
Veran, a true friend

(Veran's POV)

"Wait a minute..." Luca said "What?" I asked "I know you somehow" Luca said "I feel like I've seen you many years ago, as another person, a different time, a diverse location" I said "Do you remember at least?" Luca asked

"The last thing I saw before I became a Magearna was a hill, a shadow, a Carracosta, a Riolu and a huge tree..." I said "I think this is inaccurate but, were you my... mom?" Luca said

"I don't know if this is accurate either but, were you the Riolu?" I said, then Luca closed his eyes for a brief moment, sensing my Aura "This Aura, Is identified, it is identified as someone named Lydia" Luca said, was I his mother in my past life?

"So, you know who I really am now?" I said with watery eyes, Luca then nodded, and without hesitating, Luca ran up to me and hugged me with tears in his eyes "I can't believe it's really you, I thought I would never see you again" Luca said crying

"I know, I never knew you would end up here" I said, also crying. After we pulled apart from the hug, I put on a fierce look, recomposing myself "Well, well, let's get down to business! What's the crisis though?" I asked

"There is a mass amount of people turning to stone, Melemele is almost fully conquered" A Delphox said "And by the way, can the rest of you uh, introduce yourselves?" I said, everyone nodded

"I'm Delia, or Dellie since that's my nickname" the Delphox, or Delia said

"I'm Hydro" a Vaporeon said

"I'm Leif" a Leafeon said

"My name is Pearl" an Espeon said

"The name's Rin" a Glaceon said

"I'm Valence, you may call me anything" another Espeon said

"Alright, Anything" I said jokingly, Val didn't expect that

"I'm known as Mist" a Tapu Fini said

"I'm Riley" an Alolan Raichu said

"I'm Lazuli!" another Glaceon said

"I'm Barrie Jane, or Barrie for short" a Blaziken said

"Greetings, I'm Katharina, or Nina as called by my friends" an Alolan Ninetales said

"I'm Sugar, that's Spice!" a White Eevee said pointing to a regular Eevee

"I'm Fuzz, and this is Fluff!" an Eevee said pointing to the Eevee next to him

"I'm Friday!" an Flareon said

"and I'm Jonathan and friday is my sis* The other Flareon said

*intro plays*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

I could feel every day i'm a little bit stronger

I only wish each day was longer


We're having fun in the sun

(The Alolan Sun)

Week after week it feels like we're on vacation


Now the journey's begun

Friends 'til the end

Number one's our destination

Under the Alolan sun


- Episode Name: Veran, a true friend! -

*intro ends*

"So Veran, do you know how we can stop this?" Leif asked "Well, I think I remember a way, but you should let me tag along so I could show you" I said smiling

I then pulled out some flowers from my claw and placed them in a pot, then gave it to Leif "How do you know I like plants?" Leif asked "I just felt like handing you these flowers, take care of them" I said, Leif then nodded and put away the flowers. We then exited the mansion and returned to exploring the area

- That Night... -

I opened my diary I made as a Magearna years ago and made my newest entry like I do every night.

~ * ~

October 1

Today I met this group of friends, and I discovered that one of them was my son, all grown up! The moment felt bittersweet but shortly after we started discussing the crisis going on at the moment, I offered to help them and they accepted.

Enough about today's activities, now I will speak about my inner emotions. There's just something about Aenon that attracts me, a lot. If you are wondering who Aenon is, he is a Volcanion, whom I fell in love with after he saved my life.

I was getting mobbed by Gengar when one of them grabbed me and was about to get thrown off of the canyon when I heard a voice "Don't do it!" A Volcanion said, he took out the Gengars and carried me away. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he looked at me

"The name is Aenon, what's yours Princess?" Aenon said "I-I'm Veran, nice to meet you Aenon" I said blushing, honestly, him calling me 'Princess' was enough for me to be at melting point. "Veran, what a nice name for someone like you" Aenon said, I felt even more hot in the face

"Aenon is a fitting name for you, since one of it's meanings is Fountain, and you're part Water type" I said "Quite the smart one I see, It was nice to meet you Veran" Aenon said "Ravie de te recontrer aussi" I said "You also speak French?" Aenon asked "Oui!" I said happily

"Nos avons quelque chose en commun alors" Aenon said "Well, until we meet again" I said, Aenon left while I was back to picking berries, this happened around a few months ago and ever since I had a huge crush on Aenon for saving my life and complimenting me.

I've never worked up the courage to tell him, I've told Isla, Lusamine's Clefable, about my crush and she just laughed when I said I couldn't admit! "Well, you shouldn't be such a chicken about it!" Isla said "But, we barely met, I don't think he would really care about my declaration of my love to him" I said

Isla told me to work up my courage to tell him so I gathered my courage and tried to tell him, but ended up talking about pie with him, I am an idiot. I felt like I was a huge chicken and I always told myself that Aenon just complimented me because he wanted me to feel well.

It's getting late so I'll write tomorrow night, bye!

~ * ~

I woke up to the nice smell of Pancakes, I exited my tent to see Jonathan cooking! We ate breakfast and then discussed to where we were going next "How about we explore the higher floor of the mansion?" Friday said

everyone nodded and went into the mansion to explore the top floor, then, in Miss Lusamine's room, we saw Isla. "Isla? What's wrong?" I asked, she then clutched a picture of Nihilego

"I HATE what Nihilego did to my Mistress and my best friend" Isla said angrily, I can never forget the day when Lady Lillie and Sir Ash were taken out by Nihilego along with their children and Miss Lusamine.

It made poor Isla become isolated of grief and never speak with me again, then, her Aura flared to life. She was now Totem Isla Clefable.

Totem Clefable appeared!

Isla used Metronome

Isla used Blizzard (Was from the Metronome)

Veran used Psybeam

Jonathan used Ember

It's somewhat effective...

Isla used Calm Mind

Her Sp. Atk and Sp. Def rose!

Hydro used Water Gun

It's neutral on Isla...

Isla used Grass Knot

Veran used Gyro Ball

It's super effective!

Mew used Poison Jab

It's super effective!

Isla used Thunderbolt

It's super effective on Mist!

Mist used Nature's Madness

It's not very effective...

Leif used Magical Leaf

It's neutral on Isla...

Isla used Shadow Ball

It's super effective on Riley!

Pearl used Extrasensory

It's somewhat effective on Isla...

Dellie used Blast Burn

It's neutral on Isla...

Barrie used Low Kick

It's neutral on Isla...

Nina used Ice Beam

It's neutral on Isla...

Isla used Wake-Up Slap

It's quite effective on Veran

Veran used Steel Roller

It's super effective!

Totem Clefable fainted

Isla: *pant, pant* Miss Lillie, Sir Ash, I hate how you were close to that monster, Fairium Z, Fairium Z, take it...

Jonathan received the Fairium Z and placed it in the Z Crystal Pocket

"Well, let's leave" I said

- Meanwhile, somewhere -

Aenon: I remember this woman I once met, but I don't remember her name, she was very beautiful and kind. Her name meant True Friend and Faithful, what was it...

Aenon: Oh, that's right. Her name is Veran

To be continued...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts