
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 36

no wonder Lin Bei exclaimed, it was really a surprise from Usopp.

this guy actually rubbed two revolvers with his hands!

"Did you do this?"

Usopp scratched his head and laughed

"I know that my strength is not very strong, but I still have some research in transformation and production.

I spent the whole week studying the structure of firearms in addition to gun practice.

I made these two guns after your previous reminder.

bullet is specially made by me, using the gunpowder formula you gave, it is very powerful!

I got one for myself, but it was a long gun.

By the way, this is the gun you gave me earlier, and I made a small change for close combat. "

Usopp took out the fake trolls that Lin Bei had given him.

that was made by Lin Bei from Baki's material, it was a very rough flintlock gun, which could only be the same as the mainstream firearms now, one shot to pour gunpowder and add bullets.

But now that Usopp took it out, Lin Bei felt a bit like Graves had a skin called the gangster godfather Li Zheng's gun.

is also a revolver, but because of the caliber, this revolver is also large and scary.

"I did a little bit of modification, now this can be sent in bursts."

Lin Bei gave a thumbs up and rubbed the new gun in his hand, this is a big guy with the greatest hands-on ability.

if Frankie does not appear later, the strongest is Usopp.

the positioning of this guy himself is actually not a combatant, but a talent who researches and invents.

"Promising ah, man, I'll try a new gun."

Lin Bei took out two staggered revolvers from the wooden box, both of which had shockingly long barrels.

a bit like a big python in a gunfight game, I just don't know if this gun has that power.

just right, the boat traveled here, Lin Bei found a protruding reef, very abrupt, but a good target.

Lin Bei rolled his eyes, and after training, he was able to reduce the aiming lock time to 0.5 seconds.

you know, as long as the enemy is locked by the white eye, Lin Bei will be shot, just like opening the lock hanging.

so 0.5 seconds is already a scary number.

every 0.5 seconds, Lin Bei can accurately pop a head.

if he is allowed to practice again, the aiming time will continue to be shortened, that is, as long as there are enough bullets, Lin Bei can do an army alone!


huge sound was like a small cannon, and the terrifying recoil almost shattered Lin Bei's wrist.

If he had not done training before, and now he was holding a gun in both hands, Lin Bei's wrist would have been broken by recoil.

he hadn't fired a pistol for a few days, and Lin Bei almost forgot the dangers of Bucky's special gunpowder.

terrifying power, giving way to the bullet that broke the reef in the distance directly into a corner.

don't think that this seems to be very weak, not to mention the distance, just say, this is just a pistol!

can actually collapse reefs, which is quite powerful.

"I said, this is too powerful, is there any adjustment?"

Usopp was excited that Lin Bei noticed

"That's right, a little of my discovery, if you engrave a rotating slot in the barrel, you can make the bullet spin and increase its power!"

I'll go, this Lin Bei didn't talk to Usopti, I didn't think so much at the time, but I didn't expect that the rifling actually let Usopp, an earthen turtle who had never been out of the village, get out.

Sure enough, the brain of Lord Usopp is the most important!

"Cow! I'm kind of looking forward to that gun you made for myself now! "

Usopp smiled and turned to get the gun he had made.

sure enough, it is a new rifle with a rotary pull-bolt type, which does not require gunpowder from the front end. Moreover, there is a relatively simple mirror on it, which is rubbed by Usopp himself, and the conditions are very limited.

Lin Bei is already a little numb, if this guy goes specifically for further training, maybe he can even get rockets!

Usopp tuned the sniper scope and then knelt down on one knee to mount the gun.

to be honest, it was quite difficult, and he didn't have the lock of the quilt.

Moreover, the ship on the sea, no matter how Usopp is fixed, there will always be bumps, which increases the difficulty of shooting.

but after louder gunshots, the distant reef exploded again.

a top on top, has disappeared.

Lin Bei cheered and high-fived this guy, he was a little excited, maybe the firearm itself can cause a man's adrenaline.

the next two men even deliberately stopped the boat, aimed at the hill-like reef, and kept shooting.

interest came up, and Luffy fired a few shots.

although I went to my grandmother's house, I still jumped around happily like a monkey.

the atmosphere of the whole ship was immediately stirred, and Nami was helped by Lin Bei to hold her wrist to prevent the huge recoil, and also fired several shots.

it can be said that Solon alone in the whole ship firmly believes that the times of adults have not changed, and he is resolute not to touch firearms.

said that it was an insult to the sword in his hand.

everyone didn't care about him, after hi for a while, Lin Bei pulled out the cannon from Bakina, and several people worked together to fire a cannon, completely flattening the devastated reef, and happily continued on the road.

It's too boring at sea, the same scenery can make people feel irritated, and you have to have some fun.

in this way, everyone has the motivation to move forward.

Only, after advancing for a while, someone suddenly jumped up in the stern!

Solon was the first to find it, but rarely did not pull out the knife, but tilted his head a little cutely, as if to confirm the question


The person who came was originally imposing, with the expression of his wife being by the people on the boat, and after seeing Solon, he was directly sluggish.

"So, big brother Solon!"

Luffy came over

curiously "Sauron, this is your brother?"

"No, it's someone I knew when I was a pirate hunter before."

Johnny, what about Joseph? < p idx="67"> when Solon said the three words Joseph, Johnny's dull expression suddenly changed greatly, and it can be said that he was crying.

"Big brother, Joseph, he's going to be dead!"

Solon is a heavy lover, and quickly followed to check.

I saw a rope hooked around the hull at the stern and connected to a small boat.

there is a pale buddy on board who seems to be seriously injured in the abdomen.

Lin Bei also followed and looked over, and he had a feeling.

the brother's leg hair is quite strong.

then followed Solon to pull the brother up.

On deck, Joseph lay pale.

Johnny knelt beside him and cried.

you can see that both brothers are a little ragged, as if they have been shelled.

Solon asked them

"What happened, what difficult pirates did you encounter?"

"No, big brother, a few days ago Joseph suddenly began to feel unwell, losing teeth and bleeding, and the wound in his abdomen could not heal, and he continued to bleed.

I wanted to take him to the doctor, but he couldn't hold on to the bumps in the sea, so we went to a rocky reef to stop the boat to rest.

who knows, as soon as we arrived, we felt like someone was shooting at us.

even if you shoot two shots, it's normal for pirates to take revenge on us, isn't it just to find us, force us to come out, we just come out!

OK, we were just about to come out, the gunfire is more intense!

as if three or four people were shooting at us.

the most egregious thing is that in the end they are not too addicted to playing with guns, and they actually open fire.

I don't know what kind of cannon it is, it is so powerful that it plows out an entire reef mountain!

If I hadn't felt bad and took Joseph on board in advance, we would have died a long time ago!

I began to look for which grandson fired the gun and put the cannon, and I found that there was only one ship in this sea area.

Big Brother Solon, why are you here? "