
A Birthday and a Minior's Secret Revealed

(Dellie's POV)

I woke up and checked the date, it was September 30! "What's so special about September 30?" You might ask, well, September 30 is my partner's birthday! I nudged Luca gently trying to wake him up but then I forgot, he's a heavy sleeper, so that feels like nothing to him.

I then called Jonathan and asked him to make Berry Salad for the two of us. He said it would be ready In a moment so I decided to go back and wake up the sleeping Lucario.

"Hey, wake up, do you remember what day It is?" I said nudging Luca, he then woke up "Well, what day is it then?" Luca said sleepily "It's your birthday Idiot" I said to my slow-witted sleepy lover, Luca then turned to me

"Can you find another nickname for me? Idiot is too overused with me" Luca said chuckling "I'm never finding another nickname for you" I said smiling "Fine, you win, only because you look cute..." Luca said accepting defeat

"At least you're an attractive brainless man" I said stroking Luca's Aura Sensors, he likes it when I stroke his sensors, then Jonathan came with the Berry Salad and placed it on the nightstand.

"Thanks" I said, then Luca cuddled me "You're quite warm" He said "Hahaha, If you keep hugging me you might fall asleep because of the warmth!" I said chuckling as I embraced him.

"Pff, now I'm even younger" I said "You're like the baby of the team, tall yet the youngest" Luca said chuckling, In reality, Luca and I weren't the same age, I mean, we were, but I hatched months later. My sign is Skiddo (Aries), so I was born on April 7.

Luca ate his Berry Salad and left the bowl on the nightstand so he can take it to the dirty dishes later. I finished my Berry Salad and placed it on my nightstand, after a while Luca got out of bed and took the dirty dishes. I went to the living room to just, relax.

(Luca's POV)

A few hours passed and I was celebrating my birthday with my friends, when I got a message from someone. I excused myself for a moment and went to my room to answer the message, It was from none other than my dad, who is at Serene Village with Joan!

< Exit contact Pops <3 Info Call Video Call

Thursday, September 30, 1:38 pm

Pops <3: Happy birthday Luca, I can't believe you turned 18 today! If only Lydia were here to see the man you have become

Bring this Birthday Cat Clothes: Thanks dad, I appreciate it :)

Pops <3: So how's Alola?

Bring this Birthday Cat Clothes: It was nice at first but now it's like the events of 2 years ago all over again

Pops <3: Oh... are the others okay at least?

Bring this Birthday Cat Clothes: They're fine, I am not keeping an eye on them at the moment so they're fine for now

Pops <3: I must go now, we might talk later or something

Bring this Birthday Cat Clothes: Ok bye

~ Conversation Ended ~

*intro plays*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

I could feel every day I'm a little bit stronger

I only wish each day was longer


We're having fun in the sun

(The Alolan sun!)

Week after week it feels like we're on vacation


Now the journey's begun

Friends 'till the end

Number one's our destination

Under the Alolan sun


- Episode Name: A Birthday and a Minior's Secret Revealed -

*intro ends*

We decided to go to Marigold Forest, a place full of Marigolds. We were walking along the Marigold Path when Bam!

A hole opened and swallowed Dellie, Jonathan, Val, Leif and I while the others were looking at us, shocked. We had a hard fall into the hole

and there was metal, withered Marigolds, shelves full of canned food, mattresses that smelt like rotten onions and a weird atmosphere.

We went in deeper, finding bioluminescent plants and flowers, a long river, and very exotic flowers like the Oceanheart.

Oceanhearts are exclusive to the Water Continent, I once found a field of Oceanhearts near Serene Village and ever since then I was interested in exotic flowers.

We then found a Celesteela, slumbering deep in the hall of bioluminescent plants and flowers, with the biggest lake I've ever seen in a final room of a hall.

We went over to the Celesteela and oh boy did we have a shock when we found out who it was...

(Celesteela's POV)

I saw people walking up to me, they looked familiar somehow "Who is here" I said in a robotic-feminine voice, everyone stared "Who are you?" A Delphox asked "No, who are you?" I asked, she then paused until she responded

"I'm Delia, or Dellie Deluna, an Explorer from Serene Village" Dellie said, I then remembered "Well, I'm Aura, what are you and your friends doing here?" I said "Wait, are you Aura, the Minior we saw?" a Flareon said, I was stunned that it was Jonathan!

And how did he know who I was? "Aura?! You're the same Black Minior?" A Mew said, this was Luca! "How are you a Celesteela if you were a Minior?" an Espeon said, It was Val! "Facinating..." a Leafeon said, it was Leif!

"So, what has happened?" I said "People have been turning to stone lately, I think Akala is the next one to be turned to stone" Dellie said "Do you know someone who could help us take down whatever is turning everyone to stone?" Jonathan asked

"I knew an old friend, I might tell you her location" I said "What is the location?" Luca said "It is an old mansion in the highest hill near Hau'oli, I'll give you the address" I said

I then gave them the address and helped them out of this place "Thanks Aura" Val said "Anytime, bud" I said returning to my room, It was back to my slumber after that.

(Hydro's POV)

We decided to row a boat over to the address, which took around a few hours. When we arrived at the Hau'oli port, It was the same condition as Poni Island.

We went to the highest hill and set up tents since it got very dark and we were tired from all that rowing. Jonathan made a simple dinner for us and we retreated to our tents.

Mist and I were stargazing at around 12:34 am because we weren't all that sleepy, I got into a loaf position on Mist's lap and she blushed "Ah, you're very warm" Mist said

I then smiled and got myself into a comfier position which would surely drive Mist crazy. "You're getting even warmer, ah" Mist said blushing more, "mngh, I guess this Vaporeon is about to be Fried Vaporeon" Mist said, I must've shifted from warm to hot!

"I think I know what else is warm" I said, I then kissed Mist as she was about to say something, and I was right, her lips were warm. We may have started making out under the stars, but at least it was with Mist

After a moment Mist and I got into our sleeping bags and cuddled ourselves to sleep after feeling the warmth of our love. I don't know where I would be if I hadn't met her.

- ThE nExT dAy... -

"So, are you guys ready to enter the mansion?" Jonathan asked after breakfast, Mew made sandwiches in case we got hungry so we each got a sandwich and a bottle of water.

We nodded and opened the door to see what awaited us, honestly, this didn't look very creepy. I'm not very freaked out by anything in that mansion

there were pictures of a family, each member with Blond hair and Green eyes, and at the bottom of one picture it said

'The Aether Family'

We shrugged it off and kept walking, who the heck were the Aether family? Then in the next photo, there was the same blond girl, all grown up, standing next to a man.

The man was holding a newborn child while the little boy, with Raven colored hair and Green eyes, held his mother's hand. The picture this time said

'The Aether-Ketchum Family'

Now I was questioning who the Ketchums even were! At the end of the hallway, there was a photo covered in cobwebs, we dusted off the webs and dust to find a plate under it that said

'Prof M. Aether'

This was getting even weirder, just who are the Aethers and why do they appear everywhere in this mansion! We waltzed into a library to find a book in an unusual place of the shelf, I pressed the book by accident and surprise, surprise.

The shelf happened to be a secret door that led to a study! We entered the study and saw a small door, Dellie put a spell on the door making it appear larger.

We entered the door to find blueprints, journal entries and a small picture of a baby with Blond hair and Green eyes, the bottom of the picture said

'My daughter, Princess Lillie'

We then saw a robot-like figure, was this the person Aura was telling us about? They didn't seem to open their eyes, until Luca accidentally pressed the middle of the figure, causing it to glow from the center.

Then it opened it's eyes, it was looking around in curiosity, wondering who we were. "Who's here, if you knoww my name then it is 5 letters long, starts with a V and ends with an N" The Magearna said, everyone paused "Okay my name is Veran" Veran said

"Wait a minute..." Luca said

To be continued...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts