
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 47

Without Usopp's fire support, Lin Bei and Luffy were left to fight against Red Panda Mihawk.

After adapting to the body of this red panda, Mihawk carried the cute knife and hammered Lin Bei and Luffy to the ground!

That is, for the sake of Solon's face, he did not directly kill the two people.

In the end, Mihawk used the knife to frame Lin Bei's neck, making a fierce and fierce sound, which means:

Relieve Lao Tzu of his ability!

Although Lin Bei couldn't understand it, he could still understand the meaning, and in order not to be beaten again, he decisively withdrew his ability.

He is now the famous emoji of life and death, and the last second it was a monkey carrying a mallet smashing towards the lion.

In the next second, there was a head left in the mouth of a lion, and he sighed that the monkey died and the meat was really chai.

Mihawk, who had transformed back into a human body, breathed a sigh of relief, got dressed, picked up the black knife, and put it on Lin Bei's neck again.

"Today's events cannot be known to outsiders, if there is a little news outside, I will want your head to fall to the ground!"

"Don't worry, I definitely won't say it!

But there are so many people at the scene, if they say it…"

Lin Bei: ...

What a heavenly reincarnation, what he did to Johnny and Joseph before, this time retribution is on him.

"Mr. Mihawk knows right from wrong!"

Hawkeye snorted and jumped onto his boat.

The coffin ship slowly floated into the distance.

Lin Bei breathed a sigh of relief, sure enough, he would die if he tried, he was still too radical, and he would have to be more stable in the future.

This time, Hawkeye didn't kill them in Solon's face, but the next time he encountered, it might not be.

Next time, if he is not completely sure, he will definitely not strike again!

Although you can get rich rewards for completing tasks, it is really more important than small lives.

Anyway, he has been exercising and it is not that he cannot become stronger, it is nothing more than slower.

In addition, Lin Beiyin laughed

yinly: "Nami, this little lady skin actually drove Lao Tzu's boat away at a critical moment, this loser girl, don't let Lao Tzu catch up with you, catch up with you and let you two years and three babies, and your body is out of shape and fat to kill you!"

Luffy stood up with a big bag on his head

, "Lin Bei, what are you muttering?"

This person is also so powerful, he can hurt me like my grandfather.

Lin Bei said

unpleasantly, "Nami stole our boat."


"So quickly integrate the resources, take down Yamaji, and let's go after Nami."

After catching up, hum!

After Lin Bei finished speaking, Luffy couldn't care about his big bag, and quickly said goodbye to Zhepu, unable to continue working.

He is going to chase his ship and crew, and by the way, he wants to take Sanji away.

Although Sanji knew a few days ago that the old man Jepp planned to throw him out, he didn't want to go out at all.

You must know that this pirate group has two people he hates, one is the green algae head, and he is annoyed when he sees it.

There is also Lin Bei, who killed Akin with one shot, although the cruel reality behind confirmed that Lin Bei was right.

But he was still very upset with him!

Therefore, dead or alive do not want to go.

As a result, he was kicked by the old man Zhepu:

"Laozi is the head chef of this restaurant, you have been fired!"

"Jepp, you'll regret it!"

When Lin Bei looked at this paragraph, he had a strong sense of déjà vu.

Jepp, the old man's full name won't be called Ape Fei Zhepu, right?

In short, Sanji was unwilling and forced to board Luffy's thief ship.

It's just that because the Golden Melly was taken away by Nami, a few people could only squeeze into a small boat to advance.

Johnny and Joseph originally wanted to follow their two eldest brothers, Solon and Lin Bei, as pirates.

However, after experiencing the scene of the red panda using a fruit knife to turn over the whole scene, they deeply realized that the pirate line was not something they could mix.

Even decided not to continue to be a pirate hunter, because there was no other removal for the time being, so he simply stayed in the sea restaurant as a waiter.

It just so happens that this restaurant also lacks waiters, and although Johnny and Joseph are afraid of the sea pirates, they are not afraid of the small scene of the sea restaurant fighting with the pirates every day.

It's also a good place to go.

The small sailboat of the Straw Hat Regiment set sail, and the small few people in this boat could only stand, and they could not stretch their legs when they sat down.

Because it is so crowded, it is inevitable that friction will occur.

Especially Yamaji and Solon, these two are like two flints, as long as they rub, they will directly catch fire.

Lin Bei also admired Solon quite a lot, who was obviously killed by Hawkeye.

It's just that after getting up from sleep, he can spray with Yamaji, and Yako is still very spirited.

There was a lot of noise on this ship, and Lin Bei's brain hurt.

But Luffy, the captain, didn't care at all, and was still laughing on the sidelines, and Usopp didn't dare to care about the affairs between these two gods.

Helplessly, in order not to let his braincase continue to hurt, Lin Bei turned Lao Tzu into a shame by himself.

Solon turns into a flat-headed brother with green hair, and Sanji becomes a duck with hooped eyebrows.

Don't say, with such a change, the boat suddenly became spacious.

The ears are also a lot clearer.

Lin Bei can continue to lock on the Golden Melly in the distance with his white eyes, and then sail to follow.

There is no way, whoever let none of the people in this ship know how to sail, he can only open a hard heel.

If you let these few Han follow aimlessly, I am afraid that if a few people can take a small boat directly to Rogue Town, they will not find any trace of Nami.

Led by Nami's navigational skills, the village of Cocosia is about a few hours, and when it is close to dark, it is almost there.

When Lin Bei announced this, the Circle Eyebrow Duck and the Green Algae-headed Flat-headed Brother both cried out excitedly.

Lin Bei understood what these two meant, and casually lifted the magic on them.

Sanji, who turned back into a human, was still surprised

: "This is the ability of the Devil Fruit?"

Lin Bei replied ambiguously

: "I won't drown in the sea anyway, moreover, this ability is different every day."

Yamaji smacked his tongue, this boat people are all monsters.

Perhaps, the old man was right, if he wanted to go out and realize his ambitions, this was the best gang.

As he was thinking, Lin Bei suddenly said

, "By the way, I recently discovered something, my ability may be given to you, but it will cost a certain price."

Lin Bei hesitated, but decided to tell the gang members about it.

After all, only the stronger the gang of people around him, the safer he will be. And the setting of this gang of people doomed them to definitely not betray him, so Lin Bei decided to foretell about it.

It's just that after speaking, Lin Bei felt that the noise around him suddenly disappeared.

He turned his head to look, only to find that several people except Luffy were still dumbfounded, and all of them opened their mouths in surprise.