
The final strike

(Jonathan's POV)

"Wha?…" Luca said, he turned someone to stone? I never knew he could do this "I think Blissey didn't mention that ability…" Dellie said in a worried tone

"Everyone, stand back in case it goes haywire!" Barrie said, then I saw a Sylveon walk up to us. It was none other than Sara?!

Luca had turned her to stone earlier but she must've been strong enough to break through it...

"So, I didn't get to fight thanks to Idiot here, so Jonathan, how about you take me on, or who will be willing to help Jonathan in case he loses?" Sara said, I hate how she underestimated me like that!

"Well, I will be willing to help, even if it costs my life!" Mew said, Friday then changed the look on her face

"Count me in!" Friday said

"We'll be able to defeat Sara as a team!" Lazuli said

"My siblings and I will feel your wrath then throw it back!" Pearl said, Hydro and Leif nodded at what she said

"We can do it together, I just know it!" Nina said

"Even if we end up becoming stone statues our last words would be that you should rot in hell!" Riley and Rin said

"If Dark Matter remains in your Sylveon body then I'll have to remove it by force!" Dellie said

"People take me as lazy but I'm plenty strong, you'll just see Sara!" Aaron said

"War is a complicated thing to explain but, I'm gonna show you what easy to explain war feels like!" Barrie said

"With determination and hard work, we can do it!" Val said

"So, It's time to start the battle, or should I say your Misery?" Sara said "Maybe the one who will suffer is you!" I said "Who knows, but I will win, I'm quite powerful" Sara said

"You shouldn't mess with me either..." I said with my left eye turning red. It was time for the showdown to commence...

*Intro starts*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

I could feel every day I'm a little bit stronger,

I only wish each day was longer,


We're having fun in the sun

(The Alolan sun!)

Week after week it feels like we're on vacation,


Now the journey's begun,

Friends till the end

number one's our destination,

Under the Alolan Sun


- Episode Name: The final strike! -

*intro ends*

Just hearing Sara's negative words made me remember my past. I felt like how Mew felt before he rose up and turned Yveltal to stone, little by little my confidence was shattering right in front of my very eyes, I felt so useless...

"You're a freak"

"Eh, this Flareon is garbage"

"You could be shaming your whole family!"

"Don't think you're smarter than us, you're a moron!"

"You and Friday are the weakest of the runt!"

"Ugh, you have a sickness?"

"Hahaha! A dork and a nerd, what a legendary combo!"

"So you have a book? How about I rip it?"

"What a weird kid, can't you be normal?"

"What a weird fur style"

"Go back to the garbage can, where you belong"


"You smell bad, like rancid lemons"

"Just give up on your dreams and go home"

Then suddenly, I felt this weird feeling, a fire in my heart, that fire, was the last of my confidence. It was burning, ever so hot, I felt like I could dominate Sara and her troop of misfits, I felt like the most powerful Eeveelution on earth!

I started remembering every single remark from the people I knew and loved, I felt so great, I was regaining my strength.

"You're a good kid"

- Mr. Lumineon

"Don't let them put you down they know nothing"

- Lazuli

"You're my favorite brother Jonathan"

- Friday

" Don't listen to them, I can tell you will go far so don't give up"

- Black (An Umbreon)

"Thank you, mister you're the best"

- Buneary

"You're my idol"

- Spice

"You're the best uncle!"

- Sugar

"I'm quite lucky to have you by my side"

- Pearl

Everyone started to fight Sara while I was remembering all of the Compliments and Insults, I heard so many cries of pain from everyone,

the one that pained me the most to hear was Pearl's cry, she was Injured quite badly by one of Sara's attacks

I then went over to Pearl to see if she was okay, she had scratch marks all over her body, I tried to remember a healing mixture but It would take a while, so I let Pearl rest somewhere.

I walked up to Sara after she defeated everyone with my body getting enveloped in black fire, my left eye red, my right eye became light blue, and the skin on my face retracted to reavel shard fangs. Then my Z-Crystal started to glow.

"The Alolan sun rises upon us, blazing as ever" I said in a voice of a roaring monster

"Ah, a Z Move won't help here, will it?" Sara said

"Sun of Alola, lend me your almighty power!" I said in a voice of a roaring monster

"You think that will work?" Sara said

"It's time for Sunburst Blitz!" I said charging up my power, Sara then got flung to a wall and just as I was about to lay the final attack...


That was Mew's voice! "Why? Didn't you see what Sara was doing?" I said "Sara deserves a second chance" Mew said, everyone gasped, then Sara broke down in tears

"I was possessed! I didn't mean anything I said, and I'm so sorry!" Sara said crying, then Mew smiled "It's okay, just to try and get rid of your guilt, may I do something real quick?" Mew said

"y-yes..." Sara said feeling ashamed, Mew then gave a light to Sara, causing her to faint then fly up into the endless sky...

We then exited the Ruins of Almeria, crossing the bridge of Marigolds, smiling and laughing that Yveltal, Darkrai and the Tapus were defeated.

We were quite happy, then the eggs started to move. "Are the eggs about to hatch?" Pearl asked "I think they are..." I said, then the eggs hatched, revealing two Eevees

"Mommy, Daddy?" One of the Eevees said "Yes, I'm your Mommy, the Flareon next to me is Daddy" Pearl said

"How about we name the Eevee on the left 'Fuzz' and the other Eevee 'Fluff'?" I said "Okay" Pearl said, now, our twins were named Fuzz and Fluff

(Luca's POV)

When it was nighttime, I checked my Rotom Phone to see what day it was 'September 29, 11:55 pm' tomorrow was September 30, and September 30 happens to be my 18th birthday

I then smiled lightly and set an alarm. After that I turned off my phone and got some rest, I think tomorrow I might just spend time with my friends

After all I'm quite humble, I wouldn't ask for a big celebration. As long as my friends would like to celebrate with me

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter. This chapter is my favorite because Jonathan never lets people tell him what he can and can't do and just reading the insults made me cry. because what Jonathan went through was a lot. Lossing his parents, growing up in the wild, always being treated like an outcast is a tough life

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts