the Vaporeon then said "We don't need any help your honor"

Mist flushed red and just moved to the sidelines "The names Hydro, those are my siblings Leif and Pearl" Hydro continued, then Leif's eyes widened looking at Luca

"Woah! Are you M-" Leif then got cut off "Don't… blurt that… aloud…" Luca said in a way where he sounded like he was panicking "What? Do you want to stay humble?" Leif said "Of course I do! You almost spilled my identity in front of everyone in the Route!" Luca said whisper-shouting

"Sorry for raising my voice. I just sometimes get a bit, erm, how do I say it, panicked or something… "Oh hi everyone, wow, is that a Flareon?" The Espeon said "I'm Pearl by the way, nice to meet you~♪"

"We're Team Eeveelution!" Pearl said, "You guys must be Team Alola!" Leif said, then Hydro paused "Aren't the other two from Team Sunne-Cosmo?" Hydro said afterwards, "Anyways, we need to go somewhere… bye!" Pearl said, everyone said goodbye and kept walking

Mist still looked red while Dellie and Luca were snickering "H-Hey, stop laughing!" Mist said angrily, The Delphox and Lucario started laughing "Isn't it obvious?" Luca said

"You're just red because of Hydwo~" Dellie said messing with Mist, Mist then shot a Hydro Pump at Dellie and Luca while Riley and Jonathan were looking at them with a WTF face.

"So do we get on with the next trial?" Riley asked, Jonathan shrugged "Probably, I'm in the mood for battling today" Jonathan said "All I want to do is murder a certain Lucario and Delphox"

Mist said glancing at Luca and Dellie who looked like they were praying for dear life, Mist then calmed down and went to Lush Jungle for the final totem battle of Akala island

*intro plays*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

I could feel every day I'm a little bit stronger

i only wish each day was longer,


We're having fun in the sun!

(The Alolan sun!)

Week after week it feels like we're on vacation,


Now the journey's begun, friends till the end

number one's our destination,

Under the Alolan sun,


*intro ends*

- Episode Name: Enter The Last Totem of Akala! -

Everyone then entered the Lush Jungle to look for the totem, then they saw a sign.

Mist: Hm, it says "Trial takers, collect the following ingredients: Honey, Big Root and Mago Berry, here's a forage bag"

Riley: Ok, here's a forage bag Jonathan

Jonathan: Hey thanks!

Riley: You're welcome~♪

~ ~ ~

Jonathan: Which Mago Berry should we pick?

Riley: I'm not sure…

Dellie: Pick the one that smells the most sour, that way, no Fomantis can crowd for the berry

Jonathan: Thanks for the advice Dellie

Dellie: You're welcome!

Riley: This one smells very sour compared to the others…

Mist: Then place it in the forage bag!

Jonathan: Alright, next is the Honey…

Riley: It says it's found here in these flower bushes, you need to pick honey from the bush with the least flowers

Jonathan: This one looks like it has the fewest flowers

Riley: I'll grab this empty container~!

Mist: Hm, then the Big Root…

Jonathan: It says that Sudowoodo like Big Roots, one of them is just a tree

Riley: This one looks like a tree to me…

Jonathan: I'll just pluck off the Big Root and… there!

Mist: That was a surprisingly easy trial, wasn't it?

Riley: Hunh? I wonder where's the totem…

???: Do you mean me?

Jonathan: Luca, it's behind you…

Luca: Oh, really? *looks behind* Is it supposed to be the Totem you need to fight?

Breloom: Yes, I am the Totem, I'm Breloom by the way

Dellie: We're just going to wait outside, bye…!

Mist: They're kinda fast, they must've been running like that ever since they fought Dark Matter for the first ti-

Luca, Dellie: *shouting* No one brings that up!

Jonathan: Anyways, let's get on with it!

Totem Breloom appeared!

It's aura flared to life! All of it's stats rose!

Breloom used Facade!

It's not very effective…

Riley used Calm Mind!

It's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def rose!

Breloom used Sludge Bomb!

The attack missed!

Jonathan used Flame Charge!

it's super effective!​​​​​​

Breloom used Focus Punch!

Riley fainted!

Riley used a Tiny Reviver Seed!

Jonathan used Flare Blitz!

Breloom fainted!

~ ~ ~

"Why is Luca asleep?" Riley asked, she then glanced at Luca who woke up "That was the fastest battle I've ever watched…" Luca said "Wait, how did you see the battle if you guys were outside?" Jonathan asked "Ever heard of peepholes?" Dellie said looking through leaves, everyone stood up and left to Konikoni City

"So, who will be taking the trial?" Olivia said "We will" Jonathan said with Riley standing beside them, they arrived at the battlefield with Miet, Dellie and Luca sitting on a bench near the battlefield

(Jonathan's P.O.V)

"Let's get this over with!" Olivia said, the battle was quite easy with Rain Dance powering up Surf and Hydro Vortex, we then were walking through Heahea when suddenly someone rammed into Luca "Ugh, is there an Alder 3.0 or what…" Luca said "Oh hi Barrie…" Dellie said helping Barrie while Luca got up

"Hi naked cat!" Mist said, she then handed him a mirror and oh boy did Luca have a face like he just barged into an awkward moment "The tackle was so powerful it revealed my true form?"

Luca said, thank god there were no other people in the Route. As soon as Luca transformed back into Lucario, he was quite surprised at Barrie's strength to break his disguise "So I have something to tell y'all…" Barrie said, "So I'm planning to go to Haina Desert and into a sacred Sand Dune…" Barrie said

"You mean Deep Haiko Dune?!" Riley said "Keep it down!" Barrie whisper-shouted "So Anyways, we depart tomorrow, see you near the docks at the strike of dawn!" Barrie said waving then left with her leaf cloak lifting up a bit due to the gentle breeze

"Why does she have a cloak?" Riley asked "It's something she inherited from Nuzleaf, her family has passed that cloak every generation skip, the cloak that Nuzleaf formerly had was from his grandpa" Dellie said, I decided to do some expeditions with Riley and Mist while Luca went with Dellie to look for a hotel that we could stay in

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts