
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 45

If Crick can retain his own power, then when the time comes to turn Hawkeye into a small animal, won't Hawkeye also retain his own power?

Even if Hawkeye can't use a knife, his world-class power can directly kill him.

This is really terrible, and the difficulty of this task has increased again.

Then, if only you could control what animal it turned into, and when the time came, turn Hawkeye into an earthworm and cut it directly vertically!


The little Schnauzer in front of Lin Bei seemed to have discovered that the strength of the man in front of him who turned him into a puppy was so weak, thinking that this was an ordinary person who ate the devil fruit.

Heh, since that's the case, he's not easy to grasp!

Even if he is not very suitable for the current puppy form, he also has great strength and speed, and can directly kill this ordinary person in seconds!

Little Schnauzer shouted towards Lin Beiwang, and with the small speed of the four legs erupting, it was a little like Chloe's silent step.

This guy suddenly had the feeling of eating an animal.

Die, little ghost!!!

"What are you barking at the dog?"

Lin Bei calmly took a step

back and rolled his eyes!

When Crick pounced last, opened his fangs and bit Lin Bei's neck, Lin Bei accurately stuffed the revolver into his throat and shot him.

With a bang, poor little Schnauzer's head exploded and flew out upside down.

"Bells and whistles, I said a little difficult is Hawkeye is difficult, but not you."

It seems that after becoming a cute thing, it can still greatly limit the strength of the other party.

At the very least, not being able to use weapons can greatly weaken a swordsman's abilities.

In addition, the strength is definitely not 100% reserved, at most about forty percent.

Otherwise, he should have been unstoppable by Crick's attack just now.

But even if there is only forty percent of the strength left, Hawkeye estimates that he can easily kill him.

Hey, take it one step at a time, there is this ability, the possibility is also there, he is really unwilling not to try it.

After solving Crick, Lin Bei prepared to return to the interior of the restaurant to see the situation.

But I found that on the surface of the sea, there was a flickering green fire in the thin mist.

Lin Bei immediately stopped, and the two revolvers hanging from his waist were all in his hands.

Through the roll of his eyes, he had already discovered what it was.


He's really coming!

And when he saw each other with his white eyes, Hawkeye also raised his head to look at him, and his eyes met, and Hawkeye's eyes were as sharp as knives, piercing his eyes.

It made Lin Bei's eyes hurt, and he couldn't continue to stare at Hawkeye.

I really can't underestimate the strong man in this world, and the sight of him almost blinded him.

At this moment, Solon and Luffy walked out of the restaurant, and both of them felt the sharpness.

Their sightseeing and hearing are not perfect.

"What is it?" Solon asked, Lin Bei, who was still covering his eyes

, "If you are not mistaken, it should be Hawkeye Mihawk, he is too strong, I almost blinded myself when I looked at him."

Solon's whole body began to tremble when he heard this name, not fear, but excitement and excitement.

It's just that after hearing what Lin Bei said, he frowned

again: "Is it such an exaggeration?"

"He should be more exaggerated and stronger than I say."

Solon gritted his teeth

: "This is my goal to go to sea, the world's number one sword hao."

Hearing this, Luffy and Lin Bei knew that he wanted to challenge, or rather, find death.

But neither of them persuaded, because from the moment they met, Solon had said his own guidelines.

I can join you, but if anyone stops me from becoming the world's number one swordsman, then I will cut him first!"

Just as Yamaji has a rule, everyone in the Pirate Group, including Lin Bei, an outsider, has a rule of life.

This norm cannot be changed by anyone.

Lin Bei rubbed his eyes

: "Go, know how big the gap is with the goal, in order to catch up."

Solon is arrogant

"Who said I would lose, I would win!"

Lin Bei shrugged his shoulders and did not speak.

At this time, because the inside was cleaned, Jepp, Sanji, and Usopp also walked out.

Everyone looked at the boat slowly floating in the distance, and cold sweat broke out on Jepp's forehead.

In fact, it is not joking to say that the current old man Zhepu can dry up the entire Straw Hat Pirates.

The reason why Crick didn't kill all the cooks in the original book was because he was worried about this old man.

But even such a hidden boss broke out in a cold sweat the moment he saw Hawkeye.

"Hawkeye Mihawk…,"

Sanji asked

, puzzled, "Old man, is he strong?"

He is known as the world's number one swordsman, and after receiving this title, swordsmen all over the world are constantly challenging him and trying to take away this title.

After a few years, no one has done it, how strong do you say he is?

Sanji's eyes widened, that is, this is a world-class powerhouse!

But why did such a person come to the East China Sea?


"What is that green algae head going to do, why did he go towards Hawkeye in a small boat?"

He won't want to challenge the world's number one swordsman, this is looking for death!

Luffy was rarely in a daze or funny, but looked at Solon's back very seriously and said

, "For this moment, he has long forgotten his life."

Yamaji frowned: "Neuropathy! To

be honest, Lin Bei also felt the same.

In any case, life is the most important thing, isn't it.

If you don't die, what if you become the strongest?

That's the difference in thinking.

Probably, this is why Solon is the only person in the Straw Hat Group to have an overlord color after that.

Only by gambling your life for your own ambition will you be eligible for the overlord color.

to be qualified to become the world's top powerhouse.

Lin Bei saw Solon and Hawkeye facing each other, and saw Hawkeye humiliating Solon with a small knife, but finally respectfully drew his black knife and cut Solon over in the way of facing a real opponent.

Watching Solon's three knives being cut down only two left, watching Solon being slashed by this knife and falling into the water, but still facing the enemy head-on.

Luffy was dumbfounded.

For the first time, Lin Bei felt that the world was not a fairy tale, but a real one.

Sanji yelled at Solon that if he gave up his ambitions, wouldn't he have to die, idiot.

Usopp stood on two legs, but this scene was deeply imprinted in his mind, perhaps, this is the real warrior on the sea.

And Johnny and Joseph don't have so much emotion, they are very puzzled, these people sigh chicken feathers!

If you don't jump into the sea to save Brother Solon, the eldest brother will soak a white fart in the sea!