
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 46

The two jumped into the sea with a bang and rescued Solon and his only remaining knife and Michi on board.

Seeing Solon fall into a coma, not knowing if he was dead or alive, Luffy finally couldn't bear it.

Not making a move before is respecting Solon's battle, his ambition.

Strike now because he doesn't allow anyone to hurt his partner!

But before Luffy could make a move, Lin Bei stopped him.

As a co-captain, he certainly can't watch the crew being hacked and indifferent.

"Luffy, we're a gang, remember.

Don't count us in this kind of thing.

Luffy was stunned, then nodded

fiercely, "Usopp, go back to the ship, set up a cannon!"

Usopp heard Luffy's order, and knew in his heart that this was to strike at the world's top powerhouse, and the two battles were still moving.

Lin Bei pulled out a small wooden stick and held Luffy in one hand, and flew towards Hawkeye with Luffy.

Hawkeye looked at the two young people who bounced over, did not have the slightest idea of wanting to shoot, and even admired the two young people.

It can also be regarded as Aiya and U, he is very optimistic about Solon.

And these accomplices of Solon, who neither disturbed their battles, but also attacked him after knowing his strength, what better accomplice?

"It seems that Solon has a few good companions."

"Shut up, make Lao Tzu humble!"

Hawkeye was stunned, what clip this is!

The point is that this is still a man's voice!

In the next second, a purple light shot into his body.

Hawkeye suddenly felt bad, he was getting smaller!

Is it a superhuman Devil Fruit ability, or the kind of unsolvable level, he can't even use his strength to resist.

He could only let the purple light turn himself into a cute little cute thing, and his original hat was buttoned on his current head, which turned out to be just right.

It can be seen that this thing he has become, his head is also quite big.

Then, without waiting for him to see what he had become, two people flew over before meeting, and the sandbag-sized fist continued to enlarge in his eyes.

If it was before, he could easily dodge, and even turn around and spank the attacker by the way.

But now, he just feels like he wants to turn around, and it's hard.

Because he is now in a state of landing on all fours, the forms of people and animals are different, and they cannot be adapted to it in a moment.


In the sky, a red panda with a hat flew out and cut a very graceful arc.

Fortunately, there are shipwrecks of the Creek Pirates who did not fully sink to the bottom of the sea behind, whether Hawkeye is the top powerhouse or adapted to his body in the shortest time.

At the same time, thanks to the red panda's ability to stand on two feet, this allowed him to land firmly on the wreckage of the ship.

It's just that the way he is a red panda standing on two feet and holding his paws high is too cute~

directly turned Lin Bei's heart, making Lin Bei suspect that this superpower designation has some side effects, which is to make the deformed person have a special seductive ability.

Otherwise, how could Lin Bei not bear to attack this red panda with a hat?

For a while, all the people watching the battle exclaimed

, "So cute~

" Red Panda Mihawk was

angry, "

Cute you big-headed ghosts!"

What I wanted to say was these words, but the voice I made was not a human word, but a very cute cry, and the milk was fierce.

The people watching the battle were one after another:


Mihawk was angry, he wanted to take back his appreciation of these two young people, which was too shameful!

Even more shameful than letting the Creek Pirates see him rowing with a black knife!

He wanted to hack Lin Bei and Luffy to death now, but found that because he was beaten flying, and he was so small, he couldn't take his black knife with him.

Now his black knife and his clothes were left in his coffin boat.

All that remained of him were the hat on his head and the necklace of the cross hanging from his neck.

Thinking of this, Mihawk had to take off his cross necklace, which was a small knife that had been used to tease Solon before.

Now it is his only weapon.

And this scene is even more cute in the eyes of the observers.

"Oh~ that red panda has a cute knife in his hand~"

Mihawk's sight and smell are so strong, of course, hearing these words, the first knife of anger did not slash at Lin Bei and Luffy, but at the low-mouthed watching cook.

No one could have imagined that it was such a cute-looking little thing, with a thumb-long knife, it actually cut a chopping wave of more than ten meters!

Not only did Lin Bei look stupid, but those cooks were also confused.

"He will still be so strong after he becomes a cutie!"


Smoke and dust rise.

And according to the law of smoke without harm, sure enough, the cooks are fine.

Mihawk's knife allowed Jepp to block it.

Old Jep's wooden leg was stained black, but there were still marks of cuts.

Old Zhepu was sweating profusely, and he had not used force for many years, and this time was already the limit.

Luffy was surprised and said

, "What, this uncle turned out to be domineering."

"It is said that he has returned from the Great Voyage, and it is normal that he will be domineering.

And the trouble now is not Uncle Zhepu…" Lin

Bei's face was gloomy

, and he thought that after turning Hawkeye into a sword, he couldn't use a knife, and his combat effectiveness could be reduced to a minimum.

Who would have thought that the necklace around his neck did not slide to the ground with it, and the hat, the quality would be too good!

It's from the same factory as Luffy's straw hat, right?

How can I do it now, turning into a little cute Mihawk of the red panda can still split such a terrible chopper, which shows that his strength has not weakened much.

He and Luffy are absolutely invincible, and now the only hope is on Usopp, hoping that Bucket's gunpowder-making overlay bombing will defeat Hawkeye.

Lin Bei raised his hand and gave a thumbs up, which meant that Usopp was running towards the target.

These were some gestures that had been agreed upon before, and Lin Bei forced all the crew on the ship to learn them.

He doesn't need Usopp to go on adventures with him or something, Usopp's biggest role is to turn over the desperate situation and cover the fire!

As long as he found that there was a crew member in need of fire support in battle, he could provide maximum help by firing artillery on the ship.

However, Usopp actually blew the whistle.

This is also a small code word formulated by Lin Bei, and the code word of the whistle is still relatively single, and I have no way to help if I blow it for a long time.

And this is what Usopp blows at this time!

Lin Bei was directly blindfolded, turned his head to look over, and with the blessing of white eyes, he easily saw that Usopp's face was also the same confused.

It seems to say:

I make it! My ship!

Lin Bei was clever, he just wanted to complete the task of defeating Hawkeye, the difficulty of this task was too high to occupy all his brain capacity.

Directly forgot that at this time, Nami would steal their boat and run away!

This little lady of the yard!

Isn't this a pit daddy!

When she catches up, she must spank her and call her dad!