
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
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80 Chs


The people had taken over a few cities and they had raided all of the weapons in the police station. The army were struggling to regain control in the country due to them trying not to hurt the people. But the dictator, doesn't really cared about the people and told the army to shoot the people, kill them and don't gave them any mercy. Even mother and children for the dictator might caused problem so they should be shot to death too. The air force were being forced to drop bombs in the country. The dictator made sure that all public service wouldn't exist in the cities that wasn't in his control. The army was waiting for the reinforcement while the people were making demands that the dictator must be brought down. The dictator doesn't want to resign from his position since he just wanted the money and power. The dictator refused those demands made by the rebels and made sure that none of the rebels would be alive in the net 24 hours. The dictator used a tactics that would be a crime towards humanity.

The dictator poisoned the drinking water supply in the city in addition to the sewage water that they had been using. The dictator also told some of the army to sneak into the city then raid the supermarket to be brought every supply back to the controlled territory by the dictator. The dictator would then made sure the rebels doesn't had any food, water or electricity so that the rebels would gave up on their campaign and turn themselves in.

The dictator then told the army to surround the whole city and made sure none of the people in the city could escape from the city. Any one of the people tried escaping the city would be shot or tortured to death. The dictator also would prepare a surprise to the rebel in accordance to his birthday. The dictator would gave them foods that was disguised of a bomb. Once the rebels opened the supply, they would be dead.

The rebels directly accused the dictator of trying to murder his own people while he said that he doesn't gave any care of the rebels. If they tried to rebel against the dictator, he would fight back twice the pain and suffering. The dictator was happy to murder a few children as he hated them. He would be kicking children a few times and made sure they would be dead due to starvation.