
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
80 Chs


The dictator was really happy with the progress of expanding the land when suddenly, in the country, a few people directly starts to again, reignite the civil war for the third time in the span of two years. The people had had enough of the dictatorship in the country. The people just wanted freedom and democracy which they knew that the dictator wouldn't wanted to let go. The dictator would even sacrifice human rights for his own little fantasies. The people would used the old tactics that doesn't worked before and add their own little twist. They made sure to first raid the military so that they would be well equipped with weapons. Then they would be building their fortress in their area while at the same time taking some of the army as a hostage.

The dictator had just been informed that the people was having an uprising in the country. The dictator directly ordered the army to prepare to defend the land. The difference between the previous uprising and the current uprising was that the current one the people had been secretly preparing this war for years while licking the dictator feet. Now, its time for the rebels payback. They would sacrifice their time with their family by sending them away from the country in order to avoid any hostage situation with the dictator. The people would just wanted one thing which would bring down the dictator from his position and instill a new government in the country.

The dictator plan to defend the land was failing as the rebels ran over the army defense with trucks while the people shooting down the guard. The people ambition shocked the dictator as the army was losing control in the country. The dictator knew that having 2 war at the same time would be detrimental for his position in the country. So with not many people left in the army, the dictator forced them to bombs the people that they were trying to protect. Some of the person in the army trying to opposed those order were directly shot to death by the dictator and he said that if the army doesn't gained control of the country within 24 hours, their lives would be ruined.