
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
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80 Chs


The dictator ordered the army to freely fire their guns towards the people. For the dictator, more dead people meant less people to fed. Less people to fed meant the dictator would need to spend less money for food. The dictator then thought of instead of risking the army to enter the invaded city, why not just drop bombs on the whole city, wiped out all those pesky business and houses, and rebuilt new ones. It would be much more cost effective for the dictator. The dictator made sure the army to guard the surrounding city to made sure no one escaped the city. Then, the dictator ordered some of his air force to drop bombs deep into the city and kill all those rebels. The air force were a bit hesitant of the dictator order, but they doesn't had any choice since their family lives would be getting worse if they refused the dictator order.

The air force drop around 3 bombs per minute in the city, while the rebels were trying to escaped the hell the dictator had created. The children were being burned alive while the mother watches the children helplessly. Some of the people in the city dragged the other survivor to hide in the underground so that they could be safe from the dictator air campaign. The fighters from the rebels were trying to took down the planes dropping bombs with a little bit of hope that one of the planes would be brought down. However, as per usual, nothing the rebels had done could be of any uses.

In the end, the whole city were obliterated. There were no signs of life in the city. The people that had survived this evil campaign the dictator had done, were lifeless in the eyes. No one of the person in the country was wishing themselves to just be dead while holding on their families body parts. From eyeball to fingers, body parts were scattered around the city, while cockroaches and rats were eating those body parts. The army entering the country, would fire their guns towards those lifeless rebels in the city without any fightbacks. The dictator had shown the people that if anyone tried to oppose him, he would fought them with full force.