
Lost in the Sandy Dunes

- Previously on Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon: The Adventures of Team Alola… -

Pando: Huh? Is that Luca?

Dearie: Hm, same scarf, same emblem, okay maybe it is Luca…

Pando: Hey Luca, how's brother doing?

Luca: *sigh* Tch, it's you…

Pando: What? Why do you still hate me?

~ ~ ~

Flareon: Woah… look at these paintings!

Espeon: This atmosphere feels quite satisfying…

Glaceon: Will you be quiet you Pink piece of Crap?

Vaporeon: *munch, munch, crunch, crunch*

~ ~ ~

Glaceon: Agh, watch where you're going Lucario dipshit…

Luca: *scoff* You were the one speeding

Rin: Tch, I'm Rin, who're you doofus?

Luca: *bland tone* I'm Luca, I guess it's great to meet you Rin

Rin: *blander tone* I've heard Alder spit out shit about you saying that you're great and so is the rest of your exploration team, blah blah blah

~ ~ ~

Valence: *closes eyes* Your star sign is Swanna, your birthday is September 30th, you were born at 12:47 pm and location of birth is Serene Village…

Luca: *smirks* Perfect… *closes eyes* Your star sign is Drapion, your birthday is October 31st, you were born at 4:15 am and location of birth was in a dark alley at Po Town…

Rin: How the fuck does this have to do with identity?

~ ~ ~

Aaron: Where did they go?

Riley: Should we panic?

Mist: I have no idea what to do at the moment…

Friday: Do we team up and look for them?

Dellie: Or should we split up?

Barrie: *stares at cards* We need to think of a plan…

~ ~ ~

Barrie: *stares at cards* We need to think of a plan…

Dellie: There are three corridors, should we split up in groups to look in each corridor?

Friday: *writes down the list of people* Alright, I have a list of everyone!

- Friday's List -

Dellie, Barrie, Mist, Riley, Aaron, Me, Jonathan

Aaron: *looks at the list* So I go with you, Mist goes with Riley and Barrie goes with Dellie?

Friday: Exactly!

Aaron: Jonathan goes with us i suppose…

Friday: Well, let's go through the second corridor

(Rin's P.O.V)

I landed in this dark hall unaware of where I was but it looked like I was far away from the group, I then saw Valence and Luca near me "Ah great I'm with Dipshit 1 and Dipshit 2…" I said unamused

"Pff, yeah like I want to be with some jerk…" Valence said "Ugh, why do we have to be with Rin of all people…" Luca said annoyed

"Oi, weren't you a Lucario a while ago?" I said glancing at Luca who looked like a fucking naked cat "Welp, now I have to go as Mew for the rest of the trip…" Luca said "Wait, was that why you knew how to read minds?!" Valence said shocked "Yeah, but don't tell anyone in Ula'Ula, ok?" Luca said

"Do your friends know?" I asked "They do but they keep it a secret from strangers" Luca said "I didn't know a piece of shit like you would have friends…" I said, we kept walking trying to find the route to an exit

(Dellie's P.O.V)

I was walking along the first corridor which frankly looked kind of creepy but I've been to the school at night before so this doesn't scare me that much… "What do you think is here?" Barrie asked

"Hm, I dunno, cobwebs, spiders, the spirits of the stone statues that Dark Matter took away!" I said jokingly "Delia!" Barrie screamed, I laughed "Bahaha I was joking idiot!' I said "Yeah sure doofus…" Barrie said, she HATES it when I bring up Dark Matter but, can you blame her?

*Intro plays*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

I could feel every day I'm a little bit stronger,

I only wish each day was longer,


We're having fun in the sun!

(The Alolan sun!)

Week after week it feels like we're on vacation,


Now the journey's begun,

Friends till the end number one's our destination,

Under the Alolan sun,


- Episode name: Lost in the Sandy Dunes! -

We then heard a weird noise and Barrie looked around "Well who might be here other than us?" Barrie said "I don't really know, it's quite dark here…" I said, I grabbed my torch and used ember on it.

I was shining the light near some walls and all I saw were cobwebs, moss and withered plants hanging from some bricks, I then stepped on something that made a weird noise "Wait… did I just see something move?" Barrie said sweating

"I don't know, maybe it's the spirit of yo-" I then got cut off "Delia I swear to god…" Barrie said, she was serious this time so I stopped

(Friday's P.O.V)

We were walking endlessly along the path and we saw an eerie yellow-orange light, I was quite scared so I whimpered a bit. I then saw Dellie and Barrie peek around a corner

"Um, did you find them yet?" Jonathan asked "No…" Barrie said "Wait, passages 1 and 2 are connected?!" Aaron said "Ah shit, maybe it was the third passage…" Dellie said

"That's where Riley and Mist are!" I said, everyone decided to go through the third passage. As we were walking to the third passage, we saw a Goodra!

"May I help you look for three missing people?" The Goodra said, everyone followed Goodra's lead and were able to find Rin, Luca, who looked like a naked cat and Valence.

We then saw a shadow appear behind all of us, dear Valence was so scared he cuddled up with me. Everyone were staring at the shadow until an aura flared around Luca, Valence and Riley,

Then it went all black…

(Valence's P.O.V)

I saw a white room with eerie ambience, something was wrong here… I then saw Luca and Riley laying down, they got up looking at their surroundings

"What is this place…?" Riley said opening her eyes "Guys look, the shadow!" Luca said, I gasped "It has a distinct shape!" I said "Wait, is that…" Riley then paused

"Maybe I might be either right or wrong but I think that maybe could be Darkrai…" Luca said worriedly "It does have a distinct shape of it, maybe you're right?…" Riley said,

I then saw distorted images of Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele and Tapu Bulu… I then woke up, was it a dream? I was still in the room with everyone who looked like they passed out.

Everyone then woke up worried but then felt relaxed straight after, suspicious… "I'm Giorgio, member of Team Agh, what was it…" Giorgio said "I've never heard of Team Agh, what was it…" Dellie said "Wait a minute, I recognize that humor, Dellie?!" Giorgio said, Dellie nodded and hugged him

"Ah now I remember, I am the attacker of Team Arman!" Giorgio said, everyone chuckled at his forgetfulness and went to an opening to the exit, earlier Barrie picked up the cards so she handed the cards to Luca when we exited.

We then discovered that it was the slumbering spot of misfits, outcasts and Darkrai itself, it's weird that I keep having distorted dreams but I'll ignore them for now

As the journey continues!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts